I put in some spellskites for a little bit of anti-control. Still might not be the permanent place filler but I think it'd be a bit better
If you're playing shrapnel blast and rebirth I definitely think you should throw in some more artifacts. do the great furnaces, maybe even darksteel citadel. Also moxopals won't hurt and you can run them as a 4 of and not be scared to sac them.
More low cost burn spells would work well. Even just some lightning bolts
A lot more card draw, brainstorm's great because the text is "draw three cards" even though you put two back, you're drawing that three. Arcanis is good too.
or git. probe or mutagenic growth
I really enjoy this build. My friend got all excited about the rage extractor and made something similar and it works pretty well. The mana curve is a bit funky, I'd say put some of the decent lower cost stuff, it's easy even with the phyrexian mana stuff, mental misstep would even be a good way to put it into the lower half.
just fudged with some of the other numbers a bit for now
This is always my issue with myr decks that and card draw. I wanted to do more of a UWG to kind of round it off. Color hardly matters when the base of the deck is colorless.
Thanks man! What would you suggest beyond norn's?
With the gaps in the mana curve I'd probably throw in some more ramp. Explore, Joraga tree speaker might help fill in the gap
Psychic surgery might be a good call too. Other than that I like it a lot.
Assault strobe and termpered steel would be great in this deck.
Fun combo, but it seems like it's a bit hard to assemble since it's 4 fairly fragile pieces I like the idea though for sure.
and if you're not concerned with money primeval titan is basically the king of ramp
Explore and Joraga Treespeaker are worth checking out.
True enough ahah possible to take suicide a bit too far.
yeah that or masters call I just like dickin around with some stupid deck ideas for fun.
You've seriously made me love extraction even more than I did previously
I was doing the same thing, but using some white too so I could use master's call for more shape fodder, but the trinket mage kinda fills the same space of fetching the relic.
I've been kinda dabling with standard extraction. Mine is just mono black, but I really think the blue is worth it with all the counterspells and such rather than relying on discards and kill spells all the time. Awesome looking deck man
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