hehe, love it, idk how plausible it is in standard but it looks amazing.
Kozilek's Predator and Emrakul's Hatcher Are both good token cards because they give you tokens and they are solid bodies while you wait for a broodwarden.
Bloodghast is a great card but it's not the point of the land fetching, vamp decks need to draw good cards in the lategame and fetchlands thin out the real lands so you don't draw them. On the side, terramorphic expanse is bad in comparison to the other fetch lands because it sets you off tempo by taking a mana for the turn.
Why not add in Ranger of Eos and some of the big one mana threats like Dragonmaster Outcast and Scute Mob (Your Sigil Captain will pump them both!!) . Also: with the powerful 3- drops why don't you have a 4th Bloodbraid?
What many people fail to realize is at the very least Dauntless Escort is a 3/3 for 3 which isn't shabby and then you add on that effect it becomes extremely flexible.
Why not use Ascendant Evincar?
No Lorthos? Ah well...I like the looks of this deck, you could use another mind sculptor. Try to put together a sideboard and if you can actually build this deck it could be a lot of fun at ur local FNM.
I agree with the inclusion of urge to feed but if you follow all of this advice you might as well have net-decked.
If you need card draw sign in blood works just fine, also look at Chandra Ablaze. I think this deck may have some merit but running four colors is always tricky.
It looks pretty good, I would have excluded the armorsmith and swordsmith though. Where you lack removal Entangling vines could have been useful but even runeclaw bear would have been better because its less mana intensive so you can cast it more consistently. Congrats on the Baneslayer btw.
I agree that Vampire Nocturnus is to overratted, 99% of the time it's removed before it does anything, bloodghast is a great card however, if you need more go to a local card store on Friday night, once the tournament is over there are always a ton of people willing to trade, thats how I got my playset. Good luck.
I like the looks of it and i'm coming up blank on constructive criticism right now...+1, only thing I see is flashfreeze in main deck but now that I think of it everything at fnm is red or green (grrr, i hate net deckers). one last thing, if you haven't check out the new allys coming out in worldwake, 2 more weeks and this deck could be a steamroller: http://www.wizards.com/magic/tcg/article.aspx?x=mtg/tcg/worldwake/spoiler
IDK what he's talikin bout. I like the looks of this, lot more aggressive so who cares if its not standard as long as its fun. +1 only thing Id say would be drop the glory of warfare and throw in some steppe lynxs
Green is preferred because of the mana acceleration, I like this deck though but I think blademaster is better than white knight.
oh! oh! oh!, if ur interested rhys the redeemed, umbral mantle and heritage druid=infinite elves that u can make 4/4 tramplers
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but i just put this together, you replicate spells as you cast them so you have to have the mana before the spell resolves so it doesn't start an infinite loop. None the less, it looks like a pretty consistent multiplayer deck.
Cool, i like it +1
very nice, +1 but try to watch your language, this is a public site.
KK, Built the deck finally and found out it was a bit mana heavy and vampire light (go figure, 20's not enough) so I've concluded that Ob Nom wasn't the best card, replaced him with vamp noc, slotted in some blood seekers and sign in bloods to smooth over any previous issues.
just put this together, your combo doesn't actually require blue so you could build a say...black red deck that uses dark ritual and seething song to get the combo down sooner, I know no one in our group packs artifact removal intentionally (yet). Also, so as to not anger every one, find a fast kill so we don't have to sit through 80 turns...If not, ill start packing naturalizes and such just for spite...
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