I feel as though Mastermind's Acquisition is a bit too slow and clunky for a tempo deck. I'd replace them with mainboard walk the planks.
Sucks it isn't a true combo since Tutelage specifies nonland, but it can still be pretty powerful nonetheless.
I'd consider and Opal Palace for one of your lands. That way if your opponents continually hate out Animar, you can cast him and have hime come in with some counters already.
Any ideas where I could slot it in?
Hmm, 8 wight of precinct six seems a bit much...
Have you thought about the new 6-drop chandra over the one you have here? I find her a big better in a vacuum.
If you're going to be running the arbor elves then I'd recommend 4 utopia sprawl. That's 4 mana turn 2 and with multiple elves you can play pretty much anything in your deck.
You mean bant?
I'd take out the intangible virtues for favorable winds since most of your creatures have flying and could benefit from it. It'll serve close to the same purpose as intangible virtue since all of your tokens have flying.
I feel as though 1 or 2 saving grasp would probably be pretty good in this deck.
Hmm, nice deck.
Hmm, no stormchaser?
Ahh, didn't see the arbor.
Only thing I'd change is to take out cancels for void shatters. It's usually better to just exile the spell.
I'm not seeing any targets for polymorph outside of wandering fumarole... I'm not sure how wise that is for such a deck.
Splintertwin? For what purpose? Plus it's banned in Modern anyways.
Might as well put sphinx's tutelage in this deck too.
This deck is begging for Razorverge Thicket
Might I suggest a wall for you? I think it'll fit right in: Wall of Shards. Every upkeep your opponent will lose increasingly large amounts of life. And it's a 1/8 flying blocker to boot!
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