cut Cantivore and terravore unless your going to and lots of fetch or cycling lands
Also Force of will
Fetch lands and dual lands(Alpha,beta and unlimited sets)
I redid it after much play testing and this build is much better but opinions are still appreciated.
I am just looking for opinions so any changes, suggestions would be great. Also look at my rebuild of my dragon stompy deck
cut thran dynamo for sol rings
its a little slow cut a few dragons and run more mana excel like seething song, right of flame, lotus bloom, and try more non-basic land like ancient tomb and maybe splash a color and use duals or shock lands to have more mana ramp, Sneak attack is also a good card along with Zirilian of the claw
coat of arms is awful
it was a good deck but not tourney playable
refine it, there are to many of one card and you should only have it be 60 cards
True Yes True
I will agree that it is a good sideboard option but with the 1.5 meta game were it is the sideboard here fits sense Dredge, Landstill, and thresh are the three top decks played in tournements
And The Reasons For The Berserkers Is That You RaiseThe Storm Count Then With Dragonstorm You Use The Stack To Throw Out Hellkite Then If You Cant Kill Them With The Hellkites You Then Pull Out The Berserkers And Champion The Hellkites And Swing For Ve Rest Of There Life
Sorry There Was An Error When I Put The Deck List In This Should Be Little Closer To What I Was Going For
Bladewing the Risen, Kilnmouth Dragon cut these and if you going to run extended run the hunted dragon and go red/blue like at worlds. If your going to run it in standard cut ignite memories and run pyromancers swath and cut Bladewing the Risen, Kilnmouth Dragon for 2 more grapeshot, also cut tarfire and 2 land for manamorphose
Intresting build
very solide type one deck it is a very nice build, though i would like to see your side board
my only point is that by the time i can drop it they have already countered what i need to play with force or daze, and if i did run it mainboard i have much more important turn one plays then to drop shusher
is it casual or 1.5 play?
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