HellfireWolf, this deck looks great! You obviously took the time to playtest different options, since you've developed four versions of your Dragons tribal deck. I've played variants of "Dragon Stompy" decks before, but I'm not much of an expert on Dragons tribal. Regardless, here are my suggestions. - The biggest problem in your deck, it seems, is powering out Dragons as early as you can. You already run four copies of Ancient Tomb, but not four copies of City of Traitors. Why not try that? Grim Monolith, Ruby Medallion, and Mana Vault are also very powerful mana accelerants that you'll want to include. - Dragon Tyrant and Dragon Mage are fairly overcosted, even with your acceleration. I would recommend spells like Lightning Dragon and Hunted Dragon. You can effectively deal with your Hunted Dragon's side effects by running Pyroclasm effects, which will double as miniature "Wraths" when you're Dragons attack. These are just my suggestions. I haven't playtested Dragon Tribal much, but I hope this helps! Azen
Hi Kyphrin, The strength of this deck is that you adhere to the basic principles of Sligh by combining Burn spells with good creature removal. There are some areas in your deck that can use improvement, though. I'll start with the basics: 1. Cut out 12 cards from your deck. Although you may want to run all of your best spells, removing the ones that you draw less often or the ones that do not heavily benefit you can improve the consistency of your deck. 2. Your one-of's and some of your two-of's are much too situational, since your chances of drawing those spells are ridiculously low. This can be fixed by increasing the numbers of your better spells. You should consider the staple cards of successful Sligh decks in your build. Incinerate & Magma Jet are better than Lava Spike in your case because Lava Spike cannot hit creatures to clear the path for your own beaters. You'll also want to substitute sub-par spells like Raging Goblin with more efficient options (namely Mogg Fanatic, Keldon Marauders, and Grim Lavamancer). You'll be surprised at your deck's increase in consistency and speed if you use these card choices. Good luck with your deck! Hope this helps, Azen
Do you mind giving us any idea on how this deck plays or functions, mic? It would be easier to make suggestions if you did so. Your deck also seems to be missing eight cards. Azen
Hi nukifeyed, This list looks really good. The only thing that puzzles me is your use of spells like Evil Presence, Viridian Longbow, Gravedigger, etc - you can replace them with more powerful options. The Zombie lord from M10, as you mentioned, is very good. Aether Vial is also crucial to good Zombie builds because it really raises the rate at which you put Zombies into play. Let me tell you about a little trick I learned when I played Zombies. It involves Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth & Zombie Master. You won't ever have to worry about getting through your opponents' walls of creatures ever again ;) Hope these suggestions help, Azen
This looks great! Have you considered powerful creature-based spells like Aether Vial? They'll double the rate at which you put Soldiers onto the board. Although I'm not particularly familiar with Soldier tribal decks, I would recommend Elite Vanguard and Preeminent Captain. Shared Triumph also looks like a top choice if you global pump spells like Honor of the Pure are out of your budget. Keep up the good work. Hope these suggestions help, Azen
Druler is absolutely right. The only cards that CAN be off color are metagame techs. If your playgroup runs a lot of creature-based aggro decks, Fallout or Flamebreak may be worth the slot in your deck. Price of Progress is also particularly powerful in the Legacy format. Keep in mind that these spells deal damage to players as well as creatures - you don't want to wander too far off from the basic principles of Burn.
Looks really good. Blightning or Demigod of Revenge are powerful options, but that may just be my opinion. You can also increase the number of Ashenmoor Gourgers in your deck, since they are amazing beaters. Thumbs up! Azen
Thanks for the comments, guys. unknownhunter763, I'll definetely take a look at your Squirrel build. jjmacgrinch66, your suggestions seem fairly interesting. I'll try to construct something based on Sigil Captain, but remember that spells like Earthquake are hardly effective against the combo. This is because you can trigger the token loop even after Earthquake resolves to reconstruct your entire army. Azen
Hi realmwizard, Don't play Silence, Seething Song, Terminate, or Path to Exile, as suggested in the comments above. The ultimate focus of any Burn deck is to rid your opponent's life as fast as you can. Every single in your deck should be either Burn or Land. You can think of this as the "philosophy" of powerful Burn decks. And you can trust me - I've lost to a lot of Burn players. Lightning Bolt is a powerful choice, as you already have in your deck. However, spells like Figure of Destiny and Ajani Vengeant - despite their effectiveness in other decks - are not fast enough for Burn. You want to run four copies of Lava Spike, Chain Lightning, Lava Rift, and Rift Bolt in your deck. Period. Although Lava Spike is generally frowned upon as a "weak" Burn card, remember that the only target of your spells should be your opponent. And Lava Rift might seem like an odd choice, but the ability to deal four damage for two mana is absolutely ridiculous. Keep in mind that although you take equal amounts of damage from Rift, you will almost ALWAYS decrease your opponent's life total to zero faster than he / she will. It's a bit like starting the game with both players at 16 instead of 20. The ultimate and most underrated weapon to any Burn deck is Fireblast. You have no idea how many times I have sat at four or three life, thinking that I was safe because all of my opponent's lands were tapped out, and then being ambushed by a free four-damage burn spell. These cards should be the staples of your "Burn Quickly" deck. You can find more information about Burn here: http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=34615 I learned about the speed and strategies of Burn the hard way - you have no idea how many times I have lost on the third or fourth turn to good Burn decks. Hope these suggestions help! Azen
Hi psoliver, I've played B/W decks for a very long time. My greatest suggestion to you is to substitute your less useful one-of's (such as Skyhunter Patrol and Dimir House Guard) with more copies of the stronger cards in your deck. Yes, I know that Dimir House Guard's Transmute ability is occasionally helpful and that Skyhunter Patrol is a solid beater - but your chances of drawing them are much too low. The most powerful spells of my old B/W deck were Gerrard's Verdict, Nightsky Mimic, Voracious Hatchling, Edge of the Divinity, Mortify, and Divinity of the Pride. You have a handful of them in your deck, so I suggest increasing the card count of those spells to 3 or 4 each. You'll greatly increase your deck's consistency. Hope these suggestions help, Azen
Hm. Argothian Enchantress is a creature, not an enchantment. Why is it listed under "Enchantments?" Looks like there's a problem here...
