
61 Decks, 94 Comments, 3 Reputation

only problem is the option... they *may*
that makes a difference...
they could just concede... and you would have went through all that for nothing...

Posted 19 February 2010 at 00:53 as a comment on the omega


thats original ... damn... that sucks ass.... thats worse than winning in less than 5 min... you cant even respond to that ...

Posted 19 February 2010 at 00:45 as a comment on the omega


grapling hook and some of the other's arent really necessary... id addin either time vault or remove the cards you dont really need and put in time warp... to speed up your land production so that you can eventually kick the rite of replication and make 5 copies of the sphinx... and you could also put in platinum angel.... only problem is that with the immortal coil you have to find a way to remove the coil and keep the angel in play...
alot of the deck looks like timing...

Posted 19 February 2010 at 00:24 as a comment on Mass Artifact Devastation


id say sideboard the great stable stag and run 4of the sprouting thrinax
keep the night hawk...

jund charm is better than the fall out...
pull fall out and add in 2 more jund charms...

the sb looks good tho just put the banefire's in it and add one more mountain and one more swamp...
maybe one more blightning... added to the sb...
looks good tho...

Posted 19 February 2010 at 00:10 as a comment on Jund type 2


btw i up rated it ... i doesnt deserve -1

Posted 18 February 2010 at 23:58 as a comment on Simic Counter


its not bad... you have no way to use the gain control ability of the tide star... you could take it out and put in another kraken with the aetherplasm... i like that combo better with grozoth tho... the searching for spells is always a plus when running blue... anyway... not bad

Posted 18 February 2010 at 23:57 as a comment on Simic Counter


cool... where you from? you play fnm?

Posted 18 February 2010 at 23:49 as a comment on Rat Deck- Modified


cool... i like this... i can just see the look on your opponents face when you start playing green creatures and you have no forests on the battlefield...
the fact that you can play akroma with swamps is sweet in itself...
nice deck...

Posted 18 February 2010 at 23:48 as a comment on Turn one fatty, quick kill


i like the discard... seems to shut most syles of play down...

Posted 18 February 2010 at 23:29 as a comment on Rat Deck- Modified


thanks... i just posted a varriant... to this one...

Posted 18 February 2010 at 23:21 as a comment on Rat Deck


ill make another one to experiment more with... id have to change too much of this one to do that ...
noted tho...

Posted 18 February 2010 at 23:07 as a comment on Rat Deck


well what changes would make it better... i was looking at some of the other rats and most of them care too much about what the opponent has... the ideal is to play it as easly as possible and hit with fear.... its kinda built like a green deck...

Posted 18 February 2010 at 22:56 as a comment on Rat Deck


ok.. what flaws? thats why its posted
to try to make it better

Posted 18 February 2010 at 22:50 as a comment on Rat Deck


Souless One at most (with the deck by itself and minus the tokens cemetary reaper makes...) can be 48/44 with deathtouch; while costing at the least one B mana.

the twisted abomination becomes at best in the deck 29/23 with deathtouch and "B: regenerate twisted abomination." and can cost as little as 1B...

those are calculated as if all bonuses are available... however...

more likely even the average cost for what he can become is still rediculous...
lets say one death baron, 2 cemetary reaper, one lord of the dead, 2 undead warchief and 2 bad moon are in play. twisted abmination = 15/11 with deathtouch and regen all for 4 mana...

really everything in the deck is meant to make your zombies stronger... mainly yours... against another zombie deck you take most bonuses off their stuff and they cant take some abilities off your stuff...

idk... was wanting an undead deck fof a while... and well suggestions welcome...

Posted 18 February 2010 at 19:45 as a comment on Zombie Deck


thanks talkyn this is something that i actually made... and i dont think i have the others at the moment to put them in... i appreciate the comments tho...

Posted 18 February 2010 at 03:45 as a comment on Blue/ Green ... Deck I think??


looks like you pulled an awsome draft deck... prob would have been a pain in the ass to play against...
nice combination...

Posted 18 February 2010 at 03:42 as a comment on Nutty ZZW Draft Deck: *UBW Landfall* Ruin Ghost + Sejiri Steppe + Emeria + Ob Nixilist + Roil Elemental = amazing


thanks for the comments i was trying to speed up the mana with the chalice it does work... but not for the level id like to compete with...
anyway... id also like to note...
the 2/2 flying elemental that the zendikon gives me... i can make a land become a 6/6 flyer on turn 3 hitting you in the face... then sac it next turn bc its only a 2/2 put a land in play and return that land to my hand...
which i think is awsome...

Posted 16 February 2010 at 08:12 as a comment on Mysterious Realms Deck- Modified


it really does suck tho... you wont be able to get the best use out of the things you look like you threw in it...
less worrying about the life gain and more focus on damage ... i have made 80 card decks and even 100 card decks... but you have to have a focus especially with how big a deck can get...
run 4 of the lightning bolts if you're going to use them... and the demon's horn and dragon's claw.... well you really only need 2 at most.... of each...
you shouldnt take offense so easily... you posted it... thats what the site is for....
aetherflame wall is better than wall of fire... and wall of bone is good
the deck needs alot of work tho... my fungus would kill it...
take alook at some of my decks to get an idea i guess...

Posted 16 February 2010 at 01:54 as a comment on red/black awsomekael deck


not bad... definitely a fun deck to use...
nice work...

Posted 11 February 2010 at 05:21 as a comment on Angels of Death


* +24 ^

Posted 11 February 2010 at 04:09 as a comment on Vampiresish


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