This deck is pretty deadly. +Like affinity <3
You're using too many different cards that you will rarely get what you want. You should give more information on the deck you're trying to oppose so we can give you better input. A good way to oppose the black deck may be using infect but I'm assuming you built a deck like this because you didn't want to resort to that. If you want to be pure green, I recommend Asceticism and Tajuru Preserver. You could use Bear Umbra to untap mana after attacking to get mana faster. Canopy Cover may help you as well.
You're wrong... saith17 gave a good explanation at Running into a land is just a possible stop condition. DCI judges have answered that the effect goes off as well and deals damage. Sorry titanwalker, you should read more about these sorts of things.
I agree that you're running too few vampires to call this a vampire control deck. You may have a good early start but you don't have any REAL mid-game power. You might say that Grave Titan is mid-to-end game power but what happens when someone double lightning bolts him? Or maybe they'll attack with a green 3/3 creature and use Giant Growth. Maybe they'll hold a Deathtouch blocker... Maybe the blocker gets boosted to 6/x .... What I'm saying is, you're missing an army to back up the Grave Titan. Sure, making people sacrifice creatures helps but a lot of decks run lots of creatures, burn, counters, or mill. You won't be able to truly keep up with them and that will be a problem.
You would search until you find a land card OR until you run out of cards in your deck. When your deck runs out, it triggers as the number of cards you went through. The revealed cards aren't put on the bottom of your library until the effect deals damage. When you run out of cards in your library, the effect triggers or the game would wait until a land card is found which means it just doesn't end. This means whoever scoops first looses.... and I'm pretty sure the deck owner would be willing to wait because he made such an evil deck to begin with. For this reason, card triggers when 1) you reach a land card or 2) when you run out of cards in your library.
Here's a list of some good looking non-creature spells. A lot of them look good for your deck but you should really limit it to cards that you would prefer. Instant Mighty Leap {1w} +2/+2 Flying (Instant) Soul Parry {1w} Prevent 2 creatures from dealing damage Silence {w} Opponent can't cast spells Brave the Elements {w} Creatures controlled get prot from color of choice Righteousness {w} Blocking creature gets +7/+7 Safe Passage {2w} Prevent damage this turn Sorcery Day of Judgement {2ww} Destroy all Creatures Iona's Judgement {4w} Exile creature or enchantment Open the Vaults {4ww} Return artifacts/enchantments from graveyard to the field Enchantment Arrest {2w} Can't attack/block/activate abilities Pacifism {1w} can't attack/block Tempered steel {1ww} Artifact creatures you control get +2/+2 Armored Ascension {3w} +1/+1 for each plains controlled and flying Honor of the Pure {1w} White creatures controlled get +1/+1 Leyline of Sanctity {2ww} player gains shroud Marshal's Anthem {2ww} Creatures controlld get +1/+1 (multikicker graveyard res{1w}) Journey to Nowhere {1w} exile creature ----- I like the Safe Passage, Day of Judgement, Open the Vaults, Arrest, Pacifism, Tempered steel, Marshal's Anthem, Journey to Nowhere cards. It's still player's preference on what you should use. Leyline of Sanctity is also a good side deck card because it stops players from directly burning you but it's not a good card to always main deck. People build decks differently because they think of using cards differently. Good luck on completing this. (I only went back to M10 since I didn't know what kind of cards you wanted to use.)
Since you're running 4 of the druid that taps for as mana equal to the number of allies in play, I recommend using Rite of Replication. 5 Allies come into play, Simultaneously. Lets assume you had 5 allies in play. 1 Hagra Diabologist, 1 Harabaz Druid, 3 of anything else. You replicate Hagra Diabologists 5 times(kicking Rite of Replication does this). How the Life Loss triggering works: 10 Allies are in play when this triggers so.... First 10 (1 per ally) * 5(5 allies coming into play) damage. Second the 5 copies coming into play trigger their effects 5 times each. 5(copies coming into play) * 10(number of allies in play) * 5(allies coming into play) damage. This totals to 6 Allies triggering 5 times for a total of 10 damage per trigger or 300 damage. With less allies, the damage would be less and the lands you need to tape being more but it's a pretty nice effect.
To be honest, I like this infect deck. Unlike all the Infect decks out there, this one offers a different look on the field apart from the main sight of swamps and forests overpowering the whole field.
If any of my friends make a deck like this... I will be pissed >.< It's a pretty nice deck but it takes the fun out of actually playing the game. Good Job on building it!
