Yeah I just added it. Idk how well it'll work for the theme, but what the hell. I like it.
If acolyte didn't cost 4. I thought about gyre sage though, I went with Sylvan Caryatid just because I could tap for a blue or black if need be.
Yes.. Just yes. How about Abuna Acolyte, Beloved Chaplain, Cathedral Sanctifier, or Devoted Caretaker? Just suggestions.
Just curious because you're about the 3rd person to suggest vastwood over mistcutter. I'd personally like to be able to drop mistcutter a turn sooner, or at leat a mana bigger, and smack same turn. Though I don't usually run red in a hydra deck either. Vastwoods good, I'd just rather use it in like a grave play or something?
Why not update? Xenagos, god of revels would probably be amazing here.
I definitely wouldn't run any less than 22 personally.
Why vastwood over mistcutter? Pro u, haste and costs one less g vs just moving counters around when it dies?
I believe they're going for standard, though Idk for sure.
He has savageborn and xenagos with no mountains. Not to mention, 18 manas not really enough when playing hydras anyways, even with ramp.
Yep. You could drop slivers and if you're still wanting ramp then either gyre sage or voyaging satyr. Also, gruul guildgate, stomping ground, temple of abandon or just some good ole mountains would be suggested. You should sb a good amount of instants and/or sorceries since you have a lot of creatures. I'd suggest messenger speed, alpha authority (or madcap skills) and savage summoning just to start off.
Might just have to do that. Maybe a bug hydra and a gwr wurm or something.
I went a different route as well,
Well I'd use kozileth(sp?) over ulamog just for the draw. Also, you could make good use of primal surge here? Anyone care to take a look at mine?
Anyone care to take a look at my Vorel commander?
Never realized sharuum was that useful.. Great deck. Anyone care to take a look at mine?
What boros legionnaire? Or indestructibility for reckoner? Would anyone care to take a look at mine.
Also, my buddy has a modern myr deck and there's a nasty combo involving pallidium myr, battlesphere, galvinizer and splintertwin. Another suggestion would be spellskite just cause he's handy at times.Also, theres's an infinite mana combo with Deadeye Navigator and Peregrine Drake.
Could just run the crosis? Doesn't hurt your theme and it offers some control
Or some other kind of buff.
You could throw in like young wolf to give you 8 to cast but even then the best you'll probably get is 3-4 counters on door by time you get it out. Though you'd probably be ok using neither door nor coat. Just run like nylea and her bow or something. She gives other creatures trample and her bow gives you attacking creatures deathtouch
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