Yet another deck I can plan on facing in the future.
Why would you make a 100 card deck that wasn't for EDH?
How is this mono-green with Stasis?
it's done, check it out
This deck is already completely disassembled and it's put back together completely different!
Forgot to mention that my record is 38 - 4, lol
I have a life-gain deck of my own, and the only times I've lost are times I get complete shit for hands and mulligans. Check it out if you want, it's a 70 card deck, but it'll give you a few idea's of some cards to use. If you think it's too bulky, check out one of my revised versions under my profile.
To my knowledge --- nevermind, biermann1 beat me to it. You can only have 4 of each type of card EXCEPT basic lands. Since these are Nonbasic, you can't have more than 4. Instead of simply using Cloudposts, use other type of Locus's. There are other types, after all.
Sounding hypocrital, but look to take out 10 cards xD
Also, it's not a huge necessity, but Akroma, Angel of Wrath is a very fun card to have and use, and the same can be said for Serra Avatar.
I like the looks of this deck, and am glad you found the time to post on mine! I would strongly suggest finding a place for 2 Celestial Mantle's, 1 Felidar Sovereign, and 1 Test of Endurance. If you don't want the mantle's, I would still very strongly suggest the Test's.
I hate playing against this simply because how how tweaked to perfection it is. The only thing I would change is to include more burn cards; things like 2 more Lightning bolts, some Kaeravek's Torch, or other cards with that effect.
The Doomblade and Nicol Bolas are in SB to remind myself that those are my roommate's cards. Do you have any other feedback? Like, specific cards to consider? It does still need work, but I'm hoping to make it great.
The "powerful cards" are what makes this deck able to win, instead of simply stalling with an obscene amount of life.
I've considered that, but it seems more fun, to me anyway, to let the opponent sit there and go "Damn, this card is still in play but I cant use it"
Platinum Angel really has no purpose, except it's one of my favorite cards, and in other decks that I had Platinum Angel in, I've come back from less than 0 life to win the game. It's more or less in there simply because I like the card.
If you actually took the time to read the comments also, you'd see I already pointed out that Infect will be the demise of this deck.
Celestial Mantle's
Then you haven't witnessed the sheer power of my lifegain deck. I must say that Anonymoose is a significantly better player than me, I just find myself getting luck y with the deck I've built.
I'm glad you think so :D You still probably would have came out on top, but that would have made for a LONG game. It's fairly quick to begin with, but once it really gets going and I get my big guns out, I'm proud to say that it's fairly unstoppable...Except for infect. Frackin' infect.
61-80 of 99 items