
13 Decks, 65 Comments, 6 Reputation

Looks like fun. Just similar comments as above. Do you run into any real inconsistency issues with this deck? That would be my biggest concern. If you do really like the variety it offers, than I would suggest trying to find a few spots for Fabricate. That way you could get you pick of which gear, nut, or bolt of this deck fits the situation the best. Other than that, maybe add some of the artifact based mana fixing like Darksteel Ingot or Sol Ring.

Posted 17 March 2014 at 21:02 as a comment on Æther Master


Nice, Chromanticore is definitely a card that can cause shenanigans.

One thing though, you mention casting him to deal with Stormbreath Dragon.

.......Stormbreath has pro-white.....

Posted 07 March 2014 at 18:13 as a comment on Chromanticore, I Win.


This looks quite fun, I personally love treefolk tribal. I would highly recommend switching to playsets of some of the treefolk that you want to draw, especially Timber Protector and Bosk Banneret.
Please check my treefolk deck out
I've built this deck and it is so much fun. It takes some luck, but getting a pair of Protectors on the field turn 4 is pretty much good game against a lot of decks.

Posted 01 February 2013 at 17:10 as a comment on Tree-Beard, Some Call Me.


Just a suggestion, Back from the Brink is a fairly obscure rare from Innistrad, but it could have use here. Sometimes, they will kill the only Biovisionary you draw, but BftB gives you some added insurance in that situation. By no means a 4-of, but 1 or 2 could help. And casting Thragtusk tokens as well could be fun

Posted 01 February 2013 at 17:05 as a comment on How to win with Biovisionary


It would be an interesting idea, doesn't work. Reverse the Sands lets you redistribute the totals, not life itself. As in, you have 5 life, and your opponent has 20, you can leave it like it is, OR give yourself 20 life and your opponent now has 5. You can't split the totals. I went to the Gatherer official rulings before I posted this just to be sure. But if you wanted to win thru lifegain, I would suggest Felidar Sovereign.

Posted 08 August 2012 at 20:01 as a comment on I am the arbiter


This looks like a very interesting deck! But to fluffy, hexmages? They don't work at all with Phthisis, or suspend for that matter. Suspend exiles the card while its suspended, so Vampire Hexmage can't target them with her ability.

Posted 25 July 2012 at 21:23 in reply to #275929 on Phthisis Challenge


Even without being able to flash it back in this deck, Forbidden Alchemy is an amazing card on its own. And also Screeching Skaab would help to mill and just gives you another creature to attack with and hopefully die to boost your other cards. And I'm not sure if you have problems with potentially over-milling yourself, but adding a single Laboratory Maniac and moving one of the Memory's Journey from your SB to the main deck could help. That way, even if you have milled everything, on your upkeep, flashback the journey and shuffle only the maniac into your deck. Then draw and play him for you turn, and wait till you draw again.

Posted 17 March 2012 at 03:44 as a comment on King Arthur


I know you mentioned potential, but isn't expecting to have 3 of the same card in your hand for your t2 a little far-fetched?

Posted 17 March 2012 at 03:38 in reply to #241308 on Turn 5 win, Standard


No Wooly Thoctar? Come on, 5/4 for three? And also, Knotvine Mystic. While it isn't a big creature, but it can make all three colors on its own at once.

Posted 17 March 2012 at 03:34 as a comment on Big Creatures, EDH


First, I would say to definitely try to cut it down to 60 cards. Then it seems like there are a lot of singleton cards that don't seem very effective as other cards would be, such as burning oil or circle of flame. Increasing Ambition would be nice, but I feel that another Curse of Misfortunes instead would help your cause better. I am not sure if Heartless Summoning is worth it in this deck. Yes, I understand that it can help you get the witches and titans out much quicker, but what I am questioning is its inclusion with only 5 creatures in the whole deck.

As far as possible additions, I have found that Whipflare, or the more expensive Slagstorm, are both very very nice to help you survive, especially against token strategies. And I would also suggest adding more of either Doom Blade or Go for the Throat as spot removal, maybe adding them instead of the tragic slip and maybe on or two of your burn spells.

To me, Curses decks are very fun to play and have a lot of potential. Please check out mine, I went with a creatureless UBR curses deck,

Posted 16 March 2012 at 23:03 as a comment on Cursed


Orochi Hatchery, I'd look into it.

Posted 16 March 2012 at 04:11 as a comment on SssShhhHhit! sSsSsnAAkesSs!


I agree, I'm not sure if the heartless summonings really fit with this deck. I would definitely suggest adding more curse of misfortunes instead as well as some lands, 20 seems a bit light for such a higher curve in this deck. Check out my curses deck,

Posted 16 March 2012 at 04:08 as a comment on Cursemaster


What's the purpose of nightly hunt in here? I'd probably add Curse of the Piercing Heart. If you get the chance, check my curses deck out,

Posted 13 March 2012 at 07:06 as a comment on Aggro Curses


Instead of just a pair of several of the curses, focus on the ones that will help you the most. Does bloody tome really help you at all?

if you want, check my curse deck out,

Posted 13 March 2012 at 07:04 as a comment on curse of levels-suggestions?


Also, its very fun making and playing a creatureless curse deck, check mine out,

Posted 13 March 2012 at 07:03 as a comment on curse of the curses


Blood Tribute?

Posted 13 March 2012 at 07:00 as a comment on Sexiest Cards in Magic


I love the idea, but is Divine Reckoning and Feeling of Dread really worth adding white solely for that?

Posted 13 March 2012 at 06:47 as a comment on splinterfright self mill


Use Increasing Vengeance instead of Reverberate. It does the exact same thing for the same cost, and then allows you to possibly flash it back later and do even more.

Posted 12 March 2012 at 05:55 as a comment on ``Chandras Rage``


Good idea with the gambit, I had forgotten about that card. One thing that I liek better about progress is that it is an instant. But I'll probably switch a couple over to gambit. And if I would decide to use a card like Chalice of Life, I think Pristine Talisman would be a lot better. The mana from it would basically make using the key free, and still net me a mana.

Posted 28 February 2012 at 23:53 in reply to #237724 on Modern Lux Control


Check out Vinelasher Kudzu. It has a pseudo-landfall ability that is really nice. And also, from the Kamigawa block, some good cards are Oboro, Palace in the Clouds and Meloku the Clouded Mirror. And so is Amulet of Vigor.

Posted 28 February 2012 at 23:47 as a comment on Landfall (Modern)


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