The name of the deck is Torture with Tibalt. Running Tibalt is torture so it totally fits the deck.
Which is exactly why I have tutors.
Look, bud, since you clearly know all things about EDH, as you demonstrated on that Olivia deck, I figured "You know what, let's see how much this guy actually knows about the subject." Figured you might be full of crap and you were just spouting things to sound intelligent. If you were, I'd give you some advice. If you actually did know things about EDH, that's cool too. Maybe I know a better card than what you've got, let you know, help a brotha out. Be friendly. Because that's the purpose of Magic. Not to be petty, and condemn people for helping out someone new to the format. If you really are building all those decks, great! Good for you. I encourage every I know who plays Magic to build an EDH, because its a really fun, relaxed format. When I see a REALLY badly made EDH, on here (and, lets be honest, this is crap. I'm sure the 1st one I've got on here is a load of poo too. everyone's first is), I try and help 'em out. Give them some advice. I definitely don't go on here to "bash" decks. Yea I don't sugar coat it, but I'm not one to just say a bad deck is good. I spend a lot of time on my advice to people so when some random dude swoops in and says "Yeah this guy makes some good points, but my ideas are WAY better." I get a little touchy. I saw 2 EDH decks and about 20 standard/modern/whatever decks and tried to help you out, because from your profile, you don't seem like an EDH pro. I try to avoid conflict with people as much as I can, because fight amongst other players isn't going to help anyone improve. I welcome any advice on any of my decks. When I'm wrong, I'll admit it. If you wanna keep going like this, bashing me and my advice to others, feel free, but I'm done with that. Or, we can both just drop this utterly pointless and downright idiotic argument and go about our lives as civilized players.
I would like to point out, that we are both arguing the side that Exile is better than all other removal so we can just drop that subject right now. Save us all some time.Red blows up artifacts all the time. There are so many red 'destroy target artifact' spells, its not even funny, so unless you run Darksteel Forge in all your decks for the sole purpose of protecting Greaves, Tajic is not as immune as you think.The fact that Destroy does not always work does not warrant forcing 2 color to do what they were clearly not designed to do.
On the subject of lands, what are things like Ancient Ziggurat, Shimmering Grotto, and Vivid Grove in here for? The only mana you will ever need is colorless and Green, so giving yourself the option to make Red or Blue mana (which you can't make anyways since Eladamri is only green) isn't really worth it. Ziggurat essentially taps for Green mana which can only be used to cast creatures so if you really need to get that 1 extra mana in for your Primal Surge (Yes it can happen, more often than you think) you're out of luck. I suggest removing those kinds of lands and just adding Forests, or Lands that give you large amounts of mana *cough cough Gaea's Cradle* or really good abilities, I suggest Vesuva or Thespian's Stage. Those are both strong lands.On the subject of the rest of the deck, you have some solid cards, even some great ones, but some of these are just out of freaking nowhere. Like Darksteel Forge for instance. I have a Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer deck and it's filled with artifacts, obviously, its from Mirrodin. Since it's so full of artifacts, I bought a Forge. This deck has some great artifacts in it, but none that you won't win without, and certainly not enought to warrant 9 mana. The only things you REALLY need to save are the Memorial and Coat of Arms because if someone blows up your Lotus you're not gonna run out of mana, you're running freaking elves, you have as much mana as you dang well please.Some of the elves in here are ok at best and some are just straight up bad. Wirewood Elf and Leaf Gilder are just Llanowar elves with one extra Power or Toughness. Then you have the actual Llanowar Elf. Elves is one of the most broken tribes ever. They're humongous, they're in like every set ever, they ramp like its no one's business, they do tokens, they make opponents discard, they're insane. Your general gives every single elf on the field forestwalk, including your opponents'. If you're playing a black deck that's running conspiracy, all they have to do is name Elf and you give every single creature he owns unblockable and shroud. You have exactly 2 cards which remove enchantments: Spine and Lux Canon. Spine costs 7 mana, so if someone decides to put an enchantment on the field that you don't like before you have 7 mana, you just get to be sad. Lux Canon comes out earlier, but casting that is like saying "Hey guys, I'm gonna have the ability to nuke anything on the field at instant speed, don't kill me". It makes you a threat, or someone's just gonna Naturalize it before it goes off. On the subject of your general again, you get forestwalk and shroud, but if you're playing against an American deck, or literally any non-green deck, your commander only does half his job. BUT! Yavimaya Dryad can help with that. Look it up. Blink that man.The biggest problem with your deck is that it essentially leaves your opponents up to their own devices and that is a terrible plan. Opponents who are left unchecked, become problems. Big ones. Fast. The ability to remove any Creature, Artifact, or Enchantment, on command is an ABSOLUTE necessity and I can not stress that enough. YOU. NEED. TO. BE. ABLE. TO. REMOVE. NONCREATURE. PERMANENTS. Spine and Lux canon are not enough. They are vulnerable and slow.
