It may be a good idea to run 4 land fetch instead of the extra 4 land. A set of 4 'Birds of Paradise' or 'Lanowar Elves' actually would be nice. Give you something useful to do on turn 1. Plus, by the time you get to wiping the board, you should have enough mana to survive without them. So they aren't really a wasted card.
Given the relatively low mana curve you run, you can really get away with about 20 lands. This doesn't directly speed it up, but I think you will find the adjusted land count will make your games flow better. Personally, I would use the free 4 slots to throw in some creature kill to deal with anything that you can't make your opponent discard.
Both the elder and Doran cost 2 bucks a pop. They are nice cards though. I would love to have them but this is pushing the high end of my budget as is. I agree with you on Verdeloth being not the best but he is cheap, which is a huge draw. He and the Battlewand Oak are the first on the chopping block when/if I find cards to switch them out for.
You know, with all the blinking and token-gen. 'Soul Warden' may be a beneficial card to throw in. It would move away from your Spirits theme but it would offset a bit of the bite from a direct damage deck. Also, really digging the deck cost. Props on that.
I would scrap the Sunpedal Groves in favor of 2 more Graypelt Refuges... Not because it makes the deck better, but because it will cut your deck cost down to about 4 dollars. 60% of your deck cost is those 2 lands.
I love decks that stick to a budget. It is very refreshing to see. I like where you are going with this but I think you may want to drop the 2 "Think Twice", the 4 "Elqaud Shieldmate" and the 3 "Void Stalker" in favor of something more suiting to your needs. You could likely work out some neat things with "Invisible Stalker" if you want to go the creature based route. "Hedron Crab" as well. "Jace's Erasure" will play well if you want to keep your card draw up. "Jace's Archivist" will be very mean if you go that route. Otherwise, I am a fan. I will have to make a deck based around Doorkeeper at some point. That can get beastly. These are what I run when I go Mill, both may have cards to your liking. Deck link: Deck link:
Unfortunately, goblin bomb is a $2 card >.> I wish I could go that route though. You have a point on the electromancer, I just didn't want to plagiarize too bad. I went ahead and added him anyway. At 4 cents a card, who wouldn't, right? I just really hope the card draw makes up for the sole Fabricate. Catching the Thumbs are sort of key to this deck. Killer idea BTW. I was gonna respond to your deck with this one but since you seem to have found it on your own, I suppose I will forgo the self-promotion.
This may be the least constructive comment I have ever been left. I sir, applaud your blatant self-promotion. That takes a lot of 'not caring what people think of you'.
Yeah, I only wish there was a Terra Eternal equivalent for enchantments. I really like the dual card type idea and run a creature/land variant.
I passed on security blockade due to manacost and sideboarded Crackdown because my play group uses a lot of mono-white decks. Great call on story circle though. Initially I passed on it because I felt I had enough protection but upon revisiting it, I think it may be a nice swap out for the pricier ghostly prison. Thanks!
Shouldn't this be a deck challenge, not a deck?
Why Scab-clan mauler in this deck? Is he just to stick with general theme? He seems a bit out of place being a berserker and not a warrior. Also, with dropping so many 'little' cards, a quest like Beastmaster ascension may be awesome in this deck. It would definitely help going into the endgame if you haven't managed to get or buff a Lambholt.
Man. Champion of Lambholt would be bomb diggity in this deck. Unfortunately it would be cost prohibitive though. =/ What would you recomend I take from your deck? I liked the pit-skulk personally.
That is a good idea. I would need to run white though. Should I make this a Naya deck? Also, I opted away from non-soulbond creatures as I wanted to stick to the theme. The speed does suffer as a result.
Terrifying presence may be a better choice than Moonmist, unless I am seriously missing some werewolves hiding in your deck. I do love Undead Alchemist though. I'd recommend running 4.
Don't let me discourage you away from black. If your typical local game will let you get away with a slower ramp then by all means take advantage of it. If you do want to jump ship to Red, you can take advantage of your board wipes also functioning as an alt win condition with burn. That may free up a little wiggle room. I can't speak for your local games, but is board wipe really an issue once you have an Eldrazi out? If you were to throw in some trample instants, I think the threat of being hit by a ~10 power trample alone would be enough for your opponent to waste much of their board blocking. Annihilator not even considered. Just a thought.
Reshape, Tinker and Kuldotha Forgemaster are cards you may want to look at for this deck. I also like prototype portal on cheap artifacts but that is going to increase your mana curve a bit. Personally I would see Grand Architect as the first card to cut but thats just me.
You may be hurting pretty badly for early game creatures. Gatekeeper Vine in place of some of your 4 cost cards may be something to look at. Bottled Cloister may be a good candidate to get rid of. Otherwise I am a fan of this deck. Very intimidating if it can ramp quickly enough.
You may want to look at adding Cloudpost if you are going to run the glimmerposts. You can also run Kabira Crossroads for more life. Since you have a lot of low cost creatures, the "Enters the battlefield tapped" shouldn't hurt you too much. You also may want to scrap Phyrexian Unlife. If you drop below zero life with the cards you have, you are being overrun and the extra ten poison counters are unlikely to save you. Especially if you haven't hit a chalice of death yet. We actually made very similar decks. This is mine if you are interested: I may just steal the Rhox Faithmender idea for mine.
Ha, you know at the top of the page, your deck is the one listed as the inspiration lol. I am the guy who replied saying I was making my own from your idea? Looks like I cant afford the grieves anymore though, budget passed $10. =/
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