Mmm, not bad, but consider splashing black for Storm Crow's imp counterpart: Chimney Imp. he could add some real power to the deck. 1 power to be specific.
Disgusting. Remove all cards.
Needs work. There is absolutely no synergy between the cards. I'm also not sure who your general is. The only ones in the deck are Nicol Bolas and Mishra (who shouldn't be here because it's a singleton format and you only have 2 artifacts.) Crosis is a good choice for a deck of good cards in the Grixis colors. I also suggest putting your general in your Sideboard to make it easier to find.My suggestion is to pick a general and find cards that have synergy with each other and you commander. A deck of just 99 random cards isn't going to be winning any games. Take a look at some of my decks if you want ideas.
Run Holy Day instead of Druid's Deliverance. You have nothing to populate so save yourself the mana. Maybe a Twincast or two to copy a ramp spell or riot control to gain some more life.
I had totally forgotten that Transmute was a thing. Thanks for reminding me.
Thanks! I put Oloro in the other 99 and Sen Triplets as the commander mostly because I already have an Oloro EDH deck so I wanted to use someone else and they had the best upkeep ability. It's pretty interchangeable though. Really any Esper commander works, but those two are just the best.
and shut the hell up dude I haven't gone through and changed ALL the arrests to prison terms.
dude what the hell does Linvara Scrub mean?
Lel u suk feggit
Cemetery PucaTrial // ErrorRedirectSoul Manipulation
Oh wow I totally blanked on the Lingering Souls... wow thanks man. And I should put Emeria in for sure. Great card. Frontline would be a good addition as well. Thanks for the advice!
Dark Triumph, Triumph of Cruelty, Master of Cruelties, and Temple of the False God. How could I forget those?
Decree of Pain, Decree of Annihilation, Killing Wave, Desecration Demon, Harvester of Souls, Woebringer Demon, Dismember, Cruel Ultimatum, Zombify, Bog Witch, Hero's Downfall, Mortify, Nightmare Void.
Oh yeah I totally forgot about shapeshifters. Thanks!
No problem. I will say that of the anti-artifact cards in here, Stony Silence is the only one that affects your artifacts but you do have quite a lot of artifact control so hey, it's up to you.
Nice. I'm a fan of Saffi, lots of cool interactions. The deck is good but I've got a few suggestions to be taken at your discretion:-Swiftfoot Boots: If you do nothing else, but Swiftfoot boots in this deck because all EDH decks need Boots. Lightning Greaves also work.-Solemn Simulacrum: Format staple and it's especially good with Saffi. You could ramp yourself up quite a bit and draw a fair amount of cards with the two of them.-Pulsemage Advocate: Political card and it can grab you things from your yard that Saffi couldn't save.-Relic of Progenitus: A personal favorite of mine. Shuts down all those crazy graveyard decks but it might backfire in here as well.-Naturalize/Disenchant/Aura Mutation: Art/Ench. control. Straight forward.-Selesnya Charm: Good utility. Lots of potential responses.-Selesnya Keyrune/Signet: Color Fixing. Signet is better than the Keyrune so if you want one, go with that.-Akroma's Vengeance/Wrath of God/Planar Cleansing/Day of Judgement: Some good boardwipes.-Asceticism: Creatures have Hexproof and regenerate for 1G. Good protection.-Privileged Position: All your perms have Hexproof. Nice.-Bow of Nylea: An iffiy card. I like it. It gives you a lot of options.-Druidic Satchel: Same boat as the Bow. I like it. It's not total dead weight but its not overly powerful.- Rites of Floursihing: Nice political ramp card.-Adarkar Valkyrie: Can get you a pseudo-Saffi every turn.-Archon of Justice: Use with Saffi for crazy exile powers.-Intrepid Hero: Takes out fattys no prob.-Sunblast Angel: Recursive boardwipes? Yes please!-Harmonic Sliver: More Art/Ench control. Saffi makes if recursive.