Uh, by no means am I arguing that Exile is better than destroy, I'm saying that out of all the EDH I play, I've gotten more use out of my Destroy spells than my burn spells. And if I were playing this deck, I'd love it if someone summoned Ulamog or Tajic. Olivia is Mind Control on a Stick. As for Black Removal, if you make your oponent sac a Tajic with Geth's Verdict, they are not a threat what so ever. To be clear, there are more black boardwipes than just those. You should not center the entirety of your removal around the fear that your opponent is going to summon a Knoda, Lord of Eiganjo, or some other indestructible creature. If you build all your removal around the exileing or forced sacrifice of Stuffy Doll, you need to rethink your strategy. Again, I can't stress enough that you need at least SOME exile spells, but by no means should you rebuild your Red/Black deck to become a control ring. Red and Black are as far away from White as it gets, so attempting to turn your Rakdos deck into a pseudo-white control is an idiotic idea. Wipes and Spells that don't exile or put on -1/-1 counters won't loose the game. Damnation, Life's Finale, Plague Wind, are all just fine to run in a deck, although I've found that Red and White have the Best boardwipes. I figure each deck should have 3-5 in there. I'd say maybe Black Sun's, Verdict, Apocalypse, Decree of Annihilation, Life's Finale, or anything else you like.Looking at this now, it has definitely improved. I like the addition of Cabal Coffers. Something I suggest for that, is Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. That'll make Coffers tap for SO much more. And you're unblockable with swampwalk. Some things still need work, like Volt Charge, 3 mana for a burn for 3 and an extra +1/+1 on Oliva won't take you far, on the other hand, Molten Influence is a good card. A free burn for 4 is never bad and if its not, hey, your Red/Black deck just countered them. Suck on that, blue.
@Ninja: Yes, I'll grant you that Burn is not ALWAYS worse than destroy, but in by experience with EDH, I've found that a Terminate will go much farther than a Lightning Bolt. I would take a Vindicate over the vast majority of burn spells, any day of the week. I've always been frustrated when my opponent summons that 4 toughness creature and my lightning bolt just can't get in for that extra 1. And I can not agree with you more that Exile is SO much better than Destroy, but the availability of exile spells in RED is almost non-existent, if not completely. Now that I think about it, Black doesn't have any I can think of either. White is where the best exile spells are. Path, Swords, O-Ring, Angel of Salvation.
Yeah, you should put your commander in the sideboard just so it can be found easily.
Plenty of things wrong here. Your biggest problem is that your deck is only 67 cards. You should have about 40 lands tops in each EDH deck but even with that you'll only have 87 cards. On the subject of the land base, I suggest lands and artifacts that tap for both red and black mana. Rakdos Guildgate, Signet, Carnarium, and any other Red/Black lands you like. Red and Black are allies, so there is a wide range of lands you have available, more so than say a Red/Blue deck or a Black/White deck has. All EDH decks need to have a central theme to work effectively. With this you chose a Vampire tribal, but for a deck to really work, you need to have more than just pick a theme. You need a lot of cards to support your general in its goal. The biggest problem with Olivia is that her ability is very expensive. Good, but very expensive. One of her plus sides is that she can get very bi, very fast. One card I suggest is Heartstone to lower the cost of Olivia's abilities. That 1 extra mana you can keep with it can go a long way, and this will give Olivia pseudo-firebreathing, only WAY better. Blade of the Bloodchief and Knoda's banner are also great choices since the blade will give Olivia a bunch more counters and the Banner will buff up all your creatures immensely. Grave Recursion is always a great choice for black decks. One thing your deck is really lacking in is control, specifically, removal. Its better to use Destroy spells over Burn spells in EDH. Dreadbore, Terminate, things like that. The only burn spells you should be running are things that burn for a lot. Like Rakdos's Return. On a similar note, Boardwipes are vital to the success of any EDH deck. If one of your opponents is getting out of hand, just wipe out everything. Fortunately, Red and Black have a plethora of exellent boardwipes available to them. Blasphemous Act, Damnation, Black Sun's Zenith, Decree of Annihilation, all excellent choices. All around, the deck is playable (assuming you add cards to make it 100) but it definitely needs improvement.
Cascade won't work the way you want it to. Hypergenesis has no converted mana cost, not a converted mana cost of 0. It doesn't cost more, it doesn't cost less, it doesn't cost the same, it just has no converted mana cost. Your spells will cascade into nothing. I suggest you remove all your cascade creatures and add in some walls and ramp. Sakura-Tribe Elder is an excellent choice. Block, sac it and get a basic land. You could also add in Kozilek and Ulamog. Just for funsies. I also strongly suggest tutors or draw engines. There are also a plethora of cards that remove time counters from suspended cards so you may wish to consider those.
