Not a problem at all man! Glad to help! I totally understand that you want to keep it under a budget, I'm not exactly Bill Gates myself. One thing your friend has a token deck hmmm? Boy do I know the card for you. Leyline of Singularity. All nonland permanents are Legendary. And yes, that does include tokens. Since nothing in your deck makes tokens, it doesn't matter for you. But your friend, oh boy. His deck will be COMPLETELY shut down. He'll have no choice but to stand there and watch in horror as you just bide your time and wait for that Curiosity to come up and just wreck him.If you're looking for pingers, I know some great ones. Frostwalker from Kamigawa is a pretty fun choice. The only downside is that it costs 2RR, but she's definitely worth it. I wouldn't say swap out Staticaster, but consider adding Frostwalker.One other VERY important thing if forgot to talk about is Boardwipes. You NEED to have several. If your opponent starts getting out of control and your spells can't stop him, it's time to reset, even if it means resetting yourself too. Black Sun's Zenith for 10. Or since this is Red/Blue, Cyclonic Rift or Blasphemous Act. Be sure you have 3 or 4 and make sure some of them do more than just destroy all creatures because sometimes it could be an artifact that's screwing you over.
Thanks for the advice!
Ha! I love Animar! One of my friends has him and its a really good deck. Point of order though, it makes it easier for everyone if you put your general in your sideboard.Right off the bat, I see Ulamog and Kozzles, which is great. I also see cards like Vigor and Darksteel Colossus which only gets better. Unfortunately, this deck has one major flaw. Animar needs two things. Huge beaters like Darksteel and Worldspine Wurm, and small creatures to help him get big. in this deck, I only see a small handfull of cards to start pumping up Animar with counters and that is a problem. You need your big Eldrazi and Golems, sure, but you also need small things, like Ornothopter or Memnite. Ornothopter and Memnite especially because they cost 0 mana. Another great ability to have in Animar, is the ability to bounce your own small creatures to your hand, just to play them again and cheat those extra counters onto Animar. Every time you cast a Trinket Mage and you tutor for an Ornothopter or a Wall of Steel, is just one mana closer to Ulamog you are. My best piece of advice for you is to add more small creatures, bounce spells, and removal. Creatures, Artifacts, Enchantments, you need all those kinds of removals because you might not always have the mana open to counter a spell when you really need it.
You need a commander. The only Legends you have are Darien and Trostani, neither of which are white. Once you figure out who you're using, add him to the list. I'd be glad to give you some advice, but you gotta give me something to go on.
Not a bad deck for your first time. It needs some definite improvements, but this has potential. I'm not sure how much you know about EDH, but let me tell you some of what I know. A good EDH deck has a strong general that does at least one of 3 things. Swings for ridiculous amounts of damage (Rifiq of the Many, Thromok the Insatiable, Bruna, Light of Alabaster), constantly affects the board state (Hokori, Dust Drinker, Teysa, Orzhov Scion), or assist you towards a goal (Jhoira of the Ghitu, Animar, Soul of Elements, Rakdos, Lord of Riots). Niv-Mizzet, allong with most other commanders who let you draw, is a combo deck. His purpose is to let you draw cards until you find the one (or more) cards that will win you the game. In addition to the strong commander, each deck should have a Theme to it. For this deck, you have chosen to have a lot of instant and sorcery spells. That's not a bad theme, but the cards in your deck definitely need some work.1: Your GeneralTo begin with, swap generals. While Dracogenius is a good card, Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind is just superior. Dracogenius only lets you draw when he deals damage, and since you will have a limited amount of mana, you won't be able to use it to the fullest potential. Firemind lets you ping whenever you draw from anything. Spells that draw? Ping. Artifacts that draw? Ping. Planeswalkers that draw? Ping. What I'm getting at is that EDH is a much broader format than Standard or Modern. Since I don't play Standard or Modern, I'm not sure how effective he is in those formats, but he is definitely not up to snuff in EDH.Before we move on, I'm going to tell you some card that work well in most Niv-Mizzet Decks.-Omniscience-Leyline of Anticipation2: No Maximum Hand Size = MustThis is a 100 card, Blue/Red deck, with Niv-Mizzet as the commander, so you need much more than a Reliquary Tower to give you that. You should never have less than 5 or 6 cards in your hand once you get rolling. Some good cards to that effect are Library of Leng, Venser's Journal, and Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, but there are many others.3: Draw PowerIn EDH, you start with 40 life. That's twice as much as you do in every other format. Cards like Peek, or Thought Scour are nice because you get to draw a card, but that one draw usually won't have much of an effect. People are much more willing to loose life in EDH because they have so much. Generally, you want your spells to have a low a cost as possible, for as many cards as you can draw. Ponder and Brainstorm are excellent in this regard. Enter the Infinite is also a good card if you can properly use it. Keep in mind that there are a plethora of creatures that can draw for you. Jin-Gitaxis is an excellent choice. So is Concecrated Sphinx, Arcanis the Omnipotent, Psychosis Crawler, and Sphinx of Magosi to name a few.4: ArtifactsArtifacts play a very important role in the vast majority of EDH. A lot of mana fixing goes on in Artifacts but Artifacts also let you draw. A lot. This is especially true for Niv-Mizzet, where every draw, is a burn for 1. Staff of Nin, Howling Mine, Font of Mythos, and Teferi's Puzzle Box are all huge drawers. Another big part of Artifacts is utility. Just cards that can help improve a deck. Like Isochron Scepter. If you can imprint a usefull spell on Isochron Scepter it makes a huge difference. Like Reverberate or Brainstorm. Being able to copy any instang or sorcery at instant speed every single turn is a huge advantage.5: EnchantmentsLike Artifacts, a