I know how to build an EDH deck. I've built a couple. I call it a Haakon EDH because it centers around knights, who Haakon lets you play from the yard. The General of the deck is Tariel. I play him for his colors; its a deck based on Haakon's ability, not Tariel's. I understand that you can not cast Haakon from the command zone which is why I run someone else as the commander. If you looked at the deck's sideboard you'd see that. You even do that in your EDH decks.
Rath is iffy. It can easily turn into a double edge sword. You'd need a lot of stuff to either prevent people from attacking you in the first place like Propaganda, and you need cards to punish those who do, like Blood Reckoning, Hissing Miasma, First Strikers with Deathtouch, No mercy, etc. You need a very aggressive deck to run Furnace. I see Nekusar as a war of attrition: Yes they draw lots of cards, but at the cost of 3 or 4 life every card.
Awesome deck, I've got one too if you wanna check it out. in all it's pretty good. I suggest, Solemn Simulacrum: Format Staple and all around great card.Sensei's Divining Top: (See above)Underworld Dreams: Literally just Nekusar's Second ability for BBB.Relic of Progenitus: Excellent Yard Control. Format Staple. If used at the right time, can shut down a grave-based deck.Wound Reflection: Doubles life lost by opponents. Combos well with Nekusar/other life ping cards.Capsize: Incredible card. Bounce your cards, bounce their cards, bounce things all day.Fabricate: Nice tutor for whatever artifact you need.Cruel Ultimatum, Prince of Thralls, Blood Tyrant: Good Grixis cards.Black Sun's Zenith, Apocalypse, Jokulhaups: Good boardwipes.Torrent of Souls: Nice recursion for a fatty and gives everything a little boost.Hero's Downfall, Dreadbore: Creature/PW control.Counterspell, Syncopate: Good counter spells.Wild Ricochet: Could easily win games. Ashling Searing Wind's someone? Bam, throw it back at em for 20.All of these are to be taken at your discretion. The deck is good how it is, but if you were looking for something to replace a card you don't really like, use one of these.Hope this helps.
Nice. Doran's a great commander. I'd say his biggest problem as a general is that he is a giant aggro magnet. To start of, you need Swiftfoot Boots. Like, NEED. SWIFTFOOT BOOTS. Some other cards I'd suggest are:Creatures: Solemn Simulacrum, Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, Jareth, Leonine Titan, Avatar of Hope, Autochron Wurm, Deadwood Treefolk, Brawn, Valor.Protection: SWIFTFOOT BOOTS, Darksteel Plate, Prifileged Position, Slagwurm Armor, Leyline of Vitality.Aggression: Fireshrieker, Slagwurm Armor, Ready // Willing, Primal Rage, Belbe's Armor, Conclave's Blessing, Coat of Arms, Door of Destinies.Grave Recursion: Disentomb, Zombify, Unburial Rites, Obzedat's Aid, Disturbed Burial, Debtors' Knell.Art./Ench. Control: Naturalize, Disenchant, Krosan Grip, Return to Dust, Mortify, Putrefy, Aura Mutation.Creature Control [Destroy]: Doom Blade, Go for the Throat, Mortify, Putrefy, Vindicate.Creature Control [-X/-X]: Dismember, Tragic Slip.Creature Control [Sacrifice]: Geth's Verdict, Chainer's Edict, Tribute to Hunger.Creature Control [Exile]: Fiend Hunter, Unmake, Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, Oblivion Ring, Journey to Nowhere, Prison Term, Faith's Fetters, Selesnya CharmBoardwipes: Austere Command, Black Sun's Zenith, Akroma's Vengeance, Planar Cleansing, Final Judgement, Day of Judgement, Decree of Pain, Plague Wind, Wrath of God, Damnation, Merciless Eviction.Lifegain: Trostani, Selesnya's voice, Basilisk Collar, Animal Boneyard, Leyline of Vitality, Debt to the Deathless, Exsanguinate.Utility Lands: Vault of the Archangel, Miren, the Moaning Well, Forbidding Watchtower, Stirring Wildwood.Mana Fixing: Orzhov Signet, Golgari Signet, Selesnya Signet, Chromatic Lantern.Feel free to ignore any of them that you do not like. You look like you're going for a pure tribal so some of the creatures you may want to avoid. Good luck with the deck!
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