No Crux of Fate?
Wanted to drop in and let you know that I saw Interupt the Signs run as 1 of's in several decks at the SCGDC event and to say that I was impressed with the tech. Good catch for you! And something for me to consider in my building :-)
-You're probably going to want the 3-4 strands and increase the island and plains count. The temples do slow you down because of the come into play tapped effect and you don't want to wait to remove whatever your opponent is dropping early. -And you really should run 4 End Hostilities. You want to draw these as much as you draw Narset. Keeping the board clean is crutial for you to survive since you're not running many creatures. -I would also run a 3rd or 4th Dig... that's the best way for you to find Narset. -You also might want to run generator servant to try and ramp into her. - -I'm also a fan of lightning bolt over Searing Flesh- the RR is tricky in a 3 color deck and you can go to the face as well as a creature.
Yeah, I tried a pre- FRF Waste Not, but the Dark Deal just screams "play me". And my initial builds did run both the Cut and the Pits, but I'm moving away from the Pits because Bile Blight is all over the format. I was looking at it for a turn 3 play after Waste Not on 2 and DD on 3 with 2 land discards... it would be good for 3 Zombies... and if you hit any creatures on the discard, you could be swinging for 8-10 on turn 4..... unless you get hit with the Bile Blight... I've also been trying to find cards that can really benefit from the mana boost after a Dark Deal w\ Waste Not... aka the Soul Flayer, Endless Obedience, Necro Fiend... I like the Dictate of Erebos, but I don't know if there's enough creatures in your build to really make it worth it. I've also tried the Skullhunter, but so far he's proven underwhelming. And I think that a 3 cmc discard spell should always get 2 cards. Have you done any testing? Do you often have the Hunter on the table when you cast the Diplomacy? Do you ever trigger raid? I think the only way this deck will be able to work consistantly is to have more than one purpose to play some of the cards. For example, you can't have Dark Deal in the deck to only interact with Waste Not, it's just not efficent as a stand alone card and it'll just sit in your hand as you hope to draw it's partner in crime. Not really sure what those other cards are yet... Chasm Skulker, Fate Unraveler, other delve cards... those are the ones I'm working with right now but still not sure on the build.
Hey Maldaron, welcome to the club. Here's what the bunch of us are trying so far...
This is probably more of a mid range deck than an agro deck. With only 2 (two) one drops in the Bloodsoaked Champions, there is very little early pressure. Yeah, the Master of the Feast is a beast, but if you don't draw him, your other 3 drops aren't applying that much pressure. And with only the Hero's Downfall as removal, you'll be vulnerable to any kind of agro deck or midrange deck w\ multiple threats. It's a creature heavy format, so more removal is necessary. And because removal is so necessary, there are lots of lightning strikes and bile blights- which sadly makes the Tormenter less valuable. Lilanna might be a better option than the Tormenter. Maybe 3 of her and 3 Archfiend instead? He survives those Strikes and Blights, and only falls to the destroy effects and Stokes.... plus, if he sticks than he makes the board much more managable by having you deal with only 2 creatures. He might even be good enough to be a 4 of... So I'd suggest: -4 Tormenters -2 Palace Seige -1 Whip -2 Bloodsoaked Champion +4 Bile Blight +2 Archfiends +3 Lilianna Just some thoughts. Hope they help. Happy building!
Here are a few thoughts from mana to maybe swapping some cards: 1) If money isn't an issue for this build, you'll want to run 3- 4 Flooded Strand. It fixes mana nicely and helps delve. 2) If you're only running 1 creature (Narset), then it's probably a good idea to play End Hostilities instead of Anger. 3) Narset and counterspells don't work. 4) You might want to consider cards like Valorous Stance and the Soul Fire Grandmaster from the new set, and Seeker of the Way from the old. 5) You should run some sort of card drawing to reload your hand- the best ones are Treasure Cruise and Dig Through Time, but if you're trying to save your graveyard to delve, then Divination and Jace's Engenuity. Otherwise this style of deck will run out of steam and quickly. 6) I'm a fan of the 24 land, but that's just more personal preference. I think the main thing you should look into is answering the question- what happens when I don't draw Narset?
