You jest. Nothing can surpass the Bone Saw.
Bone Saw. Storm Crow. I know where my loyalty lies.
This is my new favorite deck on Vault. It may be a crapshoot, but it's got big, brass balls.
Also, revamped for post-rotation. Give it a look. Tell me I'm an idiot.
This is very, very, VERY cool, and I'm a little jealous that I didn't even CONSIDER Pentavus at all. Sheoldred and Norn both work well with Wurmcoils and each other. It's just a damn shame that when rotation hits, losing Marsh Flats is gonna make the mana base that much harder to make all three work reliably together. Still, when it happens... Hawt. Jesus, dude. You might have given me a reason to splash black.
Sorry about taking so long to get to this. On it.
Like I said, as a dick move. XD
Gut Shot. Just as a dick move.
Man, I took third place at Nagoya '96 with this bad boy.
Might ixnay some basics for Colonnades. Might be good for the mirror match, huh?
We approve.
This deck is simply enchanting.
I told you, fucker. I fucking told you.
This might make Bludgeon Brawl hilariously legit.
Also, I'm an idiot for not giving props to ya for the Idiocracy reference.
Thank you, sir/ma'am/other.
Good stuff. I'm a fan of Hippogriff getting back infinite Wurmcoils. Something to think about with Birthing Pod is something I was trying to do with arguable success (i.e. not well at all) would be a Birthing Pod food chain with "hit the graveyard, X happens" effects. Might post one later. Every successful porno needs a sequel.
Doesn't this deck won't stop getting better.
Yep. Being a broke-ass bastard necessitates I move on to wider formats. Standard = Paper. :\
I'm guessing this is a good thing.
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