I can't tell which format this deck is for.I think if you're going to include Kaalia, then you should be willing to cheat in more effective Angels, Demons, and Dragons:Angel of Despair - Destroy things!Angel of Serenity - Bring things back, remove threats (temporarily is fine).Avacyn, Angel of Hope - Prevent your creatures and what you steel from being destroyed.Iona, Shield of Emeria - Prevent your opponent from casting a dangerous color.Demon of Death's Gate - Hard to cast, easy to cheat, and has a cheat cast that works well with your low drops.Griselbrand - The demon that fills your hand; why wouldn't you cheat him!?Rune-Scarred Demon - Find what you'll cheat next or look for an answer to what your opponent played.Malfegor - Blocker removal that gives more reanimation targets for Tariel.Thundermaw Hellkite - Prevent blockers with a chance of eliminating bird/pegasus/spirit tokens that are all over the place.Not all of them, you should be picky on which you use and which your don't based on who you play with and how they build.I also think;Terminate is bad since you run 4 Charm 2 Mortars 2 Dreadbore. Damnation or Divine Reckoning fits that slot better. If you go with the Kaalia plan, then Divine Reckoning is the path!Sheoldred will take too long to cast. You might prefer to cheat in the 9-costing angel; Reya Dawnbringer.
I wonder if Reforge the Soul would be useful in this deck. You can't go wrong shipping your whole hand for more reanimation shenanigans; plus Unburial Rites is cheaper from your graveyard and Faith's only works on what died from the battlefield...
Aphetto Alchemist equipped with Illusionist's Bracers and Seat of the Synod land on the table.Step 1a: Activate Alchemist ability to untap Seat of SynodStep 1b: Bracers creates a copy of Alchemist ability; and you choose a new target; Aphetto Alchemist himself.Step 2: Repeat Step 1 until you have as much mana as you want.Who says infinite mana is hard to come by?
What's your solution to people running Legendary Eldrazi? Even if it's 1 in the sideboard, round 2 and 3 of the match they'll have it.
Mugging on Reckoner means means it can't block but it's a Sorcery so you'd either do it before or after combat, but not on their turn. You cant entice your opponent into blocking with multiple creatures this way and then even not pay for first strike and smash their face it for 4 or more damage. Another way is after you attacked, and your opponent is at 2, smash them with a mugging bounced off Reckoner.If the deck was Boros, it would be a little slower. Mono-red is a glass canon; you win early on or die when they stabilize. Battalion isn't something you use with a 3+ cost creature very often with wrath effects costing 4; Supreme Verdict and Mutilate.
Gift can be played for 1 colorless and 2 black mana at all times. Guildgates always enter tapped. Crypt Ghast makes Swamps tap for 2 black but Guildgate is not a swamp. Guildgate may tap to add +2/+2 to Gateway Shade but if Crypt Ghast is on the Field, the 2 black mana from 1 swamp can also +2/+2 a Gateway Shade.Are you telling me all the good Orzhov cards from Gatecrash don't exist? What have I been smoking? O_O
Graveyard: Angel of Glory's Rise, Cartel Aristocrat, Fiend Hunter, Fiend HunterStep 1: Unburial Rites -> Angel of Glory's RiseStep 2: Return Humans to the battlefield from graveyardStep 3a: Fiend Hunter 1 -> exile Angel of Glory's Rise on stackStep 3b: Fiend Hunter 2 -> exile opponent's creature #1 on stackStep 3c: Sacrifice Fiend Hunter 2 (who's target is opponent's creature)~Step 3 completes with Fiend Hunter 1 bound as who exiled Glory's Rise. Opponent's creature is exiled permanently.Step 4: Sacrifice Fiend Hunter 1Step 5: Repeat Step 2-4 until your opponent has no creatures.The Fiend Hunter's ability to exile a creature doesn't enter the stack until he has entered the battlefield. Once it's on the stack, you are free to sacrifice him while it is on the stack. Fiend Hunter's ability is not like Wipe Away; it's not "Split Second."Edit: last paragraphThe whole combo is weak to kill spells to begin with. If the Fiend Hunter who is targeting Angel of Glory's Rise is killed while the ability is on the stack, the Angel of Glory's Rise will be exiled permanently. The ability to exile is on the stack while the ability to return get's pushed onto the stack. This is why I said to include hand disruption or answers to graveyard hate.