Oh, so you constructed this from a random collection. My apologies, then. I guess my suggestions weren't really helpful to you. :( If this deck is doing so well against your playgroup, then your decklist is fine. I would recommend cutting out the more useless spells, though, so that you can play the standard sixty-card list. It'll increase the consistency of your draws. Hope this helps, Azen
Oh, and your deck seems to be missing two cards, doesn't it? Why don't you try Kird Ape or Lightning Helix? Kird Ape lives when you cast Fallout and is generally considered a staple of Zoo decks. Lightning Helix isn't too shabby, either.
Great deck, sadams5993. You can get rid of the "0x Jungle Shrine" and "0x Lightning Bolt" by clicking on the "Edit" button and hitting the "x" buttons beside each card. I've never seen a more straightforward Naya build. Look at all of those four-of's. My only suggestion is to either substitute Ball Lightning with another three-drop (such as Boggard Ram-Gang) or to throw a handful of dual lands into your deck, as I can imagine how tough it is to find three red mana. Keep up the good work. Azen
Thanks, Druler. I was never aware that I can't use "Blink" abilities like that anymore. Thankfully, I can replace Magus of the Disk with the original "Nevinyrral's Disk." That would work, right? I cast Ghostway first and THEN trigger the Disk's ability. I just want to confirm this before I edit my deck. Also, one of my original plans was to use "Mangara of Corondor" in conjunction with "Blink" effects. I read about decks using abilities like Karakas to bounce Magara before it removed itself from play, creating a powerful loop. Is this still permitted in Magic? I'll definitely consider Kitchen Finks. Thanks for your suggestions and help, Azen
Not everyone can afford Force of Will, Vedalken Shackles, Mana Drain, and the like, you know...
Lonewolf, have you heard of "Counterbalance?" Legacy format players have recently been using it in conjunction with "Sensei's Divining Top" to create a very powerful lock / search engine. Your deck would be almost perfect for this Countertop combo. Otherwise, your deck looks very strong. Morphling and Phantom Warrior are powerful win conditions for any Mono Blue Control deck, but MUC players have recently been favoring a combination of "Meloku the Clouded Mirror" and "Spire Golem." This is just a suggestion, though. Keep up the great decks, Azen
There's also something strange about the title of your deck, isn't there? Mono Red Decks are supposed to be aggressive, early-game builds. I've never even heard of "Red Burn Control." Perhaps you should consider that.
Hi Rakkan, As you have already pointed out yourself, your deck needs four-ofs instead of one-ofs and two-ofs. Lightning Bolt, as you mentioned, is strictly better than Shock. So why do you run one copy of Shock over four Bolts? You'll also really improve your deck's consistency if you run 60 cards and eliminate the single copies of cards. Other staple spells of Mono Red decks include Magma Jet, Browbeat, Incinerate, Mogg Fanatic, and Grim Lavamancer. Consider these cards over the more subpar spells that you run. Otherwise, your deck does a good job of applying early pressure with beaters and Burn. Hope these suggestions help, Azen
Hi upchuck33, Your build looks very solid and powerful. I would suggest replacing the Ledgewalker or Spark Elemental with the staple cards of R/G Aggro decks (such as Kird Ape). If you want to have more consistent early-turn wins, consider replacing the pump spells and Cone of Flame with efficient Burn spells. It never hurts to throw in a couple of Incinerates, I guess. These tips probably mean nothing to you since you lost all of your cards, though. Either way, I hope you find them! Azen
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