You're not running enough red and it's only helping control your opponents creature count if anything. I recommend dropping the red and using some Darksteel Myr. Infect, Wither, and Trample would remain a problem but that's a problem for everyone. A couple more Myr Battlesphere's would be nice too. The infinite combo for the Heavy Arbalest trick works for it's ability as well. You can tap as many Myr as you need when it attacks and the 4/7 Battlesphere gains +X/+0 where X is the number of Myr you tapped. It also deals the X damage to the defending player. Assuming your opponent had 20 life and you tapped 20 Myr when you attacked with the Battlesphere, it wouldn't matter whether it was blocked or not. If you droped the red, you would drop the 4 Iron Myr and the 8 red spells. You could go down to 20 basic land cards, all being Plains. This would reduce your deck by 14 cards. The Great Furnace's would go with them, dropping your deck by a total of 16 cards. You would have a 59 card deck with what I see up there if you dropped the red.
Black decks would instantly shut you down with Memoricide or Haunting Echoes.
You probably know but Merfolk equipped with the Sword of Body and Mind cant be made unblockable by Merfolk Sovereign. Other than that comment, HAPPY HUNTING. ;)
Since the mana cost to re-equip the Sword of Body and Mind is so low, you could just have 2 attackers and swap every other round. Before re-equipping the sword of body and mind, you would make the Merfolk that is attacking an unblockable creature. I like this Merfolk deck but I don't have all the ones needed so I'll settle for my Merfolk Mill. :P
This deck is nice. <3 +Like!
The chances of pulling off a hand with those starting cards is beyond ridiculous. For 5 turns you need 9 roughly-specific cards..... Chances:(Only using full %s, didn't round up) Swamp(or Grixis Panorama)| 13/63 : 20% Land | 20/62 : 32% Liliana's Caress | 4/61 : 6% Island(or Grixis) | 7/60 : 11%(10% if you used 1 Grixis before this,8% if used 2 before) Megrim | 4/59 : 6% Mountain(or Grixis) | 7/58 : 12%(10% if used 1 grixis, 8% if used 2 grixis, 6% if used all before) Copy Enchantment | 2/57 : 3% Burning Inquiry | 4/56 : 7% Burning Inquiry(or Mind Rot or Mind Shatter) | 9/55 : 15% ----- I'm not trying to be mean but you're hoping for awfully good luck. I noticed something that would change the %s but not that much. Keep in mind, these are the likelyhoods of drawing the cards starting with the first card of your opening hand. Caress = Meagrim = Copy Enchantment(after 1 of the other 2 have been played)
I think you should use 4 Galvanizers and maybe put 2 Heavy Arbalest in. Then you wouldn't have to attack to win, you'd just tap your Myr infinite times in 1 turn to deal 2*infinite damage. If you have the cards, you may consider a second Indomiatable Archangel and 1 or 2 Whispersilk Cloak's. True, AOE spells still would affect your creatures but, you should have no problem with that since you're running an infinite Myr combo.
I wasn't saying to not use Stormtide Leviathan, I was saying that your defenders and spells didn't focus on shutting down the opponent until you could get 1 out. Having only 1 bomb vs a black deck could lead to your end with Memoricide and similar cards is what I meant.
You have too little control and too many different defenders. Add some more Guard Gomazoa and Wall of Ice cards if you want stallers. You should get some cards that allow you to draw some as well since you're relying on a single bomb strategy. Because you're waiting and focusing mainly on defending, Plainswalkers will be a problem as well. Sure if you're lucky you can counter them but since you'd be playing defenders early on, you might not have the lands open. You seem interested in Roil Elemental and you're running Around 40% lands you might consider adding another and running some Windrider Eel's as well. Hedon crabs could be effective as well. I recommend Æther Adepts because they bounce a monster when they are played and bouncing creatures that cost a lot of mana or are level up creatures is very effective. Clones are also good for frustrating people. Clone their Legandary creature's and they'll go crazy. Lighthouse Cronologist is also pretty powerful because extra turns are awesome and in battles with more than 2 players, the number turns you have the chance of getting make you out-power most decks. Echo Mages may also annoy people so don't forget about them. Enjoy building a more FRUSTRATING deck!
If you were working on leveling up Echo Mage, he wouldn't be ready with his final level until turn 5 and then you would have no mana, and that is assuming a close to ideal draw. Since you'd be only running 3 Echo Mages, the chances you wouldn't get him are pretty high. Ya I just rechecked your deck about the Leyline... Since you aren't using any counter cards, casting your mill cards on their turn wouldn't matter too much. The only nonstandard card in your deck right now is ponder too, it's kind of funny. ^_^
Have you considered Leyline of Anticipation to make nonland cards gain flash (making then 'instant's). Traumatize becomes increasingly less useful over time. It costs 5 so 7+4 (or 11) cards should have been already played before you can even begin to use it leaving the opponents who use 60 card decks with at most 49 cards, milling 24. Afterward, it becomes far less and archive trap that costs the same mills 13 no matter what. Because you have Hedon Crab and Tome Scour, I assume the opponent would probably be milling less than the 24 to begin with if you cast it that early as well. You should probably side deck 1 or 2 more and add more archive traps. People like to search their decks nowadays.
161-180 of 181 items