Dude, if Sundial worked on an opponent's turn. Maximum hardness.
Best thing I've ever seen was a Knowledge Pool deck repeatedly steal win conditions like Big Jace, Titans, Wurmcoils, and the like with things like Unsummons and Spell Pierces. Knowledge Pool is a great card. Goofy, unintuitive, and not at all tournament worthy, but it's a blast. It doesn't win. It simply raises its middle finger to the game and messes things up.
Yep, keeping this Standard, and trying to get off the Zendikar crutch.
Grand Abolisher is a major stumbling block. Oblivion Ring, when it gets though, messes me up something terrible. Mimic Vat with an Acidic Slime loaded into it is the absolute worst thing. Anything that can win by turn four, like goblins. Hurts. This deck has a lot, lot, LOT of counters, but I bring it upon myself by insisting upon using both Birthing Pod and the Amulets. Sexy, sexy cards. Sex > Winning.
Chalices are rotating. I'm desperately trying to keep this T2-ready come October. No Chalices and See Beyond hurts me really bad. Thrummingbird is GREAT. No place for it here, though. I think Vapor Snag/Unsummon is the way to go.
I'd much rather lose Norn that be denied counters the whole game. Abolisher typically comes out turn two. Which blows if I take the draw. Ratchet Bomb is an option. However, it's too damned slow in an already slow deck. HMMMMM.
1/1 unblockable for one. Nothing wrong.
And surewhynot saves the day. We approve.
Yes. I'm a huge fan of Gelectrode.
Makes sense. Hmmm. Fuck.
Venser is a real muthafuckin' G.
Two Boots and a Sheoldred, or two Sheoldreds and a Boot(s)? Decisions. (I'm insanely jealous of this deck.)
I suck at mill and mill accessories. That said, I THINK this is a good deck.
Repaid in kind. I've done nothing wrong.
Indeed. Grand Abolisher IS a problem, though. And anyone running whit is gonna be running Abolisher. Hmm. Is Unsummon in M12? Pop it back on my turn, then counter it the following turn. Horrendous card disadvantage, but I'm tight on options.
That's a fantastic idea. However, I'm trying to keep this as mono-blue as possible. Don't wanna be yet another punk playin' UW control. Of my group that 'gasms over Birthing Pod, I'm the only one keeping it mono-colored. The_Stinkweed_Pimp has Esper down, and islaybanes rocks WG (with Grand Abolisher). Find me a one-mana counter is Standard and I'll kiss you.
Brass Squire might kick ass. Hmmm.
See Beyond was like the condom to my infinite lust. Now I'm going bareback.
Who needs draw when you've got the Forgemaster?
See Beyond IS a nil point with Amulets. Good job.
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