Very appreciative of this idea, works great to get the idea out there. If you comment on mine, feel free to leave a link to yours and I'll check it out! And with blood, sweat, and tears, they defend. (W/G Soldier/Ramp)
When playing it, I never got mana-screwed at all, actually thought about dropping it down to 16, lol.
I agree with you, but I built this deck for my girlfriend so I'd have to consult her about it first.
It may seem silly, but 70 is a bit much in my opinion. Try to whittle it down to 60, it'll be more fun and more effective.
Knowing that you are one of the biggest names on the Vault, I was wondering if you could check out my newest deck? I'd greatly appreciate it! is a link to it, if you don't mind. Thanks in advance!
Actually underwent another change, Liking the way it looks, and should play pretty nice.
Bolt won't be going in because it leaves standard in less than a month, but otherwise I'm going on cards that I actually own, so I can try to get a few more of the ones you're talking about, but I may not end up being able to make some of the changes.
Re-made this deck, to a mono-red standard deck.
I can't use Tempered Steel because there isn't any white in the deck. Otherwise, I like the suggestions and will seriously consider using them!
I was wondering if you could look at my deck and tell me what you think about it, and if you, even in your inexperience, could help me and see what you think about it? I'd much appreciate the feedback!
Knowing that you just stared a month ago, this may be slightly difficult for you, but my main suggestion (before even looking at the cards) is looking at the numbers. Try to get more 4-of's to help boost the consistency. You don't need NEARLY as many lands as you have, and also, knowing that the ration of white to red is almost 3/1, you shouldn't have that many mountains. In a 60 card deck, I'd recommend about 20 lands, give or take. Play test it a few times, after taking out some lands and putting in other cards, and if possible, getting more 4-of's and less 1 and 2-of's.
Definitely interested in that, it would be awesome!
Emeria, the sky ruin is nice for fodder creatures.
Another card that I'm very partial to, for no real reason, is Lone Missionary. 2 drop, 2/1, you gain 4 life. A card to consider that has made my deck awesome is Rest for the Weary. Comboing with Boon Reflection, 8-16 life per turn, it's awesome.
Sorry that I'm just getting back to you! I haven't really checked my comments recently. Looking at the deck, I really like it, and found a few cards I'll be adding for myself! My only concern is the issue I had in my deck, and that's control. I'd add between two and four Journey to Nowhere or Path to Exile's just for the control factor. Made my deck significantly better. As you said earlier to Cardwrestling0909, Beacon of Immortality is very nice, but the cost is rather high, so it's only truly useful midgame. Something I'd consider though is Boon Reflection. "If you would gain life, you gain double that amount instead." or something along those lines. And also reffering back up to CardWrestling, I've had my deck up to over 4 million lief without it, simply with the help of Celestial Mantle.
Also, Ambush Commander is nice mid-game.
Fauna Shaman combo's nicely with Elvish Piper, check it out.
Something to consider is an Omnath, Locus of Mana. It goes nicely with Lotus Cobra, and you can use it for the ramp needed to get the big Eldrazi's out.
I found out that Aric's advice was right. Go pure infect, it'll help a lot. My white deck is really evenly matched with Eric's, and it's because he kills me regardelss of my life total.
Also, Imperious Perfect is also really nice. Like Elvish Archdruid, but also gives you another elf instead of mana.
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