
8 Decks, 185 Comments, 21 Reputation

Ow. This is damn close to how I have mine. Might I recommend Hypersonic Dragon for it's flashing ability? Also, I think you need something for a board wipe.Magmaquake would be good for creatures. However, I use blasphemous act because I don't run that many. It's nice flashing a blashpemous act for a R.

If you get a chance, I 'm always looking for criticism and suggestions my newest idea. U/W/G Control Mill.

Posted 27 December 2012 at 18:44 as a comment on UR Delver


I'd recommend Increasing Vengeance and Mizzium Mortars.

If you get a chance, I 'm always looking for criticism and suggestions my newest idea. U/W/G Control Mill.

Posted 27 December 2012 at 18:39 as a comment on Blue Flame


Tokens, Tokens everywhere... It reminds me of my green black zombie token deck before Grave Titan went out.

If you get a chance, I 'm always looking for criticism and suggestions my newest idea. U/W/G Control Mill.

Posted 27 December 2012 at 18:19 as a comment on G/W/B tokens


This looks like it would be a pain in the ass.

If you get a chance, I 'm always looking for criticism and suggestions my newest idea. U/W/G Control Mill.

Posted 27 December 2012 at 18:16 as a comment on Azorius Flash


I understand your concerns and I appreciate the comment. However, I'm still tweaking this deck. I'm planning on testing it at the next FNM. I'm excited to see how it holds up. I'm not too worried about it. I've seen some pretty BA Esper control mills that focus mainly on using spirits as defenders. Besides that, It all depends on whet's being played locally. It's a pretty small card shop that ended up turning 20+ people away from their last pro tour qualifier. I've been thinking about adding in something that would help with the problem of trying to get primal surge out. That's why in previous comments you see mention of Abundant growth. For one G that's not a bad ability. Otherwise, I always have a couple chromatic lanterns I can toss in there. The possibilities are endless. As for kill spells and the like, nevermore is a great card for a cheap cost. Granted, it only neutralizes one spell each, You can take care of a lot of heavy spells. Supreme verdict, Dreadbore, Counters. Hell, imagine restricting the main player for a decks win condition. It's got potential, but I'm not going to say it won't be tough working out the kinks. I'll just have to see what damage I can do at FNM.

Posted 27 December 2012 at 14:43 in reply to #311467 on Congress


I'd recommend a few board wipes. Personally, for my vampire deck(Not poster), I'm planning on using magmaquake..

If you get a chance, I 'm always looking for criticism and suggestions my newest idea. U/W/G Control Mill.

Posted 19 December 2012 at 20:14 as a comment on The Art of Morbid


Looking better?

Posted 18 December 2012 at 22:49 as a comment on Congress


Well, I learned from failing miserably that my deck was too slow. The most recent changes i.e. current deck have added more mana and ramp with abundant growth and so on. I'm gonna keep toying with it, but right now I want to try out the new changes. Unfortunately it will be two more weeks before another standard FNM at my local place. I will however be playing it with friends and see how it does there. I've done a few drawing sims and have like my hands each time. Pulling enough land and something to play on the first or second* turn. I'll let you guys know how it goes next round. In the meantime, I'm still getting my black burn/control ready for my qualifier this weekend.

Posted 05 August 2012 at 16:04 in reply to #278547 on Zombie Factory


It is expensive, but a key part. Also, mana ramp helps with his cost ;)

Posted 03 August 2012 at 21:59 in reply to #278316 on Zombie Factory


Well, I'm going for standard with it.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 21:57 in reply to #278318 on Goblin Gang (Standard)


Ihad actually thought about that last night. I think I will.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 18:56 in reply to #278281 on Zombie Factory


A real man loves his woman every day of the month.

Anyway, this is a good deck. I'd run more burn spells though. Also Past iin flames might be a good addition.

If you could, I'd like a little feedback on my zombie deck. Keep it standard.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 17:35 as a comment on red period blood lol


It's nice to see that someone actually has parallel lives in a token deck.

If you could, I'd like a little feedback on my zombie deck. Keep it standard.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 17:17 as a comment on Into the Sky, to Live, or Die.


Personally, I like running asceticism in my R/G Werewolf. Hexproof is always a nice thing.

If you could, I'd like a little feedback on my zombie deck. Keep it standard.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 17:15 as a comment on R/G Werewolf Aggro


The problem with your deck is you have nothing to deal with the pesky artifact Grafdigger's Cage. That would kill you. Also, creature removal would be good.

If you could, I'd like a little feedback on my zombie deck. Keep it standard.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 17:10 as a comment on Graveyards control


How does it lack defense?

Posted 03 August 2012 at 16:54 in reply to #278239 on Zombie Factory


This is good, but you need Krenko.

If you could, I'd like a little feedback on my zombie deck. Keep it standard.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 16:44 as a comment on Goblinz


Tokens are great. But what if I told you that you could double those tokens by splashing green. Parallel Lives, in my opinion, is an absolute must for token decks. Plus, green is good for mana ramp ;)

If you could, I'd like a little feedback on my zombie deck. Keep it standard.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 14:30 as a comment on The Firemind


Well green is always good for mana ramp. I'd incorporate that somehow.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 14:16 in reply to #278209 on Talrand Blue/White Soldier Control


I like the delver and talrand combo. It creates a strong deck. I would say you need more counter in there. Also, an alternate win condition. With the amount of board wipes being run lately. Your horde wouldn't do much good. I'd recommend combining the delver with runechanter's pike.

If you could, I'd like a little feedback on my zombie deck. Keep it standard.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 14:00 as a comment on powerdelver.


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