Just so you know you have 2 copies of Greater Good. Fun idea though you’ve inspired me.
Question is it a bad idea to include cavern of souls like lands in this deck? There are currently 8 non creature spells and 4 non shaman creatures so 24 out of 38 spells would fall under the shaman creature type. Cavern of souls for non budget and then like secluded courtyard or unclaimed territory for budget.
Interesting thanks this is all theorycrafting anyway I don’t have real money but good to know if I play it online somewhere.
So question I added Prismatic omen to the sideboard because i believe it will counteract Blood moon and other similar effect, is this correct.
I really like that idea. I cut the other triomes and put in just the jund one so i can one stop get swamp/mountain while still getting my main mana cost green and then the rest of the lands are forest plains island for the most part.
Thats fair i added another island and etched champion but id be cutting alot of artifacts for the mages, idk how to switch it around.
I like Spire, ruins and 1 of forge did you have input on Soul-Guide Lantern vs Relic of Progenitus.
This is a great idea idk why I forced multicolor for just hero. I cut some cards that were ok but multicolor for more consistency and then traded helix for bolt leaving it in the side board for some amount of life gain.
I think I still like the Ice side better it’s so strong on the play and is still good on the draw as most modern decks want to be doing things on turn 2 and 3. But electrolyze is good night run it side board as a budget fury.
Thanks for pointing that out, I found this out recently playing it against rokric and they said I could kill him if I tried to ping for one since it’s a mono red spell. Even still it feels like a strong card.
Do you think 15 multicolor is good enough for hero?
That card was originally in here and i couldnt find enough cards to cut thus the 2 ofs everywhere but i think im gonna tweak it a little
I like it thanks!
I know its not there but this deck is intended to be a competitive modern deck so Sorin feels a little slow for a small pay off, his -2 seems valid but again for 4 mana not worth. Beckon seems a little insignificant as most graveyard decks have multiple targets so one removal is not too great.
So my only thing is you only have 24 noncreature spells including stomp from giant which is alright but i feel like youll get creature flooded and these are the best creatures without prowess triggers.
I think it'll be a little slow in being a three drop that has no immediate effect but i think its seems pretty decent when triggered so ill try running two
That makes sense thank you.
Most of them are ramp and still thats 39 guild cards when you get to dig 10 cards thats average 4 cards per trigger. Additionally, the deck isnt based around niv its around the lieges.
Makes sense thank you!
Yeah i guess i wasnt really paying attention i just knew it was a good card but i did intend for this deck to originally be built around young pyro and sedgemoor so i just removed thing in the ice and i do agree with bolt it was one of my last cuts so i dont feel too bad bringing it back and i just realized my curve is really low so i went down 1 land. Recomendations for what spells to cut for expressive?
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