Yeah good call
id replace the lancer with the liege and run 4 of the shroud guy... and jace's erasure is too slow ... door of destines is too but... the deck lacks either counters or kill spells ... you may not need spells bc of the shroud guy but you still have to be able to remove threats that your opponents place out... the milling doesnt always do enough... its a good idea tho and those are prob changes that i would have made after play testing
i didnt see the priest... thats awesome...
i dont see where ur getting infinite mana... the closest to it i can see is havengul lich with solemn simulacrum bc heartless summoning kills it but u still only get as much mana as you have basic lands ... ... sheoldred whispering one with solemn simulacrum is really annoyng... and once u have her in play its free ... as far as speeding it up im not sure... i dont have a heartless summoning deck posted... i will eventually let me kno what u think
you have clock built in it... grave crawler with the blood throne vampire while blood artist is in play... thats cool as hell
hey ... hows that? id like it to be faster but im not sure i like having to cut out so much black from it... i kno sengir is slow... idk what would make it tournament worthy... i changed it a little bit from what u said and i got it down to 60... the blood artist was a good suggestion... thanks
rachet bomb or steel hellkite to get rid of the enchantment... as far as how fast ud be able to ... idk... tell me what u think of mine... it needs some help... standard tournament quality.. ...
I have one of them... i think i like the shaman better bc it makes the opponent take damage for casting spells ... so it kinda keeps control a little better... i havent been able to play test it yet... but id like to use it
id use conjurers closet with the acidic slime ... makes it so you dont have to keep casting the mana for the effect... and u could alternately use it for destroying lands ... also just wondering why no creeping corrosion? even in the sb... might make it more efficient... overall solid idea tho... whats ur take on this idea i have for werewolves
the decks percentages are awesome... thats pretty cool considering how its constructed... i kinda want the deck... you have an answer for almost every threat... i might suggest naturalize for the sb... but u have a good sb as it stands... id have to play it to see what it lacks... but good job +1
ive done it b4 playing caual... but with the amount of upkeeps and the reality strobe... you use the strobe to remove the acid then recast the acid so ur opponent is stuck sacrificing everything.... the first time you pull it off they wont know how to stop it... ur main means of control is the condescend ... i dont like most equipment ... there are better uses for mana especially with blue
Deck link: this is mine from in between 2011 and 2012 ,,, let me kno what u think
the cost of ur creatures with infect is way too high... making poison a win condition, you have to do it really early for it to be effective ... once they know what ur doing its easy to stop... ill post mine so u can see what i mean
no maelstrom nexus?? or maelstrom pulse? the idea is to cascade ....isolate four effects and make the focus of the deck around that... maybe base the deck around progenitus make it based on playing him bc hes a 10/10 that once hes in play cannot be touched....
cultivate is the only thing id modify.... take out 2 or 3 and either add land or mycoloths overall pretty good deck tho +1 as far as casual take a look at my golgari deck or stem cell research both fun
all things considered... you have a good structure... but you have a mana problem.. the pinnacle id use less of... Techtonic edge id remove completely... you have alot of 3 cost cards and not enough mana on turn 3 to use them. add in 5 mountains take out Techtonic Edge take out 1 Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle you should consider removing chandra so you can put in 2 more mountains... if you cant cast what you have its useless
Np thanks howd it work for you?
no... he only has that bc of the equipment.... so it doesnt copy... and he's a legend... the token is a legend... so replicating it doesnt do anything... and followed footsteps is awesome... just not with kaldra... it doesnt replicate the abilities of the equipments....
where's the monument?... you have the cards to use it... run one and add another nissa revane ....
play tested it... and i have to replace some cards with cheaper ones.. its not as fast as id like it to be... or maybe ill remove some expensive (mana cost) cards with lands... not sure... suggesstions welcome
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