haha I totally forgot about vengevine. Dear god. I knew I was forgetting something obvious. And the only delirium mechanic I thought may be worth it is traverse the ulvenwald. But I have enough dig here to where I don't think that card is necessary.
EDIT: I just realized this isn't a modern deck and he's playing seething song. nvm previous statement.
fire servant in these kinda decks is too slow for the modern format for what RDW is trying to do. If you've gotten to the 5th mana in RDW (especially when this deck only runs 20 lands so reaching 5 isn't where they wanna be) it just wouldn't be viable.
My worry is cards like surgical and what not that get rid of scuttle. But besides that I think this deck is really good. Just may need another win-con. Thanks for help!
Yea I did it....I liked my own deck :)
Thank you so much for the constructive criticism! I will definitely revamp the deck. Makes a lot of sense. Thanks again!
I also haven't had too much problem with the base lands. It's been consistent for the most part. Eldrazi land is a major help in this.
Yea I really thought about coco. Instant speed and hits most of the cards in this. I agree with this. Just hard to drop thought knot with his bounce they draw a card....but then you see the card they draw and get to exile it if it's a problem. Always love good hand disruption. Would you put him in side for control maybe use him instead stonehirn dignitary in some control matchups? Thank you for the help!
Nice way to find a budget for the sac combo.
You'd extract my devil as in surgical extract? Sorry I'm confused by the comment. Thanks though! It's really rough around the edges, concept is there...but it needs some heavy tweaking to be viable.
Have you thought of using young pyromancer? I'm sure you have. But seems really good here. Contributes to the sac a creature for mana or to deal damage. Provides chump blockers allowing you to focus more spells on opponents rather than creatures on the battlefield. Low cost and has multiple uses.
Pyroclasm. Sorry haha
everyone loves my deck! :)
thanks. I'm awesome
Thought about self mill stuff that could be fun, but I guess the point is to have the creature on the battlefield first then put them in the graveyard. So IDK if self mill would hold up here.
Have you thought about siding in pyro for elves or affinity?
I understand as well. I got out of magic like a yr ago, and some cards prices have doubled or tripled. Some cards went down, but like voice of resurgence, the tapsac lands, it's just ridiculous.
holy shit. That's a lot. Sounds like the new splinter twin deck and how everyone was complaining about that. Don't get me wrong, I saw splinter twin everywhere and at the last modern Monday tournament, 4 out of the 5 matches were splinter twin....definitely got old. But I like what you're doing, trying to fix the problem as opposed to complaining about it.
teeg that's right, I misread teegs ability. That works. I have been out of modern for a little bit. Tron was the only one I knew that used eldrazi. Crazy there is a new eldrazi agro deck out. Is it any good?
yea it's all about the smart play for sure. Fleece isn't a bad choice at all. Strong creature for sure.
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