
7 Decks, 84 Comments, 1 Reputation

... you might want to just go ahead and make this a "snake deck."
If not, I recommend adding snakeform, mire boa, tangle asp, and gutteral response / avoid fate.
recommend dropping out the decoy and rangers.
definitely add 4 copies of primal command.

please give me feedback:

Posted 14 September 2009 at 22:14 as a comment on Origin of Mind


add some oblivion rings and definitely swords to plowshares / path to exile.
also add some copies of honor of the pure.
hold the line wouldn't be bad either.
maybe one copy of Isamaru, hound of Konda for kicks.

please give me feedback:

Posted 14 September 2009 at 22:08 as a comment on Heart of Light


Very solid creature base, but you might want to branch out with noncreatures. I'd recommend a playset of Swords to Plowshares, and some copies of Oblivion Ring. also definitely add one or two copies of Elspeth, Knight Errant. Also recommend getting rid of sword of light and shadow for another jitte, or Sword of Fire and Ice. Umezawa's Jitte would also be preferable Veteran's Armaments.
also recommend adding another two or three copies of Daru Warcheif.

please give me feedback:

Posted 14 September 2009 at 21:52 as a comment on White Solider Aggro


if you're actually building a control deck, you'll want to cut back 10+ creatures in favor of more removal, countering, and card advantage.

if you want to go aggro, this looks decent, although I recommend adding another path to exile and a playset of oblivion ring.

please give me feedback -

Posted 13 September 2009 at 22:21 as a comment on Exalted Control


looks solid, but recommend dropping the infests and definitely adding a playset of counterspell and swords to plowshares, if you're not worried about legality. maybe also getting rid of magma pheonix, chandra nalaar, and mind control.

I have a 5-color control you might want to look at. works pretty well. (link below)

also, please give me feedback -

Posted 13 September 2009 at 22:19 as a comment on 5cc


look at hold the line instead of righteousness, oblivion ring instead of pacifism, and umezawa's jitte. also, if budget allows, definitely get a few copies of Elspeth, knight errant. (planeswalker.)
recommend getting rid of Aven Flock, Strength of Isolation, and Zealous Guardian.

please give me feedback -

Posted 13 September 2009 at 22:14 as a comment on Soldiers of Fortune


zombie infestation is crap. you're swapping 2 cards for one zombie token. usually 2 cards will have much more value than a 2/2 token.

Posted 13 September 2009 at 14:51 as a comment on Zombie Nation


swap the unsummons for 3 walls of reverence*

Posted 13 September 2009 at 14:50 as a comment on W/B control


Take out divination and martial coup, add 4 mulldrifter. you need 4 mulldrifters.
swap ponder for brainstorm.
swap essence scatter and a lapse of certainty for 4 counterspells.
swap last lapse of certainty for 4th brainstorm.
swap last martial coup for another meddling mage.
swap the unsummons for wall of reverence. wall of reverence is a must.

anyone want to give me feedback?

Posted 13 September 2009 at 14:49 as a comment on W/B control



Posted 13 September 2009 at 13:29 as a comment on Member Database


very solid. Still, adding dauntless escort would be a good idea. so would honor of the pure, and elspeth, knight errant. also adding more noncreatures would be a good idea. brainstorm or ponder, counterspell, eladamri's call.

please give me feedback -

Posted 13 September 2009 at 13:25 as a comment on Exalted Control


very solid looking. I'd recommend goblin bomb, goblin sharpshooter, and goblin piledriver.
goblin king, too.
mogg fanatic as a one-drop, I would take out the goblin cohorts.

please give me feedback -

Posted 13 September 2009 at 13:11 as a comment on Goblin Beat Sticks


I like the idea. if you're focused on lots of mana, elvish aberration might help. fyndhorn elves too.
4 copies of primal command should be in here.
look at kodama's reach.
might was well have imperious perfect / wellwisher. solid elf cards.

please give me feedback -

Posted 13 September 2009 at 13:06 as a comment on elves are going to draw cards


looks solid - I'm assuming this is a big scary smash-in-the-enemies-face deck. here's my opinion.
take out the windright mages. take out the sen triplets. add some court homunculus.
instead of the 4 island, 3 plains, and 3 swamp have 4 seat of the synod, 3 ancient den, and 3 vault of whispers.
if you want more control, even if you don't, add 4 Ethersworn canonist.
also look at absord / undermine.

please give me feedback -

Posted 13 September 2009 at 13:01 as a comment on Etherium Control


definitely get this down to 60 cards. add 4 copies of goblin king. if you're not worried about legality, add another 3 mogg fanatic. add 4 lightning bolt for better burn.
get rid of the raging goblins in favor of boros recruit. add some more reckless ones.
look at clickslither.
look at goblin bomb.
definitely add goblin sharpshooter and goblin piledriver.

please give me feedback -

Posted 13 September 2009 at 12:50 as a comment on Goblins 'n Fire


I suggest dropping out the grimblades all together and adding putrid leech. if you're focusing on discard, bump the amount of megrims up to 4. with lifegain, you could add one or two copies of dark confidant. bloodbraid elf isn't a bad idea to add in either. and maybe one or two copies of Garruk Wildspeaker.

please give me feedback -

Posted 13 September 2009 at 12:39 as a comment on Digging Graves


(I know you can dredge demigods of revenge into your graveyard with the stinkweed imp, but buried alive should be enough graveyard padding.)

Posted 13 September 2009 at 12:34 as a comment on delete


a very solid looking deck. suggestion: get rid of the stinkweed imps. you shouldn't really need flying defence with a 4-5th turn win in mind. dropping rain of tears wouldn't hurt. recommend adding blightning, and for good revival death denied.

please give me feedback -

Posted 13 September 2009 at 12:33 as a comment on delete


this isn't really control, but I have some suggestions. if you have the budget, switch out the duress for thoughtsieze. get rid of the hypnotic spectre / nightmare for shriekmaw. add some copies of temporal extortion. get rid of the cunning lethomancer and boost up to 24 swamps. adding one or two copies of damnation wouldn't hurt. switch out child of the night and add vampiric link for lifegain.
definitely get some more killspells. doomblade, shriekmaw, and unmake are good ideas.

please give me feedback -

Posted 13 September 2009 at 12:27 as a comment on Mono black control


I see it as a 4-in-1 creature, especially when all of the 4 are buffed out, but I'd chuck him in an instant for another lord of the undead.

Posted 13 September 2009 at 00:13 as a comment on Zombie Nation


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