I like this idea. I'm tinkering with this build myself. I like the Rakshasa DeathDealer (.95), Reaper of the Wilds (.56), and definately the Sultai Flayer (.14) in there. Another consideration is the Mer-ek Nightblade or Tuskguard Captain (.15). They gives additional value to the Ancestor and the Bloodsucker, and outlast up to 4 toughness pretty easily. And if you decide to take that route, Incremental Growth instead of the Titanic Growth is worth a look. If you're worried about flyers, Arbor Colossus (.28) is a little taxing on the mana, but he fits the bill- and monsterous also gains Nightblade and Captains ability. G\B mana is pricey, but I agree a set of Wastes would be a big help.
I think this deck needs more of a direction- do you want to be discard? do you want to be aggressive? do you want to be controling? If you want to play discard, you might want to focus on ways that benefits you aside from their lack of cards- ie Nighthowler or Waste Not. Then you can focus on cards that make that work. If you want to to play aggressive, you'll want to focus on the cheaper, efficent cards- ie more Champions, Tormented Hero, Gnarled Scarhide- that way you just outrace your opponent. You want to be more controling you'll need more removal, more card drawing, and some additional life gain that takes you through the mid to long range game. Drown in Sorrow, Hero's Downfall, more Erebos- maybe some devotion to fuel the Gray Merchants (whips etc). I think the control route is the most difficult right now because it lost some of the staple cards during the rotation (Underworld Connections, Desecration Demon, and Pack Rat to name a couple). I think onec you know what you want to do with the deck, it will be easier to find win conditions and supporting cards.
I like this idea, and most of the build, but I'm not sure this is a token deck though. It feels like it should be an aggressive beat down deck with tokens as support. I think that with your curve topping out at 5 (with only 2 Dictates of Heliod) you should -at most- need 24 land. I'm also not a fan of the Throne or the random Hall. The throne takes forever to actual get value from- after 2 turns of setting it up, someone just Hero's Downfall your guy. Why not instead run Warrior's Spoils? 3 of those will buff all your guys, and give you the option to get some much needed card draw in here. You'll gain back the life with a Rush of Battle, but this will keep your hand full with more threats. And I know that the Herald gives you warriors, but he gets no benefit from the Chiefs, and the tokens are just slow. And I also think there are better warriors than the Hordechief and Hordemate- Some other options would be Skullhunter for some disruption, the Saddlebrute survives almost all the spot removal in the format, the Hateblade is a good blocker and triggers raid very well, and Seeker of the Way is just good. You want to get a little tricky? Add a couple Return to the Ranks. Run a few Bile Blights\ Pharika's Cure\ or some manor of spot removal and I think you'll have more success- and still stay budget.
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