I've been tempted to get Sparkhunter and throw it in each of my oathbreaker decks haha. Reroute could be fun. I may have a copy somewhere, either that or I used to have a copy...
I guess not enough people play to truly establish a meta, so their ban's are based on speculation and opinion rather than data. I try to keep my decks fairly casual but still playable. Meaning: they're good at what they do, but not super broken, so people won't get upset with the deck underperforming or overperforming..
To be honest, no. It's my favorite format. I usually play it with close friends and family who don't have their own decks but are still willing to play (they use mine.) These friends and family members generally prefer shorter games. By nature, commander games go for longer (40 life and 100 cards have longer average games than 20 life 60 cards).
Honestly, I don't get to play much anymore, but when I do use this deck it does a good job at shutting down slower decks and struggles against faster decks. You really need Geths Grimoire to keep the fire going but other early plays like Waste Not help a ton too.If you can afford more expensive cards, I'd recommend some good board clears like damnation.If you're referring to the format in general and not this deck, it's quite breakable. My decks are a little on the weaker power levels just because I try to keep them thematically tied to specific planeswalkers rather than optimizing them.
Saheeli Raid as a back up Kiki with Felidar Guardian?
I'd recommend some board wipes to keep your opponent's creatures under control. Perhaps the new Doomskar from Kaldheim.
I mostly put Ascension in because I have it. But I'll look into Aria of Flame. It looks like a good budget card, I'm sure my LGS has a copy or two.
Just to make sure you realize this, you creature's ability to tap and deal 1 damage to an opponent doesn't count as combat damage so it won't help to trigger Spellbinder. And, of course, Sol Ring is banned in basically every format except for Commander, so I'd find something else to run in it's place to make it at least Modern Legal.Looks like a fun deck though!
Didn't realize MagicAids was on this site. It looks sweet. But why again did you splash green instead of sticking with just Dimir? I mean, Assassin's Trophy is nice, especially for triggering Archive Trap, but I don't really see what Uro brings to the plate. Just life gain and draw? Are there better forms of draw and life gain so you don't have to splash green?
Well, I've now changed the theme of the deck to Flash with horrors and nightmares as the creature types. So I don't have mindshrieker any more.
I have lots of enchantment syngeries. I'm not sure if I want to run the demigods. I have 4/5 of them.
I'm considering taking my god tribal deck and adding in shrines. What do you think of that idea? (I haven't put that deck on this site yet)
Thespian's Stage and Vesuva might not be too bad so you can copy a gate or maze's end to defend against land destruction or to ramp faster.
Perhaps Brass's Bounty to help you win from the Hellkit's last ability. (controlling 20+ artifacts) Just a thought.
Thanks. Thats a good idea. Originally I was going to put more populate cards in it which would give better tokens from him. Since I'm not doing that anymore, I should probably remove him.
If you want another form of Grave Recursion, I'd run Primevals' Glorious Rebirth. Its a high cmc, but it gets all of your legendaries out.The only thing I'd add to this deck are some ways to keep your dragons alive. I normally run into the problem of every time I get a decent board, someone destroys everything. I run Boros Charm and Teferi's Protection. Other options are Golgari Charm and I like Marchesa, the Black Rose for the Legendary theme.https://www.mtgvault.com/blackrazz/decks/my-favorite-kind-of-deck-20/ (link to my deck, which is more combo themed)
What do you think of including something like Izzet Charm? It seems like I would help with the Pteramander from the discard and it has flexibility. Also, you could include something like Dig Through Time/Treasure Cruise.
I like your spin on a classic Green/White deck. The inclusion of Swamps and Islands really improves the Selesnya guild. Beacon of Unrest should be a staple among all WG decks.Well done, Bravo!
For a deck that hates on artifacts so much, you sure have a lot of artifacts LOLOn a more serious note, I do think you're a little light on actual lands. I would honestly put 4-5 more in. Most decks I see that are consistent (even on a low mana curve) don't go below 35 lands. But I'm not an expert, I don't know everything, this is just what I've noticed.
I'm just using this one because I have most of the combo lol. But thanks for the deck idea. Maybe I'll switch things up if I can find someone to trade with. :D
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