Consider Diamond Mare in place of Prism Ring. It's a 1/3 Artifact Creature with the same ability for 2 colorless. It will get more use out of Roshan. It's a horse though, so it will mess with your deck's charisma if that matters to you.
I see this is a standard format, but if you don't mind it being modern or vintage, Contingency Plan is a very good card for this deck. So is Gifts Ungiven.
Thanks for the involved response. Whelming Wave and Engluf the Shore are excellent suggestions. I do have Augur of Bolas but I don't like that I must discard. Thought Scour and Preordain are also problems. They get things into my graveyard, but not if and what I want or nearly as much volume. For 2 mana i get whatever order I want or don't. That's a good deal. Life from Loam would really mess this up. If I wanted to reanimate lands I would use Planar Birth.I have an alternate version of this decking using Baral himself and some cheaper spells that synergize like Rune Snag, Aether Burst, and Accumulated Knowledge. It has tempo issues and fizzles out. I do think this deck could use some tweaking, and it doesn't feel right without a counterspell. That's why I have Don't Make A Sound sideboarded. The issue with CS in this deck is that It only makes sense defensively, but if I am saving mana I am not following this deck's strategy. Also, the sorceries in this deck are so devastating that they will put an opponents of kilter more than a CS.
Thanks. I am not too worried about that. I only need 1 Thaumaturge to make Mass Manipulation a win condition. An earlier version did have counters in place of, Gifts Ungiven and I still am not sure that taking them out was the right choice.
Battlefield Thaumaturge makes the X = 0. Every target is free since every target reduces the CMC by 1 colorless . The spell total CMC is still >0 due to the base cost of 4 islands, this is MTG legal. This also applies to Baral's Expertise and Icy Blast.
Woa. Bitter Triumph is really good. Edgewall Innkeeper also has massive potential. I think it might work better in a G U deck though.
This deck needs Soulherder and Reflector Mage.
Consider Familiar's Ruse in place of one of your counterspells. It will let you reuse one of your creatures for their ETB effects. Faerie Imposter is a 1 drop faerie rogue that will let you do that same. I'd use Faerie Miscreant or Faerie Seer instead of Sleep-Cursed Faerie. Way more utility. Glen Elendra Pranksters would also be very at home in this deck, as it would let you reuse your flash creatures and play your hand entirely on your opponent's turn--important for a control deck.
Casuals, lol.
Strange choice of commander for having so few instants and sorceries in your deck. You could cast Thud or Boros Charm every turn. Better yet, cast Aurelia's Fury and make sure to target one of your own creatures each time. Then every turn, you can not only do direct damage, but tap their entire defense and lock out any instants every turn.
I have a pretty good Faerie deck from way back when, but it looks like there have been some really good ones released recently. I'll have to see what they cost. Probably too much.
Neat concept, but it looks way too slow. Perfect cards for this deck is and Grave Pact and Tainted Aether , but those cards are pricey. You're going to need to slow your opponent down. Wall of Souls and Souls of the Faultless are great choices.Silversmote Ghoul would be an MVP here. It's a sac out that lets you draw and comes back for free when you gain 3 life in a turn. That should be easy for you to do. Also, Promise of Aclazotz would also do extremely well for you. It would let you turn your your tokens into your creatures with abilities and would trigger them twice.
Spirit Link is better than Lifelink because you can control attackers with it. Light of Hope is also much more versatile than Chaplin's Blessing. Recumbent Bliss is a Pacifism that gives you 1 life each turn. I think it would fit here better than your artifacts. I did not know about Diamond Mare. That card would be wicked good in one if my decks. Thanks!
You need Spirit Loop and Spirit Link.
You may want to consider Curse of Exhaustion or Arcane Laboratory instead Flamescroll Celebrant. Either of those would combo nicely with your instants. I also think Index or Contingency Plan would work better for you than Enlightened Tutor. They will give you a good chance of pulling what you want to the top while improving your flow.
I forgot that about Isochron Sceoter needing it to be an instant. If you're mostly keen on artifacts, then use Tel-Jilad Justice. It destroys artifacts and lets you scry 2. Otherwise there is Enchanted Evening, which makes all permanents enchantments in addition to their other types. This includes lands!
You turn things into an artifact and then destroy them. I like it. That's a clever mix of blue-green that I don't think I've seen before.PS: Broken Bond is strictly better than Naturalize.
I like it. I have a deck with Silversmite Ghoul and use it to similar effect. Vermin Gorger has great synergy and I didn't know it existed. I like Reckoner's Bargain too. With how cheap your creatures are, you may want to consider Call of the Death-Dweller.
You want Wall of Tears. Easily one if the best walls ever made and fits your theme. I also tend to like Metamorphic Alteration over Clone these days.
Thanks for the suggestions. They are all very solid. I have Young Pyromancer and Guttersnipe in another deck, but it would work pretty well in this one. I had considered Third Path Iconoclast for similar utility to take full advantage of Clout of the Dominus. The lands are super expensive, and I try to remain cost conscious. Flashback is a really good idea though. I will checkout more of those. I have Risk Factor in another deck. Jump-Start would work well here too.
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