This is fantastic. I went looking for good ideas to make into budget decks but this one was so cheap on its own. I sir, applaud your deck creating abilities. I don't know of any cards that would help this weakness, but is there some sort of counter to extraction decks? I feel like this may have some issues with them.
Dang. I envy you if $100 dollars is budget in your eyes.
Just a thought, but with such a spread, you may want to just go ahead and make this into an EDH deck. You are almost there already. Just need to add 2 cards and make all of them unique instead of the few 2x's you have. Oh and pick a legendary.
I love budget decks. I think you have some better cost to card choices though. For instance the Rancor's you have make up over half your budget. That is pretty harsh. I would consider scrapping those and maybe some of your equipments in favor of some cards that will keep you alive. Sure you can ding them for unblock-able damage, but you cant defend yourself either. So the opponent will just swing at you with all they got. I recommend Fog to keep them from swinging on you too much. Also your mana curve is super low; which is awesome, but I personally think you could get away with fewer lands. Personally in this I would put about 20. Otherwise, I like where you went with this. I think I may just "borrow" some of the ideas here.
Not sure if trollin'? The mid is going to be heavily skewed by the listings that are super overpriced where as the low is assured to have cards that low. Only issue is shipping which usually ends up adding $5ish but I can hardly factor shipping while I build a deck. That would be silly.
I really like the Shape Stealer recommendation on that. Although some were too costly for my budget and the others were too costly manawise for my deck. Especially with the early on aura-work at play which will take mana priority. Great suggestions though. I really appreciate the help.
I have no specific recommendations but you may want to take a look at the white spirits in the kamigawa block. Drogskol reaver is way too expensive IMO and I think a card like Kami of the painted road may work better in its place. Especially when playing monodecks. I mixed in some auras with mine if you care to see my take on spirits:
Forgive me if I am mistaken but doesnt rings of brightearth not work with Basalt monolith due the qualifier of rings saying "if it isnt a mana ability"?
Great idea on the ravens crime and the cry of contrition. Black cat I kept away from because it gave the opponent a little too much choice over if (s)he took the discard or damage. Got rid of mind rot, which for the mana cost wasn't as economic as the 2 you recommended and dropped horrifying revelation for the raven's crime. Thanks for the awesome advice!
There is a couple items in this deck that will give you issues. Firstly, your land balance is way off. Your mana symbol occourance is 3blue/7black, so your lands should usually reflect that ratio. There is a Mana symbol occourance box on the right side of this page that can help you identify that. Second, you have several creatures without infect that you want to add enchants and instants to. That is essentially 2 cards to get the effect you want, without the spell, you're doing normal damage which wont help you. I would suggest opting for more infect creatures and spells that make the creatures unblockable that way if you dont have the spell that goes with it, you can still deal poison counters. Hand of the Praetors will also be more effective that way. Here is my variant if you wanna see what I am talking about;
I had them in there for a while. They were the last cards I had to pull to get it under $10. At $0.80 a pop I just couldn't afford them and I really wanted to meet my $10 target. I wish though. They were very nice. I would also like a couple more conscriptions but they cost an arm and a leg themselves.
Great input. That deck is a great constructive example of how a new player should make a vampire deck... *rolls eyes*
I went into this expecting a deck that really wouldn't be able to play that fast but after drawing a few hands I was very pleasantly surprised. Great work. The only card I am not a total fan of is the strangleroot geists. I would consider dropping them for more managain but that is just me.
I like this deck but a nice card for this might be Quest for the holy relic. That may help with the insane equip cost of Worldslayer especially if you run a few cheap knights like student of warfare. A few more cheap artifacts and Puresteel Plaidin may be a good throw in for that tough equip cost too. Otherwise, I really like this deck and will likely try to make one based on it sooner than later.
Aww man, now I want to make a Kor Deck. Its a shame some of the cards here are so non-budget for a budget deck. Especially the stoneforge mystics. What are some alts you could throw in that would bring the price down a bit? Or do you think that would break your system?
Took your advice on the 9/9s. Wanted to keep it pure beast so I just added a pair of mana. Birds of paradise is way too costly for this deck anyway. Hand draws seem pretty stable with the land gain I have goin on. Thanks for the help!
May be interested in my deck. I used Whitecdiddy's deck as an inspiration but I was super cheap so I made it for under $10. Admittedly though, this deck likely plays a bit better than mine.
I know you said it was unrefined but what is your fail-safe against decking out. 1/5 of your post doomsday cards should be a graveyard reshuffle. especially since - 3-doomsday 4-land, obliterator -4 cards left in library 5-land, mask - swing for 5? - 3 cards left 6-equip mask - swing, destroy all permanents 2 cards left 7-obliterator - swing - 5 damage - 15 left - 1 card left 8-obliterator - swing for 10 - 5 heath left - 0 cards By my math, you cant get him down to 0 in an ideal situation, let alone if he can kill one of your obliterators. Outside of that one piece, I think this is fantastic. Given 4x dark rituals and 1x feldons cane for when you doomsday and maybe another 3 doomsday just to increase odds. I think this deck could be very scary.
With 10 cards at over 4 mana and so many of your low cost cards being discards, you may benefit from a dark ritual or 2, especially when it comes to creature decks. Sign in blood may be unneeded for this. The vampire hexmage may not be the best bet in here either as her usefulness is very deck specific. I would consider swamping her out for some sort of early defense or something inexpensive with deathtouch.
Very nice deck. Do you actually have this deck or is it just a template on here. I understand the mechanic well enough but I am curious as to how it does in actual play.
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