I'm trying something a little different- need some input please:
Anytime! Hopefully by responding to and linking to each others boards, we can get the best build. It's possible that Empty the Pits will suck and we'll need a new win condition. Just need to colaborate and test!
LOL Toweleeie- I just left a comment on your board about why I support the Secret instead of Mind Rot... I hadn't even looked at this board yet.... hahaha. And Despise is ok, but I have tried that previouosly and it's not as good as I'd like. I've actually missed with it before.
I think that if you're going to run a 3 cc discard spell (besides Dark Deal), it should really be the Rakshasha's Secret. It's the same 2 cards for discard, but with our delving, the self mill is better.
Alright- I've got to know- because this is the second build I've seen that you've included the whip..... we aren't running any creaures to whip back... and it's going to be a real stretch to get to 5 devotion- even with the Whip.
Yeah man! I had been trying to figure out a Waste Not Deck for a while and all I had was the devotion shell- you were the first that I saw that had the combo so.... I'm still not sure on the Endless Obedience though. I want to run something with big delve to really power out since we are rapidly filling the yard. But with this much discard, you're bound to hit something big on their side... And the other trick is to make sure the deck still does stuff toward winning when you don't see the Waste Not. Ugh- need to build and test.
Yep- there's a few of us :-)
You're absolutely correct- Empty the Pits is way too expensive as far as mana is concerned- it's the delve that makes it a potentially playable card. The fact that it's an instant makes it very good in the right deck. Just by itself an end of turn 6 man + 4 cards gives you 3 zombies. so is 6 mana worth three 2\2's? And that's probably only ok on turn 6- there are certainly better turn 6 plays. But what if you have 10 cards in the graveyard? 6 mana and 10 cards give you eight 2\2's ono turn 6. Much better. So the delve is really what makes it work. I was discussing this with another one of us with the idea- see Whiteys list here: "It's not Soulflayer, it's Empty the Pits. My build fits more of a control style so with the heavy removal and discard casting (esp Dark Deal), there should be plenty in the yard quickly and could lead to early zombie beatings. Even without Waste Not, an early Dark Deal will fuel the delve substancially. With Waste Not, it can be down right stupid. After the resolution of the first Dark Deal we'll have 6 cards in the yard- if we hit 2 lands from their discard than we can Empty the Pits for 3 on turn 3, plus any zombies from creatures they tossed as well. Just think- they discard 2 land, 2 creatures, and 1 non creature... you're swinging for 10 on turn 4. I know it's dependant on them having 2 lands to discard, but still... we go totally nuts if we hit that second Dark Deal and they discard 2 lands... yeah, I really need to get this deck built. It just feels like lots of fun." There's a few other comments I made early on that wall you can check out, but there are still a few kinks to work out. I was also considering the Fate Unraveler (I have a whole deck built around him, Master of Feasts and Sign in Blood) but it didn't feel right in this build (not that it's wrong, of course)... again, that's why I'm still tweeking. I'm also thinking of trying a u\b build as well. Adding the Torrent Elemental to swing with a slew of Zombies seems really good too... that deck is still in formula though :-)
I think there's a couple of us trying to break this combo: My build is more of a control build with fewer\ no creatures but very heavy removal. I'm still tinkering as well...
I think I'm on to something here- take a look: It's not Soulflayer, it's Empty the Pits. My build fits more of a control style so with the heavy removal and discard casting (esp Dark Deal), there should be plenty in the yard quickly and could lead to early zombie beatings. Even without Waste Not, an early Dark Deal will fuel the delve substancially. With Waste Not, it can be down right stupid. After the resolution of the first Dark Deal we'll have 6 cards in the yard- if we hit 2 lands from their discard than we can Empty the Pits for 3 on turn 3, plus any zombies from creatures they tossed as well. Just think- they discard 2 land, 2 creatures, and 1 non creature... you're swinging for 10 on turn 4. I know it's dependant on them having 2 lands to discard, but still... we go totally nuts if we hit that second Dark Deal and they discard 2 lands... yeah, I really need to get this deck built. It just feels like lots of fun.
Meh- you'd probably be ok with the Ram, Last Breath, and EH... not likely you'll get to 7 mana against red anyway... at that point, you've probably already won- well, more like they won't be able to beat you
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