Very interesting deck, I must say! This is a deck just to purely make your opponents cry. Is your win condition to mill the opponent? Hey! If you could, please check out my Sorin token deck built for standard! I would love any comments!
Goblin burn has got to be one of the most painful and obnoxious decks to play against. love it! I was thinking, maybe you should trade one lava spike for another Goblin Grenade? I think GG is too good to not have 4 in the main. Great deck. very powerful. Hey, when you get a chance, can you check out my Sorin token deck for Standard? any comments would be greatly appreciated!
New revisions, same purpose. Thanks for all the help everyone! This deck is coming along beautifully.
Loving a straightforward burn deck. Not many of these aroud lately, but I think they are starting to come back full force. Hey! take a look at my sorin tribute deck I just built for standard. comments are helpful and appreciated!
okay this deck is literally one of the coolest ideas i have seen in a while. you do like fifty things each turn. that is wonderful. this deck gets a huge like from me.
planestalker Ratchet bomb is definitely the missing piece to this deck, totally agreed. it would replace the grafdiggers cage in a heartbeat. And you know, I don't completely disagree with your ideas there at all. I am looking for the more beatdown approach than control, so I have a decent amount of control in the sideboard if needed. But I tend to find that I get a decent amount of time with this deck, I never feel like I forced into losing situations by turns 4-5, so I can generally get out bloodline, and he is a nasty card to deal with. thanks so much for your input, it is greatly appreciated. I may just remove grafdiggers altogether. it kind of hurts me as well. i think tragic slip will make it's way back in.
Thanks for the comment my man! in fact, I do have every single piece of this deck, and all the lands and half the nonland cards are foils. you could say I am a collector. hahaha
makes sense to me! I love seeing decks that break the norm.
Exsanguinate is one of my top ten cards ever in a multiplayer setting. I love it. One on one, I think it gets a little wimpier, which is why it didn't make the final cut for the deck. BUT, lemme tell you what. The second I make a chaos/casual version of this deck, you will see several! thanks for the input!
I love token decks, some of my favorites. Have you thought about adding garruk, elspeth, or sorin to the deck? they can rock really hard. so does Bloodline keeper. just some food for thought! also if you are running gren, you should put in gavony township! Love this deck, solid rendition. Hey, speaking of token decks, can you take a look at my new Sorin Tribute deck? I would love your input!
what about possibly adding rise of the hobgoblins? just a thought!
I think you should put a little more ramp in the deck, but very solid werewolf massacre going here. love it! hey if you could, check out my new Sorin tribute deck!
love the deck. straightforward face kickin. I would start getting duplicates of cards and refining it even more, but I love it! Hey, if you could, check out my sorin tribute deck!
This is a great treefolk deck. very concise and straightforward. the ramp up is pretty compelling. I never knew about the card heal the scars. that is nasty for treefolk. Hey if you could, take a look at my Sorin tribute token deck!
Captain Kirk is one of my new favorite vampires. Any thoughts on putting in Olivia and more Bloodline keepers? Speaking of Bloodline keeper, check out my sorin influenced token deck! Any comments would be greatly appreciated.
Freakin' FUNNY deck. I love creative decks like this. You could seriously make this a viable deck. speaking of which, you should add 4 pact of negations to the deck. that will be seriously helpful when your opponent tries to knock out laboratory maniac. Usually they try to kill him right before you win, so what's the harm in risking losing the game the next turn anyways? Hey! If you could, please check out my Sorin influenced token deck!
Wow, does this deck really work on only 15 forests? if it does, I am very impressed. If you find it running slow, you should probably add at least 7. haha I play against elf decks all too often. they are so strong and such a powerful tribe. Hey, if you get a chance, check out my new Sorin influenced token deck!
Great idea! The only reason I am not is because every single time i draw hands and playtest, I ALWAYS get midnight haunting or lingering souls. so if I did get requiem angel, I would look stupid. haha thanks for the thoughts!
clean ally set up. Not very many ally mills that I have seen. really like the flow here. I might recommend Jace's Erasure for sure. if you can, check out my Sorin influenced token deck!
this deck is AWESOME. I love GW tokens right now. You should definitely look into getting Elspeth Tirel for this deck. It will set it over the edge. with that said, check out my BW Sorin Token deck, has some pretty similar flavors to yours. by the way, I love gavony township.
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