I dont thik you have ever really played legacy before
elspeth, decree of justice, and mishras factories are how this deck wins and it does it very well
this must have been a bit*h to post
i like the idea its kind of like team america though a little less tempo based and a little more suicide black i like it though and maybe go -2 extirpate +2 swords to plowsares move extirpate to the board
intresting idea
its definitly not a budget deck, but it a whole lot of fun to play
^whooopdy dooooo^ you want to see money take a landstill deck make it entirly fol and thats expensive
this deck is terrible
ill agree with the thing about blood moon and still the only thing i dont like is the dragon whelp i dont know why i just dont think that he is very efficient were as R. pit dragon is a house if your hellbent, but just take it in to mind I do think the deck is great though and dragon legacy was a five minute deck list i put together.
fair enough logic
sorry you could also cut the dragon whelps for Chalice of the void it is a very good card
i would probably cut dragon whelp though and run like 3 shock or R. pit dragon or flame javilen, and add the city of traitor they are very very good in a deck like this
fair enough
I like it i would probably run Mox Diamond it helps with fledgling dragons threshold and if you did decide to like splash black or white for removal its good
Moon effects are one of the basic ideas of the deck its for 1.5 tourney play
ide say put global rain in the side board and definatly run some more creatures and also i would cut evasive action in a multi- player game people are usually going to be able to pay the 5 when they are playing the spells they need to Also try to change up the land base some with a few non basics
you also might consider korlash heir to blackblade, its granedur ability is amazing
Very nice i do agree about Nightmare lash over door of destinies
its good but maybe some more creatures. I know thats vage but i think that it is a little to reliant on enchantments, and in tourney play it is to slow. leave me a comment if you have any ideas about what i said. just post a comment on my Dragon Legacy page and leave an opinion if you could its for 1.5 tourney play only
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