SO Funny you say this, I made this revision before I read the comment. I really missed the effect. haha good call my man, I read your mind.
Yes they do, but you will find that certain ones really make the cut, while others are not so good. I would say that in standard right now, you will see a lot of liliana. liliana is the most common i see lately.
Gotcha my man, always do appreciate your comments. I love that spell though. if I am playing in multiplayer settings, that card usually has time to be played, and it can be very devastating!
apostles blessing, bar the door, and faiths shield all work! bar the door works the best.
good thought, except a little too expensive, and the tapped part sucks sometimes man!!
The Haiku makes it all worth it. this deck is pretty dang awesome, Love your ideas here. I might do 4 pilgrims? i would have to build this and see how it worked. great build!
i mean this deck has turn four easy. I honestly have very little input for this deck idea, except for how to make it less vulnerable, as you say. two of my favorite defenders ever work well here: guard gomazoa and fog bank. both are super resilient and super cheap.
slave, i will definitely take a look! Mentor of the Meek is a great idea, I will playtest with him, see if he works out.
DarthGrimby thanks for the comment!! Literally my original idea for this deck was, in fact, an unburial rites idea. then, I opted for token bashing. haha thanks for the input, can't wait to see the build. I love black mikaeus, and if I build a standard zombie deck, he will be in, no question.
nickbooth thanks for the validation. yea something about phyrexian mana is sketch. oh well, hopefully they notice it.
nevermore is a possible sideboard if you are extremely worried about it. as a matter of fact, besides like.. avacyn, it's one of the only certain possibilities.
ooohhh Livewire Lash and infect is a good combo, never realized it before. Love it! This deck is fast as heck. Hope you take the time to look at my standard deck, your comments would be greatly appreciated!
maybe 2 thalia and 3 oblivion ring? thalia is wonderful, but man she can hurt you sometimes. o ring is so necessary. love the build! hope you get a chance to comment on my standard deck Mr. Frodo! I would love your thoughts.
Dismember is still reading as 4 CMC and I don't understand why.
Excellent build, great execution, Super refined. love it. Moonveil Dragon could be one of my unsung heroes.
Bloodghast makes this deck very powerful, once again, another touch of the master. I know you have quite the love for mr Bloodghast, and rightly so. love this deck. On another note, I have been eagerly hoping that I would get your input and comments on my standard deck called Sorin, Lord of Virtue. I really respect your deck building, and your comments would be quite beneficial and helpful. On a constructive note (not exactly), do you have a poor man's version of this deck? haha I can't lay down for all the lands and mox diamond. haha
hahahaha the om nom nom was classic. Wild Nactyl is so crazy, gosh I love that card. hope you get a chance to look at my decks sometime soon, I would love your input! Good stuff here. real good.
Tell you what, I really loved the Venser Vs. Koth deck stuff, looks like you used a little bit here, and the deck looks really fun! Good stuff. Hope you can take a look at my decks some time, I would love your comments!
Dragorn128 I am speaking of stony silence. haha and the other cards I will definitely consider!
dragorn128 THANK YOU. that is the missing piece that this deck has desperately needed. Ratchet bomb (that isn't my own) has always been my biggest fear. making that fix immediately.
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