If you're not worried about standard, get rid of Reach Through Mists. I would add some copies of brainstorm. Also consider adding such cards as: Telling Time Remand Opportunity Mulldrifter Suffocating Blast
Right, here's something useful I can say. Reliquary tower is an absolute must. Once you really start drawing, you can get four or five cards per turn. After three or so turns you can have a quarter of the deck at your disposal. That's the point where dealing with anything isn't a problem anymore. I agree with taking out the sunspring expeditions. The idea behind that is to have every card be useful to draw in the early game and the late game. Sunspring expedition is good, granted, but there are better cards for this deck - if you're concerned about legality in standard, I'd suggest maybe ponder. And while you're at it, if cost isn't an issue, get some copies of Baneslayer Angel, because just about nothing can measure up to it's efficiency to cost ratio. If path to exile is in standard, sideboard it.
Fun stuff. +1 for being the most obnoxious deck ever.
Okay, here's my opinion - Allies are best when played fast. You should decide to either play an aggro deck with all of the +1/+1 allies (4x Kazandu Blademaster, 4x Oran reif survivalist, 4x Umara raptor, some tuktuk grunts and Kazuul warlord, maybe) and maybe some others with journey to nowhere and ponder, or play an ally control deck that focuses on drawing, but I don't think that a combination of half and half will work as well. That being said, a five color deck will die half of the time to mana screwing anyway - You're going to need a more consistant land base than basics and 4 Ziggurats. And you should definitely get some removal.
My suggestions would be to get rid of skeletal vampire, and definitely up the number of Vampire Nighthawks to four. Also, maybe add another one or two Gatekeeper of Malakir. If you don't have to worry about legality, consider adding four copies of thoughtsieze. Also maybe some copies of blood moon, disfigure, and doom blade instead of hideous end. I would recommend taking out vampire's bite and the lonely dark ritual.
If you have the option of summoning creatures from your hand, I'd suggest chucking the fusion elementals in favor of something, you know, better. That shouldn't be hard at all to find. Maybe broodmate dragon, Kalitas, bloodchief of ghet, anything.
While this deck does look vicious, you're relying on creatures alone. With red and white at your disposal, I'd recommend adding some kill spells to play around opposing defences ... If you're going for standard, path to exile / lightning bolt, if not then lightning helix as well.
I would get rid of blue entirely. This seems like more of a vampire deck than grixis, and you would only be losing Grixis charm (mediocre) and Magosi, the Waterveil (terrible, terrible card.) Ading more mountains in place of islands would increase Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle's potential. You should add some copies of vampire lacerator if you want this to be a better vampire deck, and definitely have four of vampire nighthawk. You could probably cut the number of Kalitas, Bloodcheif of Ghet to two - he's good, but he also costs seven mana and takes a while to be effective.
You might want to look into harrow or nature's lore for increased mana acceleration. (They're the ones that give you the lands untapped.) Because one counter spell would completely screw up your play, maybe a splash of blue ans some copies of remand or spell pierce.
Yeah. The kill options were pongify (not helpful) and psionic blast, which would go in if I had any. But yes, I need some defenses. You know, like the creatures in this deck. The idea here is that every nonland spell will be helpful to draw at any point in the game. Psionic blast would.
Right. Just a second. (It's hard to stop a counterspell-bound Isochron Scepter.)
Awesome idea! definitely get +1 rating here. Maybe ... one or two consume spirit, or a 4th profane command?
Good idea. Unfortunately, looks like a few kill spells will sink your plan. recomment adding countering (nothing fancy, remand maybe, or hindering light) to prevent phage-o-cide prevention. Also recommend some way of giving her haste.
While this is a great deck, it's not your idea. You seem to have copied the entire thing from today's (Oct 21'st's) article on deckbuilding from the website of magic the gathering and just added your own sideboard. I don't know if you thought people knew that or not, so there you go. And from what I read on the website itself, this deck looks like a lot of fun to play, and not very much fun to play against.
There's a lot of opinions about slivers floating around here, I might as well add mine. I like slivers. they make for an amusing deck. However - It's easy to make a decent sliver deck, but it is very hard to make a sliver deck that is better than a deck made out of just slivers can be. I have a red/white sliver deck, and it loses to half of my other decks. Any deck with decent removal can destroy a sliver deck, because sliver decks run completely out of steam once they've exhausted their starting hand.
Oops! I meant: You have the mana base to afford any spells you please, so I also suggest kitchen finks and murderous redcap are good additions as well.
I like the premise. This deck looks very unique - I've never seen a Blue/White/Red control deck before. I'd suggest adding four copies of mulldrifter, and taking out arcane denial in favor of two more counterspells and maybe double negative, dissipate, dream fracture, or suffocating blast - you really don't want an opponent to draw cards playing control. You have the mana base to afford any spells you please, so I also good additions as well. Most of these suggestions are from the newer sets. I have a 5-color control deck you cold look at - http://www.mtgvault.com/Profile.aspx?UserID=16875
I've seen some vicious jund aggro decks, but this one takes the cake. I do have some suggestions, though - if you're trying to develop quickly and dominate the game before opposition comes into effect, I'd suggest getting rid of vivid lands. with your current manabase they don't look all that necessary. Treetop vilage would be a good substitute. I also suggest adding a playset of blightning, maybe at the expense of two copies of bituminous blast and other cards. if you would like, I have a jund aggro decklist you could take a look at. http://www.mtgvault.com/Profile.aspx?UserID=16875
This deck looks like public enemy #1 in multiplayer. It also looks extremely amusing to play. My only concern with the decklist are adequate defences - you don't seem to have any. How does it hold up under attacks?
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