This deck made me laugh, nice job :D
I don't remember the name of the card either, but I know my friend has it so I'll try to look it up. Instead of Heat Ray, run 4 Kaeravek's Torch, not sure if that's spelled right. I feel slightly bad asking for help a second time, but I've made a few changes since the original and would like some feedback. Let me know what you think and what changed you would make.
Also, think about trying out a Radha, Heir to Keld in here, would definitely help with mana.
Your mana ratio is a bit too low, I would suggest finding a few cards that you can do without, and adding 3 or 4 more mana.
Right after I posted this, I found out about a card that I'm unsure of how I missed. It's called arrest, and I assume you all know of it. It would effectively replace Pacifism, and although it costs a more, the second part of the effect makes it completely worth it.
Something I've noticed and would like some feedback on: 1 and 2 of's. Any idea's on whether it looks okay, or should I think about swapping out cards for other cards to keep a higher 3 or 4 of ratio?
Like the looks of this one a lot more than the one you were posting on, obviously a good deck. :D
I really like the tribute to the Minecraft creepers, it made me laugh :D
Seems kinda ridiculous to take out a card that every turn can give you another land, untapped.
The mana curve is fine, I usually end up with just the right amout to do anything I need to, very rarely do I end up with to much/ to few.
I wanna see your friend Sam and test this out on his deck. Can't wait until you get your version of his deck done.
Lol, maybe, but I'd honestly be shocked if I ever got up to 4 million again. That was just crazy!
LOVE this deck. really thinking about stealing the idea and making one of my own now.
I'm glad I'm not the only one to notice.
We shall see, young padawon. We shall see.
That helped tremendously! I see what you mean, focus on gain instead of prevention. After all, The less cards in the way of getting life, the more life to get. I got 3 more celestial mantles tonight, and am going to throw those in, and take safe passage/holy day out.
Heh, reading the comment above me makes me smile, considering that Anonymoose and I are roommates and I'm the one who ended up beating him. The deck I'm posting asking for improvement is the one that I used against him. Any advice would be awesome!!
This deck looks like it'd be dominant very quickly. Nicely constructed! Check out my deck and comment letting me know what you think!
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