I like the basic ideas you have going here! I can see you are trying to tie together some life gaining and equipment aspects. I think you will do well to possibly trim the deck a bit. Other than that, you are very set to go. +1 from me. Hey if you get a chance, I would love your comments on a mill deck I built. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=341070
This deck has a great curve, I am especially a fan of the fact that you are using Hellrider. Kudos for that!! What is the reasoning for the 2 Vexing? Not a fan? I think they are pretty powerful, but I can understand if other spells are taking precedence. I would love your input, if you get the chance, on a speed mill deck I just built. I am quite happy with the build, but I always want some improvement! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=341070
Oh, thanks so much for your insightful comment. -___-
even better. Look at phyrexian dreadnought. he is the key. turning a 12/12 for 1 trampler that has a major downside into a no downside.. that is just excessive.
Wow, you know I never even thought of him. That is going to require a new set of playtesting. thanks for the idea!
oh dude Diabolic isn't banned at all! You can run 4. Demonic and Vampiric are the ones that are banned.
Goblin Guide. He will be great. He may have a downside, but it can actually be viewed as an upside, seeing that the card is revealed no matter what.
Tormented soul works fantastic. I have never seen him work so well, especially if you give him a nice little demonic appetite. One thing I also really like about this variation is liliana. She is evil to deal with when you are running a play set of Bloodghasts. -Her +1 ability might as well read, "Each opponent discards a card, and you cast Bloodghast."- She is cheap (thank goodness) and each of her abilities fuel the idea.
I would agree. I think figure is a necessity for this deck. Mr. Destiny is insane.
Thanks for taking a look my friend! Obliterator just got cut about five minutes ago. I know YOU will not like this move very much, but I transferred buried alive to the side as well. Tormented soul is a great card, most definitely. He may be a little better than Reaskelly. Black Cat is in the mix, but if it comes down to torment or black cat, I think torment will win. huh. I am going to try that variation right now. it certainly will boost the speed.
hey bud, yes Lightning helix does count. I may recommend taking out silence or either more burn like shock or something to help keep the punishment going. the deck looks really good though. keep it up!
I originally added gravecrawlers, I thought they were fantastic!! But the more I played them, the less consistent they became. I decided that reassembler was a much better fit in this instance. He is a guaranteed. black cat may be an interesting idea. huh.
I think you need a good ol' raging goblin in this deck, or some other solid one drops, just to boost the speed even a marginal amount. I think the deck is very fast, but from turn 2 on. why not get the face pounding going on turn one? Just a thought! Love the build, very aggresive and successful. if you get a chance, please check out this black sacrifice deck that I built! I would love your comments. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340161
Really solid deck design. Thank you for the great idea. This is a well designed and undiscovered version of humans. I like it a heckuva lot, actually. +1 from me. This is one of the more effective uses for tibalt, I think. If you have some time, I would love your comments on a black sacrifice deck I built! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340161
Dang. This is why I always hated cawblade. it is so freakin' effective. Aside from costing over 1000 bucks, I think this is a deck that I would love to build. Great ideas here. Especially with freakin delver in the mix. If you get a chance, please check out my black sacrifice deck. I would love your comments! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340161
The above comment is pretty key. you need them RG lands! Also, instead of cultivate, I would use rampant growth. or both. It will help you move a lot quicker. +1. this is a very solid undying build. Love it. If you get the chance, please check out my black sacrifice deck. I would love your input! -don't mean to spam you with deck links sorry! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340161
Great idea actually! you just set up an early game and then get out the pain on turn six. Love it. You should add some eldrazi's to the mix here. Why not go for broke? Love the build. Hey, if you get a chance, please take a look at my black sacrifice deck. I would love your comments! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340161
Wow a BIRD deck! This is freakin' inventive right here. I really like the ideas you have got going here. I may recommend good ol' squadron hawk, because not only do the guarantee you a couple rounds of playable birds, they also help thin the deck out. Great build here. If you get a chance, please take a look at my black sacrifice deck. I would love your comments! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340161
Very good idea in my opinion. I think cloudshift would be good for the deck. It would make your soulbonding that much more operational. I like soulbond a lot, it seems to make banding actually GOOD. If you get the chance, please check out my self sacrifice deck! I would love your comments. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=340161
Both are fantastic cards, completely agreed. But this deck is actually built around sacrificing my own guys to get things cooking. That's why I use gravecrawler and bloodghast to sacrifice for my effects, and then bring them right back to the field to cause further mayhem. it is very likely to have a turn in which you sacrifice all your creatures to bloodthrone vampire, play down a swamp, and return all your bloodghasts to play, and swing lethal right then if the opponent is down low enough.
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