Because he/she is planning to add Ajani Vengeant in the future (If I understood them right) And Ajani costs 2RW
I would take out 3 damnations and 1 swamp then add in 1 mountain and 3 tattermunge maniacs. (Have a pumpable attack force if you can't get spikeshot working.)
The thing is your deck requires 1 creature to win. Without Spikeshot out this deck just loses horribly. I know you have 7 tutors and 4x Spikeshot so 1 in every 6 cards with net you a spikeshot but he's way too fragile. You pretty much have to get the Lightning greaves on him to keep him shrouded but that still doesn't protect him from global spells. Also Circle of Protection : Red = Lose for you.
Just a little Block-Constructed Treefolk Deck I concocted. Comments?
Very Nice and Very Fast and Very Powerful, The only problem I see it having is against a lfie gain deck or a wrath/damnation.
Do you have AIM, if you do we can set something up over that. My screen name is acofatty
I can never figure out how to play control too well (I'm an aggro player mostly) so no control here and this is a theme based deck as well so they should be about on par.
I'd kill off the Scarecrows and add 2 Recumbent Bliss and 2 Phantom Warrior.
Yes I can, Holy Day, Darkness, Circle of Protection : Artifacts, Unmake, ect ect (And thats jsut my W/B can't touch this deck)
It is getting a tad better but I still don't see it winning too often. Would you like to play against one of my theme based decks on magic workstation for me to show you what I mean by win it will have a hard time winning.
Heh sweet, lets pit my kithkins against your gnomes and see which midgets will reign supreme.
Sweet cant wait to see it.
By the looks of it I think he/she is trying to keep it T2 legal so Twincast wouldn't work to well.
You should pretty much get the idea of the deck, Make tons of little guys and smash your opponent(s).
I'd replace the curse of chains with Drowner of Secrets. It can tap your Grimoire Thief like you need it to and it gives grimoire an extra mill.
Eh the Assailants are pretty similar (Just a creature based restriction) and I always want to have a viable 1-drop to field early in the game. Assailant will also Trigger Battlegate Mimic and can create a lightning helix with balefire.
Theres really no win condition here. I guess you have a few burn spells and then you have a 5 mana creature with unblockable (Basically) to beat on your opponent but other than that this deck is just pretty random and I don't see it winning very often.
Well it's yet another W/R deck using Ravnica and Eventide Hybrid/Multicolor cards. I love the balefire liege in here just because it makes my creatures huge while making every spell in this deck double as a lightning helix (A damn handy spell) It's a heavily creature based build but thats what W/R is all about, The Battlegate Mimics run off every spell and the rest of the creatures bring something handy to the table. Everything is realitvely cheap I can peak this deck off at 5 mana.
Take out the 4 mutavaults add 1 forest, 1 swamp, and 2 garruk wildspeaker.
You need to add more forests in if you want the accelerators to work. I'd go 8 forests and 3 of each other base land.
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