I think the Orzhov Guildgate is a mistake. It might be a good turn1 drop but afterwards, it becomes a mistake. You have no white casting costs. If you still want to run it, try converting the deck to Orzhov; there are more ways to abuse your creatures in standard in Orzhov now than mono-black because standard is Ravnica, all about them guilds right now! :)
Requirements: Angel of Glory's Rise, Fiend Hunter, Cartel Aristocrat, A victory conditionStep 1: Mulch, Grisly Salvage, and Faithless looting to get the combo pieces where you need them.Step 2: Reanimate or Cast Angel of Glory's Rise.Step 3: Target Angel with Fiend Hunter.Step 4: Sacrifice Fiend Hunter to bring back Angel, and revive the humans that are in your graveyard.Tricks:Huntmaster of the Fells - Life and Wolf tokens depending on how many times you revived it.2x Fiend Hunter - using the second Fiend Hunter, you can exile any number of opponents creatures. After it's first effect goes on the stack, sacrifice Fiend Hunter. It then tries to return things to play before they are exiled, exiling them for the rest of that game.Other Tricks:Using Undercity Informant and Burning-Tree Emissary: Angel of Glory's Rise brings back Burning-Tree Emissary(r + g mana); Mill with sacrificing the Burning-Tree, and then the Fiend Hunter to bring Angel back to the field, and then revive Burning-Tree and the Fiend Hunter.
I think it needs hand disruption or graveyard hate answers.
I think your deck is built a little underpowered.Brainstorm & Ponder - Dig through your deck more efficiently!Polluted Delta - Deck thinning and mana fixing for early game, how can you go wrong?Echoing Truth - The evolved form of Disperse! It handles things quicker and slaughters tokens like the plague.Snapcaster Mage - Abusing your graveyard is a must when you have so many spells you want to cast again!There are more things but I feel others would change the face of the deck.
It's cute how an Eldrazi Spawn can attack for a counter onto Druid's Repository! :)
I'm no great destroyer! I just thought if you take each well-structured deck, and compare the # of cards that they want to get versus the ones they don't, it's a lot more likely to get one they want. I can definitely see Dimir Charm working like a boss Fateseal-milling. Ooo O_O I just thought of a deadly Esper Duskmantle deck... Dimir Charm a high cost with Duskmantle out. They cast it and you Azorius Charm it.... hehehe :)
It looks good but it just looks off; I think you need a stronger early game.Duskmantle is hurts you more than he benefits you. You need some more discard effects to make better use of him. You help combo-decks pick up pieces, aggro decks get more creatures to handle your 1-for-1 removal, and control decks control you easier. When I saw him at first, I thought he was a poor man's Dark Confidant... Exquisite and him work nicely but I don't think it's enough. I see him working wonders with Scry effects, or even with Azorius Charm your opponents 6+drop to the top... but they tend to have powerful abilities, thus the discard power...
I only believe in decks that people can say things like "I had fun playing against that deck." This isn't about just playing with a small group of friends that you always play with, it's about enjoying the game with whoever you play with, even if you just met them for the first time today.
That's fine. I can honestly see you playing this against un-decks for fun. :)
I was not and am not trying to look down on it. If you read my reply then you would see that I was explaining that freeforms are 40-card minimum decks, as well as that your win condition, Channel, makes this deck freeform.Sure, I said that in legacy/vintage there are plenty of turn1 win decks without Eldrazi but I don't see how that is a problem. At the end I said that I find this deck insulting about it having a chance to compete. Let me ask you a simple question: Would you like tournaments to be just people running this single deck? If you consider how powerful the deck is, and consider it a good deck, then you're asking that to be the case. It's a "whoever goes first wins" game. It's why wizards banned and restricted Channel; to make the game not a 1-deck wins all games deck.I comment honestly and realistically. I'd love to see this prepared in a realistic way for a tournament even. As it is, it's just another joke deck for MTGVault or maybe just a deck to play with someone who doesn't know the ban listings.I've seen plenty of legacy and vintage decks running a single Channel and multiple tutors. Those decks are the fun ones because if you compare them to this one, it's not just an "I win, in your face!" deck, they have an equal chance to win as any other deck.
As a note; Channel is only legal in Freeform and Prismatic. It's restricted in others too. If this deck is Freeform then you should only run 40 cards to guarantee your combo better.On to why I really posted; in legacy and vintage, there are plenty of turn-1 win decks that have nothing to deal with Eldrazi so I find it insulting that you believe this deck has a chance to compete.I'd also like to point out that if you were playing this as a 40-card freeform version, then you should accept that there are other decks that are even more broken than this one. If you hope to compete then you better make sure you have Emrakul always... then again there are even 0-mana ways to deal with him.
Oran-Rief, the Vastwood is clearly better than Novijen, Heart of Progress. All your creatures are green.
So you loose if they have 1 Legendary Eldrazi in their deck?
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