I'm thinking red might be better over black? The god for 2 damage for every cat, and the hammer to give them haste?
By turn 3-4 on average. Sometimes as early as turn 2.
Yeah I haven't gotten around to deleting all that. Thanks again.
I tried to make some changes, but I know it needs work. That, and he's not gonna go for it due to the price.http://www.mtgvault.com/dharr16/decks/bwg-standard/
Thanks. This is actually a buddies deck, and he wants to take it to fnm. So I told him I'd pass it around here for suggestions since Idk much about standard anymore..
Dude, you need to look into some vaseline for all that butthurt. I didn't post "look at my deck," I asked if anyone would care to give an opinion.
Pretty much all of those except Erebos and Jace, you need creatures on the field for those to be of any importance. So yeah, not really an immediate impact, unless under the best of circumstances.
Why do people get so butthurt over one statement? No need to be a dillweed because you have a different opinion.
Could I get some opinions on a deck?http://www.mtgvault.com/dharr16/decks/bwg-cats/
Mind Scupltor isn't banned in EDH or legacy, and from what I've heard they might be bringing him into modern as well.
That did the same thing first time I saw it.
Not the you're a dumbass part btw, just realized that's how it sounded lol.
Yeah! I guess.. I'd rather be awake as well, but I don't think I've been fully awake since the late 90's..
I think you already had it and I completely overlooked it.. Yay for sleep deprivation.
Roughly 3/5 starting hands I could get the combo off by turn 3-4. According to this site anyways, and assuming the opponent doesn't try too hard to stop it.
Scepters give me added control, and the Tops give me draw. Reds there for Blood moon, since I'm not running a lot of nonbasics. I thought about going u/w though.
She's life gain, and here final could pull every elf from the deck. Though you could sb Overrun or Door of Destinies, or whatever it is, just in case.
I believe it's called amulet of vigor? I'll look into it, but it lets all your things come in untapped?EDIT - Yeah Amulet of Vigor.
That's true. Well fade into antiquity or that other green enchantment/artifact removal from BotG.
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