
8 Decks, 185 Comments, 21 Reputation

You need more big creatures. Without bigger creatures, I'd imagine that Rakdos is pointless. . Also. I'd throw in bump in the night. It's a great 1 drop for 3 damage.

If you get a chance, I'm always looking for suggestions and criticism. My newest muse, I'm re-attacking Mono Black Control.

Posted 24 January 2013 at 21:29 as a comment on Fuel for the fire


It's such a shame that Honor of the Pure is out of standard. White Weenies would rule. Now, creature decks are useless against some of the combos. Izzet Peddler, Rakdos Charm, and Detention Sphere. Then Gatecrash will drop bringing Aetherize and Illness in the ranks.

If you get a chance, I'm always looking for suggestions and criticism. My newest muse, I'm re-attacking Mono Black Control.

Posted 24 January 2013 at 20:31 as a comment on White W33N33


You have a few problems though. Creature based decks are in for a hurting soon... Izzet peddlers and Rakdos Charms are bad enough, but with Gatecrash comes Illness in the ranks, Aetherize, and Smog Elemental.

If you get a chance, I'm always looking for suggestions and criticism. My newest muse, I'm re-attacking Mono Black Control.

Posted 24 January 2013 at 19:45 as a comment on BW Spirits


Havoc Festival is a little too risky for me. At least for my style. I like the idea though. Hope it works out for you. I'm dabbling with black control myself. Just perusing decks for ideas.

My last little venture was bant enchantment control. I've got some tweaking to do. It's kind of on the back-burner. I'm still taking suggestions though.

Posted 20 January 2013 at 10:44 as a comment on Havoc Festival is a Win con!


Glimpse the Unthinkable would be fantastic here. I'd hate to play this. I'm worried about the speed though... It seems really heavy on mana.

If you get the chance, I'm always looking for suggestions and criticism on my new decks. This time it's Bant Control Mill.

Posted 18 January 2013 at 01:45 as a comment on Grindclock


A few additions.
Balefire Dragon
Five Alarm Fire (Post GTC)

Balefire especially. Completely underestimated card.

If you get the chance, I'm always looking for suggestions and criticism on my new decks. This time it's Bant Control Mill.

Posted 18 January 2013 at 01:39 as a comment on RDW (red deck wins) Standard


Actually, after careful consideration, I've realized that chronic flooding is better. For the same reason as Syncopate.... Control. They have to choose whether they want to take the mill to play that spell.

Posted 13 January 2013 at 05:01 in reply to #315358 on Congress


That is a fantastic idea... I really don't know why I didn't think of that myself.

Posted 09 January 2013 at 20:25 in reply to #315358 on Congress


Interesting idea... Using Chandra to double flashback and deal double the damage with burning vengeance...Brilliant. I think you should triple or quadruple it with Increasing Vengeance, though.

If you get the chance, I'm always looking for suggestions and criticism on my new decks. This time it's Bant Control Mill.

Posted 09 January 2013 at 19:43 as a comment on Chandra's Vengeance


I haven't actually tried playing with this new set-up. It was mainly just speculation. I'm currently stuck on my bant enchantment control

Posted 08 January 2013 at 21:14 in reply to #315073 on Goblin Gang (Standard)


Dissapate is good, but I'm gonna stick with syncopate for one main reason. Control. Either you tap out your lands or the spell gets blocked. Simple as that.

Jace's Phantasm is misplaced. It doesn't belong in here. The idea of putting creatures in for creatures sake just doesn't make sense.

As for Tamiyo, a second one wouldn't really do me any good. Only one can be out at a time. The fact that I have her in there at all is mainly for draw. Even then, I've never actually pulled her out in a match.

Posted 08 January 2013 at 17:42 in reply to #314845 on Congress


You would hate my deck. Also, any creature based decks have got a lot of problems right now. Rakdos Charm and a combo of izzet staticaster and nightshade peddler.

If you get the chance, I'm always looking for suggestions and criticism on my new decks. This time it's Bant Control Mill.

Posted 07 January 2013 at 22:32 as a comment on Esper Tokens


You need Kessig Cagebreakers. They would make this deck even more deadly. Also, the Thragtusk seems really out of place.

If you get the chance, I'm always looking for suggestions and criticism on my new decks. This time it's Bant Control Mill.

Posted 07 January 2013 at 22:27 as a comment on I got You Wolves for Xmas!


Unfortunately, the bad thing about any creature based decks are a combo of Izzet Staticaster and Nightshade Peddler. Another painful hit would be a rakdos charm. You'd be dead in one fell swoop.

If you get the chance, I'm always looking for suggestions and criticism on my new decks. This time it's Bant Control Mill.

Posted 07 January 2013 at 22:26 as a comment on Stromkirk's Wraith


This is not a bad deck. You're missing a few small things though. Parallel Lives would do wonders for this deck. Along with that, You have no mana ramp... I'm not sure what would be good though. Maybe Ranger's Path?

If you get the chance, I'm always looking for suggestions and criticism on my new decks. This time it's Bant Control Mill.

Posted 31 December 2012 at 22:20 as a comment on Copy Machine (Standard)


Curse of Exhaustion... It's got potential but, I'm skeptical. How would it work? I know they would be able to play more than one spell, but I just don't really see how it benefits me. I was possibly thinking curse of echoes, but again, that doesn't really work with anything else in the deck. The reason I have primal surge is because the deck is a lot of enchantments. Imagine using this as not necessarily a win condition, but support for my other. Unorthodox, I agree, but I should be able to pull it off.

Posted 30 December 2012 at 20:01 in reply to #312484 on Congress


That's where all the enchantments come into play with sphere of safety. Also, ghostly possession. I'm essentially able to make elocutors indestructible sans kill spells and board wipes. In any case, I can use nevermore for those.

Posted 28 December 2012 at 04:49 in reply to #312440 on Congress


I'm not sure you'd be able to win with this alone. If they counter one of your major players, you're done. You need something that can bring things back from your graveyard. A few things I'd recommend.

Mikeaus, The Unhallowed / Hex Parasite (Give undying and remove the counters)
Liliana of the Veil
Painful Quandry (Give you a burn win condition)
Shrieking Affliction (Discard / Burn)
Elixir of Immortality

If you get a chance, I 'm always looking for criticism and suggestions my newest idea. U/W/G Control Mill.

Posted 27 December 2012 at 21:44 as a comment on discard


Nice try.

I just played a modern elf deck that a friend of mine owns and I must say, ELVESV F'ING ROCK. It's soooooo quick. I had him dead within the first 5 turns each time. I loved the cohesion that they had. This looks just as fast if not faster.

If you get a chance, I 'm always looking for criticism and suggestions my newest idea. U/W/G Control Mill.

Posted 27 December 2012 at 21:32 in reply to #311527 on Elves


I like putting trepanation blade on crosstown courier along with tricks of the trade.

If you get a chance, I 'm always looking for criticism and suggestions my newest idea. U/W/G Control Mill.

Posted 27 December 2012 at 21:22 as a comment on Mono-Blue Mill (Standard)


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