This is what I thought thanks for finding rulings though.
I looked it up and its not really set in stone whether you can cast it from exile but i saw one source say no (without reasoning or rulings) other than that i think im gonna leave it the way it is or maybe even remove it because at the end its just a 4/3 flier that doesnt have much else or help my other creatures. Also like you said one counter and im kinda done additionally extripate or surgical extraction ( both decent in modern) would kill this. Not that they would really target my legion angel with that spell but still.
The problem is I'm trying to keep the mana curve low so cost reducers don't really help when most of my angels are 3 or less.
Thanks! I am not the best at sideboarding.
I agree those are some good cards for white devotion but at the time i made this deck it was standard legal and those are all older cards.
I feel that a auto-reanimation card might be helpful such as persistent specimen or reassembling skeleton, better versions being gutterbones, bloodsoaked champion, and bloodghast however i believe the best one would be nether traitor as you can loop it as long as you have mana.
I went with Kazuul's fury for now since it can be a land when needed. If 3 mana is too much ill put in some flings but i couldnt find nonland cards i want to cut right now. I do enjoy dreadhorde arcanist but its a 2 drop creature that only gets better from targetted buff spells whereas kiln fiend gets buffed by every spell and it only gives me one free spell on attacks which is nice but kind of slow comparatively. As for lands id run shock and fetch if i could afford them.
I've been looking at buying/upgrading this deck and wanted to keep it somewhat budget my original deck was less than $20 and im trying to spend less than $50 to upgrade thats why the lackluster lands. Thanks for apostles blessing i knew of it just didnt know what to cut.
Just so you know there are 2 smothering tithes in the deck.
I'd said consider reverent hunter you have a lot of devotion and druid of the cowl is a 2 drop mana dork for 1 mana and has 1 power feels pretty weak
Honestly in my opinion scute mob is a little slow and you have plenty of turn 1 or turn 2 that would be better than this card and then you can implement better late game options or more removal like artifact/enchant removal or planeswalker removal. Also try to have only 60 cards and with 3 colors you should aim for 22-24 lands but with mana dorks maybe 22 at least.
One land one brazen IMO.
Maybe a land or two since you already have other mana dorks and 25 lands in a 2 color deck is a lot, along with maybe one wicked wolf since he'll have the fight ability to and or a brazen borrower i see the control aspect of the borrower but as for defense hes not great and offense you have pretty well covered. Just my opinion also you dont have to add 4 copies.
Voracious hydra might be another good card to ramp into. It can be a removal spell or just a huge trample.
Haha nice in paper or arena?
Also priest of the forgotten gods is really good in sacrifice
Mayhem Devil?
The last game i played i had all 4 marches in my first 3 turns. so turn 3 i played one for 2 tokens, turn 4 i played one for 5 tokens, turn 5 i played one for 11 tokens, they made me discard the other one. so turn 5 i had 22 creatures most of which had lifelink. Just saying its a pretty good card and the convoke makes the cost mostly irrelevant. As for venerated loxodon you can play him turn 3 or 4 as a 4/4 that also buffs all your creatures. Additionally, Emmara works a lot safer when convoked instead of attacking. Also your deck seems a little more midrange tokens and mine is spam tokens as fast as possible so i can understand charge over pride but up to you.
Citywide bust is a good card for selesnya tokens thank you! i agree saproling migration is a good card for this style. There are a lot of other good cards for this format too like venerated loxodon, march of the multitudes is crazy good, and i really like pride of conquerors.Here is my selesnya tokens i just made a week ago on MTG Arena and its been super fun i dont have all the mythics yet like huatli since shes more for fun but its been doing well.
Question why do you have wilderness reclamation? It just lets you have mana on your opponents turn and you don't have any instants or flash cards.
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