This deck looks great now that i look at it again but it is a good idea to try lotus petal or chrome mox
Is this deck casual or 1.5 tourney because if it is 1.5 Force of Will and Daze could serve as a problem especialy early on. So Thresh is a horrible match up in tournement Landstill as well.
vexing shusher is a little slow for a 1.5 tournament
smc1215 makes a solide point about the shoals so i would say go with what your gut says, But i still think burn is a good control alternative not much but enough that you can get in a pinch
Kokusho is a very nice combo with Dragonstorm
Its alrite but cut the Blazing shoal and run some good burn cards so that you can deal damage if you have tham down to 2 or 3 life and kill them or kill your opponents creatures. it acts as a form of control and last minute kill Also Take a look at my 1.5 Dragon Stompy deck you seem to like dragons so give me your opinion it is sort of remake but i think that it works beter at locking up the board
Cut Crystal Vein and put in Ancient tomb or City of Traitors
I have yo agree with xaviern007 run Ancient tomb or City of Traitors they go well with Chrome mox and seething song. Also consider Zirilian of the claw, it makes dagon Tyrant all that much more of a blow out. But i would highly suggest that you try these cards.
mana echoes seems like a blow out with sliver queen or over lord
This is a very solide build but i do agree only have one of each of the rainbow slivers
R/B land destruction doesnt work in standard no matter how hard you try there isnt enough good land destruction spells you would have better luck in extended and in legacy you have lot of good spells but LD fails in the format
Try looking up the Black/green build it works betterthen mono-green
Gemhide Sliver is your best bet
you need to cut back and comment on my Dragon stompy deck
Even though you have a lot of one drop beating Goblins in the case that some one has a lot of board sweeps it kind of destroys the purpose, and at that point if you dont have any good dragons out the game will most definatly stablize. So with that said if you want to keep it extended legal I would highly recommend that you add in some mana excell like Seething song, Desperate ritual, Rite of Flame Or Chrome Mox, this helps you in a single turn drop a dragon or a lot of goblins and it pumps them.
I have tryed it twice at tournaments and it does well But any opinions are great
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