Add in the rest of the shock lands and another door. And replace the elks for something that fetch a Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, or Forest so you can fetch the shock lands.
Whoops! Guess I forgot to add that. I totally forgot about that. Thanks.
You could take out a Temporal Mastery. With your infinite tutors, it really wont matter how many you have in there. You may want to consider putting in actual tutors, just in case you can't find a Melira or Viscera Seer to get your combo up. Diabolic Tutor is what comes to mind. You could also put in Fabricate to pull your Cauldron of Souls faster. Glen Elendra Archmage could replace one of the Grazing Kelpies since the Archmage is essentially as many counterspells for not creature spells as you want.
Miracle cards.... Well you have nothing but dual lands so you clearly are not making a budget deck so Terminus or Devastation Tide, just in case your opponents get too big for you to handle, Revenge of the Hunted could definately make Kozles even more of an unstopable monster, (and on that note, it wouldn't hurt to put in some of the larger eldrazi like Ulamog, Emrakul, or Pathrazer), and if you are a fan of Tokens, Entreat the Angels, which has gone down considerably in price. You could also put in some large beaters if you want. Griselbrand, Grave Titan, Primeval Titan, Darksteel Colossus. You could also put in Teferi or Leline of Anticipation so if your opponent decides to attack you, you could just suprise them with a flashed in Kozilek.
Yes yes yes a thousand times yes. Focus more on one particular win condition and have a few others. This is clearly a Boros deck but you shouldn't just throw in cards that you think are cool. Put in cards that work with your theme cohesively. If you want a deck that centers on battalion, make sure ALL or at least the majority of your cards have battalion. Like Legion Loyalist or Frontline Medic. Also, most battalion cards only affect themselves so they won't boost up your one drops. I HIGHLY suggest you add in 4 Boros charms because Boros charm is the most freaking broken charm ever. If the WORST thing a card does is burn for 4, you know its good.
Ha! This is cool! Never thought of using Melira with persist and a way to find any card you want in your deck, its like having a vampiric tutor whenever you want it! I would consider putting something with a way to draw a card at instant speed so you can immediately draw whatever you want. Things like Archivist. More Miracle cards couldn't hurt.
Well, Green/White has a TON of great removal spells. I highly suggest Oblation or Condemn to permanately take out peoples' commanders and essentially shut down their decks.
Quick side not on that Zombie/Elf Tribe you may/may not build: Grimgrin, Corpse Born can cause some crazy shenanigans, and for elves, Nath of the Gilt Leaf, Rhys (if you're willing to drop that much money for your deck) although there are TONS of Elf legends out there that will also work. Now, onto this. Point of order: Put Rafiq in your Sideboard, just so he's easier to find.Second Point of Order: Uh... you don't have lands... and those are kind of important in Magic... a standard deck should have about 40 lands, maybe a few less.Now, onto the deck:Rafiq is, for all intents and purposes, a 4/4 double striker. The goal of Rafiq is to give him +7/+7 and unblockable. To this extent, most people use Equipment and make him a Voltron deck, which works very well. Another popular choice, is to just use Exalted things and swing once or twice. A Knight EDH, doesn't really work with Rafiq himself. For that, try Haakon, Stromgald Scourge (yes it is possible, no you can't use him as your actual commander, you have to Entomb him or something like that). If you REALLY want to make this a tribe, you need to put in the best Knights there are, and no filler Knights. I would suggest Sublime Archangel, but she is an Angel, but I definitely think she's worth it.You need removal spells. Get rid of some of those "change the text of a card to a different color" instants. I see the combo you're putting up with the protection swords, and it will not require 7. 1 or 2 tops. Put in removal spells. you are in White and Blue, so Condemn, Oblation, Counter Spells to the max, O-Ring, Path to Exile, all that stuff. You NEED lots of removal.
Oh boy... Sheoldred EDH... expect aggro and lots of it coming your way. To begin with, Debotors' Knell and Sapling of Colfenor are also White and Green so they can not be used in a Sheoldred EDH, even though you are able to cast them without White or Green mana. Second, add more removal. For artifacts and Enchantments. You have to be able to get rid of more than just creatures. Also, add creature removal. You need to be able to control more than just with Sheoldred. Skullclamp and Grave Pact are both exelent cards. A word of warning though, Necropotence will make you a huge target, so watch out. Your commander already makes a lot of aggro.
Exelent! A Trostani EDH! My suggestions: Add more removal. You need to be able to control the board at all times. Second, because of Trostani's first ability, you could add a Feldar Sovregn to give yourself an extra win condition. Some cards to think about would be Mycoloth, Entreat the Angels (unless you're going for budget, then forget I said that.), Miming Slime, Worldspine Wurm, or Nomads' Assembly.
41-60 of 72 items