I suggest Glimpse the Unthinkable, but that may be out of your budget.
Have you considered Watchwolf? I think it fits your deck nicely.
Hymn to Tourach and Mind Twist are incredible discard spells. I would play Doom Blade or Smother over Dark Banishing.
Agreed with Talmidutak. Have you considered Mana Leak or even the original Counterspell? I think they'll help. Capsize is also very strong, from what I remember.
You should read these two primers, cheesekiller. I think they'll help. http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=134485 http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=148666
cheesekiller, if this fits in your budget, you should play Gaea's Cradle. That thing is absolutely ridiculous in Elves. Some of the most solid beaters in Elves are Wren's Run Vanquisher and Talara's Battalion. I've also heard of Prison Orb-oriented Elf decks (the creature mana makes up for the lock). You should consider these choices!
My casual decks usually take budget into account more than decks of competitive formats. I play Skullclamp not because it's overpowered, but because it is budget. You're right, though. Hm... are you sure that Heritage Druid is too slow? I've seen it in a lot of Elves decks, but that may just be me.
I've heard from some people that Heritage Druid needs to be in every Elf deck. Then again, I don't play Elves - but you can consider the Druid. rileyandholly88, do you play casual or competitive formats? I'm only asking this because I've been criticized for suggesting budget cards like Skullclamp (a lot of people think Skullclamp is too powerful) as a casual player.
Heh, the name is a bit misleading... I'm a casual player.
zxc is right. Determine your strongest cards and play four copies of those. Is having a single copy of Holy Day or Jump any useful?
Sigh... not everyone can afford Moat, but Magus of the Moat is a viable replacement, if you really need to stop attackers (although it's vulnerable to removal). Deck looks great. Thumbs up!
Control decks usually have a handful of threats. If Morphling, Mana Drain, and Force of Will are out of your budget, you should play cheaper spells like Mana Leak and Meloku, the Clouded Mirror. You should consider playing Capsize. Capsize is pretty ridiculous.
It's an interesting mill deck that floated around Standard for a while. I can't find the primer, but here are some sample decklists. http://www.deckcheck.net/list.php?type=Turbo%20Grinding
I love Turbofog (except when I'm playing against it). Great deck!
He's trying to keep it on the cheap side. In casual play, there are little to no restrictions, but budget is always an issue. Have you heard of "Turbo Grinding?" It's a pretty cheap mill deck. I think you'll like it.
I think it's very innovative. That Storage Matrix trick is neat!
I don't think so - the closest thing that I can find are Draw-7's like Windfall, but those are only good in combo decks. If it did exist, it would probably be REALLY powerful... (assuming its mana cost isn't too high). If you want solid & fairly recent draw spells, try Mulldrifter or Cryptic Command (although Command is a bit pricy). Older sets offer amazing draw spells. Fact or Fiction, Impulse, & Brainstorm are great choices.
Goblins can be VERY strong, just as long as you're willing to spend some money on the deck. The staples of the best Goblins decks are "Goblin Lackey" and "Goblin Piledriver." Then again, those cards cost up to $10.00 a piece...
We don't hate your deck, skittensro. Why would we? We're just giving you tips on making your deck better and on making you a better deck-builder in general. If you're fine with the way your deck plays in your playgroup, then you can keep it that way. Please, don't take any of these comments as "attacks" on your deck. They're friendly suggestions :D
Nice deck! Boris has a point, but it's easily fixed. Play solid removal spells. Since you run Sol Ring, you should also consider Mind Twist. There's nothing worse than being hit by a Mind Twist for four - and you can trust me on that.
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