I agree with swapping out a couple swamps for a couple islands, and maybe elixir of immortality instead of the cane? cost 2 to sac it, but you get it and your graveyard back while gaining 5 life. Then maybe take out control magic for soul ransom coming out in Gatecrash?
Here's what I made; it's pretty similar. Hopefully you can get some ideas?http://mtgvault.com/dharr16/decks/gw-humans-standard/
Primordial Hydra might not be bad?
If you were to get rid of visionary, maybe replace her with ghostform or rancor? Have you looked at anything from Gatecrash yet?
Too much going, maybe narrow it down a bit? And you don't really need Black Poplar Shaman.
yeah kinda stole Xenrut's idea ( http://mtgvault.com/xenrut/decks/original-equipment/ ) and just went my own way with it. thanks for the input though.
She's already like $15, that's why i really don't want her but she's awesome. Well I'm getting the intro packs when the new set comes out so I'll decide once i see if i get anything useful. For the time being, i'm just gonna leave it be until i can actually make it and see how it plays.
True, but as i said was just trying to beef champion of the parish. I might put a couple angels of jubilation in here. I would really like restoraion angel and maybe snapcaster mage in here but theyre rather expensive. Aurelia is awesome though, flying vigilance and haste and when she attacks for the 1st time that turn, you get to untap all your creatures and have another combat phase.Also, I moved that b/w deck.http://mtgvault.com/dharr16/decks/bw-control-2/
Was thinking of maybe going r/w/u just because of Aurelia, the Warleader coming out in the gatecrash set though.
Idk, i was trying to stick with humans for champion of the parish, but i do kinda like that guy just because he might help the pike out quite a bit. idk how i'd feel about my spells being in my graveyard when i might need them first though. maybe if i can somehow swing snapcaster mage in there as well
I do like righteous authority, i just dont like that it cost 5 to play. Once again, i like avacyn but she cost too much to cast. Angel of jubilaion might not be too bad, but i was trying to stick with humans for champion of the parish.
Ya know, I had that thought too. I can't really think of anything; that wouldn't cost a small fortune anyways.
Yeah since i actually plan on building this, I need it to be rather cheap. If by some chance I win at a tournament or something and aquire enough to get better lands, then I'll def. go for it. Thanks though.
Alright how about this as a rough draft?http://mtgvault.com/dharr16/decks/new20-2/
I do enjoy this one a lot better. I did get some more ideas, so thanks again. I think I've decided I'm gonna go for human tokens for my deck though. Hoping to maybe power up Champion of the Parish and Crusader Of Odric with them? Idk yet.
I like the black control idea, but not really what I was going for =/ Also, I little more pricey than what I was going for. Did get some ideas however, so thanks for the attempt.
I was using this site until they changed it.. Now for some reason my computer won't load the deck builder properly -__- And no, not really. New to tournaments though.Alright I'll look at it. Thanks again.
I appreciate the help. Here's all I have so far.2 Elixir of Immortality1 Eternity Vessel1 Captain of the Watch2 Champion of the Parish1 Felidar Sovereign2 Ajani's Pridemate2 Soul's Attendant1 Hero of Bladehold2 Rhox Faithmender1 Divinity of Pride2 Blood Artist2 Vampire Nighthawk1 Exquisite Blood1 Sanguine Bond2 Batwing Brume2 Disenchant2 Murder1 Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter2 Ajani Goldmane11 Plains9 Swamp2 Isolated Chapel2 Vault of the Archangel
Ok, I'm trying to make a white/black lifegain deck based around Felidar Sovereign. Trying for cheap creatures, and quick lifegain. Maybe human soldiers; such as champion on the parish and captain of the watch, and vampires? Also, planning on putting the exquisite blood, and sanguine bond combo in it. Going for a legacy deck I suppose? Any ideas?
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