
47 Decks, 92 Comments, 13 Reputation

Not shabby, but I do have one critique. That is one high mana curve, you may want to consider dropping it a bit.
Also if you're looking for ideas, I have a deck that works similarly that might be able to provide you with some inspiration. You can find it here:

Posted 27 October 2014 at 06:05 as a comment on Standard: Esper Control


madzyman would you post a link to your Sultai deck? It sounds like an interesting idea. Thanks.

Posted 27 October 2014 at 05:38 in reply to #512933 on Standard: Esper Control


I agree that that would be a nice touch.

Posted 11 August 2014 at 20:17 in reply to #493064 on Forcefeed


To be clear, is the requirement for the low price to be under $75 or the average price?

Posted 06 July 2014 at 00:26 as a comment on Tribal challenge! Whats yours?


You should consider adding Gravecrawler, Unbreathing Horde, and Liliana's Reaver. They'd fit what you're doing with the deck perfectly. I would take out Vengeful Dead for the Reaver, but it's up to you. You can check out my zombie deck here: (feel free to comment on it :)

Posted 02 July 2014 at 07:08 as a comment on Grave Life - Zombie Tribal


The reason I asked is because I knew that Thassa's Rebuff is inconsistent, to the point of being ineffective if my opponent removes my blue creatures. I definitely planned on only sideboarding in counter spells if my opponent is playing control.

I was just thinking that Psychic Strike's mill component would be a nice counter to scry. If my opponent scrys and leaves that card(s) on top of their library then it must be something they want, which means it's something worth milling. I suppose I was just split between that, Dissolve, and Thassa's Rebuff, and wanted some feedback. However now that I think of it, Dictate of Kruphix might be a good option as well since you said card advantage is more important than countering in this deck right now in standard.

Posted 01 July 2014 at 05:53 in reply to #476647 on Standard Dimir Midrange


Now that Banishing Light is in the deck I think that I might actually run Soul Tithe and Agent of the Fates and. I'll let you know how they do.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 02:39 in reply to #429327 on Orzhov Deathpact


Angel of Serenity is a game changer. It can remove my opponents major threats and/or recover my creatures from the grave. It also makes Elspeth players think twice before using -3. This deck doesn't have much trouble getting enough mana to play her, but doesn't have a lot of control; that's where she fits in. As for Favored Hoplite, I don't have any instant speed targeting and my mana curve is pretty low as-is, I'm wondering why you suggested it. Half of my lands can produce black mana, I think I'm fine.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 02:13 in reply to #477399 on Orzhov Deathpact


I tested out Angel of Serenity and it seems to work really well in this deck, with my only complaint that it always seems to come a little late. I've decided not to fiddle around with Ajani's Chosen or Phalanx Leader.

Posted 29 June 2014 at 19:14 in reply to #400179 on Orzhov Deathpact


I added Hero's Downfall to the deck and sideboard. I really wanted to run Thoughtseize instead of Duress, but it's just too expensive. Heralds and Bile Blights are in the sideboard and would be swapped in against Elspeth in exchange for Desecration Demon and Devour Flesh.

Posted 28 June 2014 at 06:23 in reply to #476549 on Standard Dimir Midrange


I have Hero's Downfall in there for spot removal now. I chose it because it also kills planeswalkers and Elspeth is everywhere nowadays. I'm alright with the resulting swans because I can kill them easily enough blocking or being blocked, especially since most decks right now run little to no flying. A nice bonus of Swan Song is that it can counter the abundant Enchantment Creatures right now and God weapons.

Posted 28 June 2014 at 06:18 in reply to #476444 on Standard Dimir Midrange


Thank you. I had no idea that anyone was actually trying something like this in Modern. I might see if I can get inspired from some of their decklists. Would you mind also checking out my attempt at Standard Dimir too and letting me know what you think?

Posted 28 June 2014 at 05:22 in reply to #476471 on Modern White Tribal


What do you guys think of replacing Thassa's Rebuff with Psychic Strike in the sideboard of this deck? Or maybe having some of each?

Posted 28 June 2014 at 04:51 in reply to #476647 on Standard Dimir Midrange


I see what you did there. Very clever.

Posted 28 June 2014 at 03:19 in reply to #476300 on Dega Aura Aggro


Cavalry Pegasus is in there right now, just until I can test it. I think it'll do a good job of making it so that the humans are actually useful for attacking instead of only for being flickered. War Priest of Thune is in there because he's a decent flicker target. The idea is to sideboard out War Priest for Champion of the Parish if my opponent has no enchantments.

I know that this deck will probably not be good enough to be competitive and since Path and O-Ring don't really fit with the flicker theme of the deck I'd rather not run them. I would rather run Banisher Priest instead of O-Ring in this deck anyways.

I feel like Akroma would be risky in this deck, because I couldn't use it without flicker in-hand and it could easily be removed before I even really get it going. I think the deck is fine without her, but I do like the card. Thank you for the comments.

Posted 27 June 2014 at 02:06 in reply to #476471 on Modern White Tribal


I remember back during Innistrad Block some goofball at my FNM was playing a Standard U/G Bear Tribal, it was really entertaining. Speaking of, Druid's Familiar would be a really good addition to this deck. Would you mind taking a look at my attempt at Standard Dimir?

Posted 27 June 2014 at 01:52 as a comment on Bear force 1


Also In your Myr deck, where's your Seat of the Synod and Academy Ruins?

Posted 26 June 2014 at 20:21 in reply to #476415 on Tribal challenge! Whats yours?


I'm definitely going to test out Sphere of safety at my next FNM and see what happens. I think it's going to do pretty well.

Posted 26 June 2014 at 20:04 in reply to #400081 on Orzhov Deathpact


Innistrad Block Zombies:
Modern Red Elementals:
Modern White Divinity:

The last one doesn't follow all of the rules, but I'd really like some input on it so I posted it anyway. Enjoy the decks!

Posted 26 June 2014 at 19:49 as a comment on Tribal challenge! Whats yours?


Nice deck. Why are you using Boomerang, when you could use Cyclonic Rift or any number of cards that have been printed recently which are better? Also, have you considered Talrand? Every time I've used him he's been really good. Would you mind taking a look at my attempt at Standard Dimir?

Posted 26 June 2014 at 07:56 as a comment on izzet controlled or not?


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