lot of EDH decks have quite a few enchantments in them. Niv really only needs to concern himslef with enchantments that let you draw. A lot. Sigil of Sleep, Ophidian Eye, and Curiosity are all excellent Auras to pop on Niv, but there are other enchantments that also help a lot. Archmage Ascension, Thought Reflection, and Rhystic Study all work beautifully. While it is not a card that lets you draw more, Omniscience is a VERY powerful card and it can assuredly win you games. On the subject of powerful enchantments, Leyline of Anticipation would help your instant/sorcery theme along very nicely.6: RemovalEDH is a long, long, long, format with huge games that can have anywhere from 2 to 7 people, even more than that if you have it. To deal with that much, you need spot removal. You need to be able to look at a card, and just make it vanish. Blue mostly does this with counter spells and bounce spells, and Red mostly uses burn. Your removal needs to be able to take out anything on the field on command, as soon as possible before a card gets out of hand. So, your removal needs to be very broad. Things like Naturalize in Green. Destroy an Artifact OR and Enchantment. Cards like Echoing Truth, since they affect one card and all cards with the same name, aren't as practical in EDH since everyone only has one of each card.7: CreaturesYour creatures should contribute to the overall theme of the deck. In your deck, I see a Tandem Lookout, a Geltrode, a Goblin Electromancer, and a Guttersnipe. All great cards, and since you're trying to go for a more instant/sorcery based deck, they work well with the theme. Hypersonic Dragon, Izzet Cronarch, Nivix Guildmage Mnemonic Wall, and Wee Dragonauts also work well with this theme. Mulldrifter, Mercurial Chemester are also great cards, even though they don't necessarily fit the theme you're going for. Razorfin Hunter Izzet Staticaster, and Izzet Guildmage are just not worth it though. Razorfin and Staticaster just won't pull enough weight to make himself usefull, and the Guildmage's abilities are a bit too expensive to be practical. Any of the creatures I have mentioned in previous sections are applicable here. Augur of Bolas, Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir and Phryexian Metamorph/Clone are good choices. Clones can act as kill spells for your opponents Commanders.I hope this was of some help to you. Please, tell me what you think. Also, some of these cards I have mentioned are not exactly cheap.
Why are the guildgates here? If the deck is mono-green then there is no reason for you to have Blue Mana sources. It would be better to have an extra Forest since you will only be tapping the gate for green, and a forest wont enter tapped.
Great ideas here. I'm a little skeptical about Tibor though. Ob Nixilis, while a great card, doens't lend himself to being a huge threat aside from dealing 3 damage per turn but once he gets to menacing sizes, someone can just O-Ring him and thats that. Back to square one. I had him as an EDH earlier but scrapped it since he just didn't carry his weight. Tbh, he needs to be Black/Green. He would be SO much better. But good EDH generals? Theres tons. I'm not even gonna try to sort through all yours so if I say one you have just ignore it. Teysa, Orzhov Scion is a wonderful general if you like tokens and controlling creatures.Grimgrim, Corpse Born is also pretty powerful. A murder every turn, and he gets real big, real fast.Bruna, Light of Abalaster is, with the right draw, a turn 7 win. All you need is like, 3 auras and she's set.Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord or Savra, Queen of the Golgari for the ultimate grave based EDH.If you're a fan or artifacts and aggro, Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer is a good one.Gwafa, Head Profiteer is a super annoying Azorius color control deck, but he's effective.I haven't made one, but Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter sounds fun. Vamps tribe.Rhys is the be-all-end-all of all White/Green tokens. Puts Trositani to complete shame. There are 3 legendary Slivers .....just sayin'....These are just some that i have had ideas for or my friends have made. There are still SOOOO many more though...
Oh Thromok, you're so fun. I've got one of these decks. He's definitely one of my favorite decks. I suggest you put in Krenko or Mycoloth, so you have extra food for everyone's favorite 400/400 Hellion in case he dies or gets countered. Speaking of counters, Vexing Shusher works very well to stop those.And on a side note, Primeval Titan is banned. *tears*
Ha, this is a fun idea. Totally impractical, but fun.Primeval Titan is banned btw.
Add in some counterspells and more control. This is W/U/B, so it should be full of destroying, exiling, and countering. I also strongly suggest Debotors' Knell. If you want to use Time Sieve you should put in artifact token makers. Thopter Assembly is a good choice. You can also use Mycosynth Lattice, which will make ALL your perms artifacts, which you can then sac to Time Sieve, and get back with Sharuum.
For teh lols Zach. For teh lols. I'll probably end up taking em out. Dunno what to put in instead though.
Scrap Axebane guaridan and overgrownbattlement for creatures that give you tokens. you dont have enough defenders to make axebane useful. at best he gives you 2 mana. Seraph Sanctuary belongs in a Kaalia of the Vast deck, or like, Giest of St. Bro. You only have 4 angels. also, there are literally hundreds of better angles than Serra Angel. Find something else. YOU NEED GROWING RANKS. Add Coursers' Accord and Druid's Deliverance. You know those creatures that die, then turn into smaller creatuers? Like Worldspine Wurm, or Wurmcoil Engine. Get some of those. The Umbra's are nice, but they only affect one creature. Get cards that give ALL your creatures +1/+1. Leyline of the Meek, Mirari's Wake, Glorious Anthem, and Cathars' Crusade all do that. Naturalize and Bramblecrush can both be taken out. You should replace one with Beast Within. Unnatural Predation is the shitty version of Overrun, but you shouldn't put that in. Put in Overwhelming Stampede. Why are Explore and Growth Spasm in here? This is not a mana acceleration deck. Just poop tokens bro. You need more things that make tokens, and better things that make tokens. Get the Splicers. All the White and Green ones.
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