I'd say some more surgical extraction. You already have a good deal of higher cost extraction, so I'd say add some more cheaper ones. Other than that I like it a lot.
I like the idea of maybe adding in goblin guide instead of the fireslinger for now, but I don't know if it's worth the addition with the inevitable rotation. Steppe Lynx is another zendikar creature I'm definitely considering, maybe in place of elite vanguard for now, maybe not. With fetch lands the possibility of swinging for 4 on turn 2 is just awesome though. I like goblin wardriver but I don't know if double red is plausible or not. Same with Garruk's Companion for double green. And Mirran Crusader for double white. There are a few mediocre burn spells I'm considering. Lightning Bolt for sure right now, then either arc trail, shock, burst lightning. Maybe adding in some buffs like giant growth or mutagenic, both for the sake of sneaking in more damage and for more spells to sac to grim lavamancer. Furnace Scamp may actually be a viable replacement for one of them since it's basically like a delayed burnspell. Immolating Soul Eater is possible because it's any mana and the firebreathing would be decent I think. I was considering Melira, a 2/2 for 1G is ok, but it's the fact that infect is all around makes her considerable, probably just going to be a sideboard. I'm unsure if I want to keep Birds of paradise because although it's nice mana fix, I don't really need to accelerate into much playing zoo. I wanted to try and throw in contested warzone for extra battlecry effects, but I'm already down to running barely any basic lands. I haven't tried to build a deck like this in a long time so it's just a lot to consider. Once again, any ideas/suggestions are warmly welcomed.
I definitely agree with the quest for the gravelord. The new vengeful pharaoh is pretty good for discard fodder for zombie infestation with graveyard effects and recursion. Maybe a bit more control with discards and deathspells.
tuktuk is definitely something to consider, so is maybe kuldotha rebirth if you had some more artifacts, 3 goblins for 1 artifact is great. Especially if it's a wellspring or something jenky like that. Or just tuktuk so he replaces himself
Seriously anyone fire away ideas, I threw this together super fast and am interested in seeing other ideas develop. Things to consider: O-ring instead of PTE Arc Trail somewhere ???
hahah thanks dude
Nice dude haha funny ours ended up right next to eachother. Worldslayer/Monument is kinda brutal haha just need a way to unequip/destroy the worldslayer after this first one and the monument is dead
Iona is definitely one of the keys depending on your meta. Mine plays a lot of tribal kind of decks. Faerie stomp, elves, goblins, etc so iona just wrecks the deck essentially. A couple other ones I really like are both Akromas. Angel of Wrath is one of my favorites actually. She can't be deathspelled, she has haste and vigilance as well which in turn lets her become a blocker as you're swinging which will help against a lot of aggro decks. I always hated paying 7-9 life to reanimate a creature then continue to get beat on by something they drop or already dropped. I definitely run inkwell and a couple other shrouded cards in case I run into a deck with a lot of removal, which again I've ended up facing a lot in my meta. Other than just personal creature choices based on meta and your play type the deck looks pretty solid in numbers. I agree that hapless is a bit better, I tried running a combination of both. Hapless was nice for the desperate draw though and usually all you'll need is the one discard for a decent match.
Not only are you removing it but you get to play it. There are a lot of good one of's still running around that you can snatch and then use against them. It makes the deck more adaptive without actually changing anything.
I like it a lot, the only thing is I think you don't need 4 wurmcoils, getting too many of them too early would be kinda lame. I'd switch it out for some more card draw, maybe some of the dragons as well for some ponders or something of the sort.
I don't think you need to run 4 obliterators. It's an awesome card, but you don't want to draw too many too early. I'd definitely say run some praetor's grasp maybe a few other creatures
I like this one a lot, but don't you think it runs out of steam a bit? That's a problem I encounter alot with lack of card draw.
Thanks dude haha, I kinda stole the using quotes for extraction decks from you, I've been reading a lot of Bukowski lately anyway.
I actually think phantasmal bear would be worth playing, a 2/2 for 1 is always good, by turn 2 if you have the lord he's a 3/3 and his biggest drawback is taken away or at least delayed.
Since your land count is a little low you could do the other wellspring as well to avoid missing land drops Looks fun though!
Yeah I usually go real heavy on the control aspect with discards and extractions , I was trying to make this a bit more aggro, but you guys are probably right with that. I'm not sure about the negator, it's a good card, but definitely not my favorite 3 drop.
Dude with m12 illusions are gonna be frickin aweeesomeeeeeeeeee
Why don't you play any spot removal? Black and white are the two kings of it I mean I know you probably thought of a reason I just don't know what it is.
I found that you can generally run 3 mox opals and still get away alright with it. Springleaf drums are really good for accelerating just a bit for tez other than that, solid build :]
thoughtseize > despise
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