Any time. I hope this deck will work out better for you! Azen
Agreed with Scywalker. You'll need some Swamps in this deck.
Hi alexlind, I've played Zombie tribal decks for a while. The strength in playing Zombies is the fact that almost every creature that you play counts as a "Lord" - in other words, they give your other Zombies global pump. These "Lord" type creatures should make up the core of your creature base. Examples are Lord of the Undead, Death Baron, and Cemetary Reaper. I see that you already run Undead Warchief and Zombie Master, which are both very good. In case you haven't noticed, playing Zombies gives you access to all kinds of combat tricks. One prime example is running "Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth" with "Zombie Master," allowing all of your Zombie creatures to become unblockable. Additionally, if you have a larger budget, I would really consider running four copies of "Aether Vial," as most of your creatures will cost 3 mana in total. Hope these suggestions help, Azen
Hi usafcowboy7, I want to point out that Progenitus and Darksteel Colossus cannot be reanimated. Reread their abilities. However, this doesn't mean that there aren't any other "good" reanimation targets. If you can afford them, "Akroma, Angel of Wrath" and the like are very powerful. Otherwise, the deck looks impressive. May I suggest Entomb, Reanimate, and Animate Dead? Good luck with your deckbuilding! Azen
Hi electrickworry, Welcome to Magic! As you'll learn, there are a lot of strategies and rules to adhere to when constructing powerful decks. I'm glad to see that your deck runs 60 cards - many beginners tend to run up to 100, making their decks very inefficient with draws. However, running single copies of cards is generally frowned upon in deckbuilding. This is because your chances of drawing your better spells are very slim. Instead, decide on the individual cards in your deck that benefit you the most and run 3 to 4 copies of those cards. You'll be surprised at your deck's increase in consistency. It's always helpful to keep in mind your deck's purpose when constructing it. Does your deck win by attacking early in the game? Or does it shut down opposing decks with control spells and win in the lategame? When you're deciding on the cards that you want to use in your deck, make sure they fit these appropriate categories. Good luck with deckbuilding and have fun! Azen
Hey Scywalker, I'd like to point out that your deck contains 63 cards instead of the standard 60 or 61. You may want to cut a handful of cards to strengthen the consistency of your deck. Since you're playing very powerful spells like Force of Will and Aether Vial, it seems slightly ironic to run slower / less common cards such as Cathartic Adept, despite the slight synergies they may have with your deck. I would suggest running four copies of FOW and Aether Vial in the maindeck. The numbers in your build also look a bit strange (hence the one-of's and two-of's). I assuming you arrived at those numbers after lots of playtesting? This is, after all, a fifth version of your Wizards build. Regardless, your build of Mono-Blue Wizards looks very impressive. Hope these suggestions help, Azen
Hi Scywalker, Thanks for your advice. I don't think I made this clear when I first constructed my Wizards deck, but I am on a budget and cannot afford "Force of Will." Yes, I know how powerful FOW is in Eternal formats. On the other hand, I'm not sure how common FOW is in Casual formats (as this deck is listed under, if you noticed). I'd like to point out that a smart player would anticipate Cathartic Adept and plan ahead with rearrangement spells such as Ponder & Brainstorm. Regardless, your other suggestions are very good. I did consider draw spells like "Azami, Lady of Scrolls" and even "Fact or Fiction" when I first constructed U/W Wizards tribal, but ignored them due to their high mana costs. Then again, I may have been wrong. Do you have any cheaper suggestions for draw spells? Keep in mind that I DID test "Brainstorm" quite extensively - but picked Ponder over it because Brainstorm was unable to deal with the dead clumps of cards that occasionally showed up on top of my library. I run Meloku in my deck because of its synergies with Magus of the Moat, which shuts down many Aggro builds in Casual formats. However, I can substitute both cards with your above suggestions. I never considered Oona, Queen of the Fae or Stonybrook Schoolmaster. And you are very right about their synergies and strengths. I'll take a look at your own Wizards build. Thanks again for the suggestions, Azen
tyisred, your deck only has 42 cards - you'll need more. Why don't you consider playing a set of powerful burn spells to improve your deck's early game? Lightning Bolt and Incinerate are very good options. Cards like Wild Colos and such are fairly weak. I would recommend replacing them with stronger options. Try Mogg Fanatic and Keldon Marauders. Jackal Pup would even be an improvement. Hope this helps, Azen
Hey matcantreat, The tutors would work very nicely. What do you think about Academy Rector? It's always been a staple of powerful enchantment-based decks. Azen
No problem. What do you think about Forcemage and Champion? I built a Tribal deck too. It's called "U/W Wizards" - check it out!
Oh. I was going to suggest playing both of them, but that may just be me. Either way, keep Urza's Incubator.
Hey Orkpopper, I think you listed your Elves build as a mono-RED deck by accident. You can change this, though. Just click on the "Edit this deck" button. Meanwhile, your deck looks very good. Have your considered Tribal Forcemage, Elvish Champion, and Fynhorn Elves? They would fit nicely. Azen
No problem. I hope this deck will turn out to work better for you! Meanwhile, I've been thinking... how does Dark Ritual look? Early-game vampires could be a very strong play. Azen
I wouldn't agree with that. Both Pyrohemia and Pestilence cost four mana to cast, so you have many dead draws until there are four lands on your board. This won't work, because good Aggro decks can finish the game by turn four if undisrupted. Pyrohemia and Pestilence are, I would agree, very good. I suggest you substitute cards like "Lavamancer's Skill," "Power of Fire," and "Vampiric Link" for better early-game removal.
Hey enragedmg5, I like the Tribal theme! Since every creature that your deck runs costs four mana and up, you'll really want to focus on strong removal so that your Vampire creatures can win in the lategame. Why don't you replace your Aura spells with good early-game options? Doom Blade, Lightning Bolt, Incinerate, and the like should all work very nicely. I've also built a Tribal deck - but mine focuses on Wizards. Check it out! Azen
Hey Exore, You can actually change the title by clicking on the "Edit this deck" button. Realmwizard has some good points. If you find Birds of Paradise out of your budget range, you can use Llanowar Elves and Fynhorn Elves to replace it, as your deck is Mono Green to begin with. Azen
Your discard deck seems nicely constructed. I would agree with the above comment that splashing blue for Nicol Bolas may not be the best idea. However, if you play in a casual environment, that's probably a fine idea.
Although your deck does not have much focus, you configure the numbers in your deck quite impressively for a first try. I have seen plenty of decks with too many one-of's, so good job! You may want to drop some of your less useful cards and pick up more useful ones. As Himthehim pointed out, you do not need 4 Armillary Spheres. At the same time, why don't you get more Terminates? They are both common and excellent removal spells. These are the steps that you want to take to make your deck more consistent and powerful.
Very cool deck. Have you considered using Guilty Conscience? You may be hesitant on splashing White, but Guilty Conscience and Stuffy Doll create an infinite damage loop by themselves - so it will improve the deck's consistency. And finding the combo should be no problem with those Demonic Tutors :)
Interesting decklist. How do you define "fun?" I certainly would not be pleased if my opponent pulled out a handful of P9 on the first turn, heh.
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