I partially agree with Zeny, ball lightning fits but the rest of it needs to go along with the dragon fodder. Keep working though, your pretty close to a T2 Burn deck.
If you want cheap white enchantments try lifelink, holy strength, and journey to nowhere (its a lot better than pacifism because it removes the creature from the game
Right now im looking at a really strong beatdown deck with some room for improvement, try to streamline the deck so that it uses less slow cards (emeria angel, luminarch ascensin, Sunspring Expidition) and more fast cards (Bladetusk Boar, Goblin Guide, Kor Skyfisher) also, you are running with to many enchantments and artifacts and to few lands and creatures, my green deck tried to run on 12 creatures once and it didn't work...I see some vicious potential here though. Thumbs up.
This is my kind of deck, slide in some Terra Stompers and Kalonian Behemoths, another Garruk Wildspeaker would do wonders as well, one last thing, look at elvish piper, its perfect for playing Big Green Creatures.
I would suggest going mono-white, you could throw in some Brave the Elements to prot your creatures from DoJ and Sunspring Expidition can gain life along with celestial mantle. Look at some standard cards and check it out, i think you'll agree.
I would drop green out of this deck, sub in fogs with safe passage, its a bit more expensive to cast but you would eliminate a lot of mana problems that 3 color decks hit, If you do that you can replace your elvish visionarys (a turn 2 1/1) with goblin guides (a turn 1 2/2 with haste!!!). I know it kills the name and a bit of the sideboard but i think it would fix any mana problems you might have to deal with.
I like the looks of it, really expensive deck but it looks solid. Where landfall really only helps your 2 sunspring catacombs I would suggest replacing the Arid Mesas and Verdant Catacombs with Kabira Crossroads and some other basic lands. Another nice card since you don't seem to have much of a budget with this deck is Baneslayer Angel, it's kind of ironic that she works so well with vampires but a 5/5 with flying, first strike, and most importantly LIFELINK could help you out.
Meh, to expensive to be blockable, only fesable drop target would be on a Baneslayer Angel and thats a huge path to exile/doomblade target.
You might want to consider elvish piper, its in M10. If you drop that early you can drop Iona or something else big through it and have a ton of mana left over.
Not going to lie, I think the vampires could get out of hand but while everyone is freaking out over them I'm going to see what I can do with allies, Kor, and maybe merfolk (their isn't much to work with for merfolk yet but I'm sure it will come)
It could use a few cheaper enchantments, Holy Strength and Lifelink maybe? Add some removal to so you don't get owned before you get Uril out, Path to Exile and Lightning Bolt would do great. I like the concept, thumbs up!
Definitely has potential, I'm going to hold of a verdict but you have the right cards, with a landfall deck I would suggest a higher amount of mana though. Make sure to update/repost when Zendikar is added to the database.
Wow, thanks dude, thats nice! If you have any other suggestions I'm open to them.
I'm pretty sure mirrorweave does copy the vig and flying because Favor says "enchanted creature has", its like it writes it on the card as long as the enchantments in play, actualy, id be interested if anyone could tell me more about that...
I agree that the Slavedrivers should come out, to mana intensive (it seems to be a Grixis trend), the infectious horrors are nice in multiplayer so I wouldn't say take them out completely but maybe take 2 out. Aside from that it looks pretty good, right now im picturing a Thraximundar weilding an Unscythe, Killer of Kings where it either slaughters 2 creatures and gives you a zombie or kills one and hits for 10+ (maybe add a second one...idk). Also, btw Congrats on building a deck that Bolas can work well in, it's a rarity.
It looks pretty well put together but I do have a suggestion or two. Great Sable Stag is an amazing sideboard card because it destroys a blue-black control deck but if you run it in your main deck and your playing a non-blue and/or non-black deck its no different than a Wild Nacatl (maybe replacing it with a Cliffrunner Behemoth could help you out). Also, adding a few Jungle Shrines would help your mana conversion but also consider that many of your lands are non-basic and that means your Wild Nacatl isn't that good. Like I said, it's a sound deck to begin with, I tend to type to much because I like to explain why I make my suggestions.
Hmm, I made a deck similar to this once, it wasn't to terrible, I used the outlanders though and just a few of the blades. Also, if you check out my deck http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=28180, it does a similar thing only it is more selective with creatures and uses Knight of New Alara to buff them, check it out.
Hmm, maby if it had a howling mine of font of mythos it would be more of a threat then. That would give it enough creatures to overwhelm the opponent.
Lol, I was on the run and didn't stop to think, there is a sigil blessing and yes, that would be a lot better than sigil of the nayan gods, ill look into it.
Good call, I assume you mean sigil of the nayan gods, I'll see where i can add it
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