Please help guys! Comments are welcome and constructive criticism!
ah snap help me out! haha
ah snap what am I missing??
the control thopter combo is gonna be ridiculous. I am running combo elves and junk collected company (not infinite combo one)
Right. I think this card is gonna find it's way somewhere. Someone is gonna break it.
I feel like mono blue faeries will really take off. UB could be a big thing to because I really love bitterblossom and things like hand disruption. but with ancestral vision, they may just go mono blue. But definitely snaps and visions will be really good. Snaps being wizard along with most faeries does well for cavern as well.
ah gotcha I can see that. Would you then run mana leak in side board against some control match ups to save against a day (or a rare case of damnation)? and I still believe fish is better honestly. They just build a stronger board state and push through quicker. But I could be wrong. Plus the splitting seas enchantment and island walk really does work.
Why remand better than leak? Card advantage sure, but leak holds down and gets rid of the answers permanently. What is BB? Yea pestermite is meh. Definitely could be replaced. I haven't messed with the deck. I need to but I have never really messed with faeries. they seem like a fun tribal!
true but delver gets bounced as well whether it is flipped or not. Just feel like when you're running ratchet bomb or ESPECIALLY illness in the ranks if you decide to go that route, you'll get more value from hunted phantasm as it can be a winner by itself then just sitting on a 1/1 that you hope flips. Hunted phantasm even if you don't flip TITI it can win alone unless removed of course. Delver I don't think contributes enough or at least as much as it could with the way the deck is built. Plus you have enough removal to where an early gamer like delver isn't necessary I don't think. You have plenty of answers to early game.
Have you thought about hunted phantasm? If you're doing the big creature with ratchet bomb to destroy tokens, it's another really good value card to play maybe on turn 3-4? After TITI flips.
I tried adding red for faithless looting while keeping for prized amalgam. I think he really has a place in these decks. Triggering him on opponents end step for multiple 3/3 blockers with an archetype zombie for gravecrawlers as well is nice.
ah I didn't know he was legal. I never play with anyone that has used this deck either but that's awesome he is unbanned.
I see that. I could see just removing the blue and having faithless looting instead and a way to consistently keep him in the grave. Let me modify this and see how well it works
Oh I wasn't familiar with blighted fen. I do like that card.
I could see where geralf just sits in the graveyard and doesn't do much. I know much of the deck goes one for one in its draw, no real card advantage there. But according to my sample hands I normally can have him pretty early especially with cards like life from the loam theat refills my hands with lands and I can use those to rediscard to bring him in play.
I was trying to include blue for the use of prized amalgam and geralf's masterpiece and forbidden alchemy just happened to be a decent dig card. and golgari grave troll is banned in modern. Red definitely has some good dig and faithless looting is one of the best cards for a graveyard play deck. However I believe I can perform without the red. Playing with red may be better, but I am not sure. I know most of them run squee and faithless looting. I haven't play tested this or really explored what the deck can do but with blue but prized amalgam was the main reason for blue and I thought throwing in another color could just clump things up. Cards such as prized amalgum or pharaoh are good agro cards already. Setting up a wall of returnable 3/3 or a graveyard kill like pharaoh that I draw into I can discard him again for lotleth troll or geralf's masterpiece. I could be wrong though about this deck. I haven't ever messed with a dredgevine deck so this is definitely new territory for me.
@ chiligyro he is a 5 cmc Creature, but he seems to combo well. I haven't playtested this at all so in actuality he may very well clump the hand so he will definitely need playtested to see if worthy. @the swarmer My meta is very agro so killing off their creatures or their big one of's makes a big difference from what I have played so far.
Really? Why call him the weakest. Easy discard from hand, can be activated on opponents turn and a 4 mana cost for a potential 7/7 flyer that also puts things in the grave from hand and can help trigger prized amalgam on opponents turn along with bloodghast.
Can you describe toolbox lands?
I agree with more lotleth troll. What would you take out for it? I was worried about multiple on board state, but I put too much thought into it. Having multiple creatures for the trigger and regenerate is definitely good. What would you remove?
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