Okay first of all Cinder Pyromancers can not deal their damage to creatures it's to players only, so I don't see why you think they'd help unless you need a chump blocker which in that case I'd just go Mogg Fanatic. Secondly I have 20 1 drop burn spells that deal at the very least 2 damage and rift bolt does 3. Swath Doubles all the damage I deal. And I don't worry about their creatures too much because If I can burn them faster than they can attack me.
I'd drop 2 wraths and 2 damnantions and add in 4 unmakes.
I also tried this on Magic workstation I took out 2 of each land and put in 4 blazes and it works pretty nice. The 4 extra blazes may not be more resistant to counters but having 4 extra game finishers helps when you can't draw Kaervek's.
Not really seeing as though it's.... 1. Not T2 Legal and 2. It's not even a sideboard worthy card.
Nope it says Sorry you already have 4 of this card in your deck. I wish there was an option.
I'd take out Ascendant Evincar and Lim-Dul to add 2 more Shepherd's of rot. If you want a better 1 mana goblin then Mons's Raiders I'd go with Tattermunge Maniac. It's a 2/1 that has to attack each turn which I find better than Mon's. I'd also change it to 3 Carnarium's and run 5 mountains. Last change would be take out the call to the grave (nice but expensive) and add 2 more coats of arms (Just as expensive but will pump your zombies more) Those changes should help make your deck better.
If I put in lightning bolts it is no longer T2 legal.
I realised why THrumming wasnt in, I thought I was running60 when I was running 64, I am taking out 4 darkness to make it 60 cards.
I'd take out the Sceptre's and Colossus' and add in 4thunderblust, they're just an even bigger nall lightning/spark elemental and it persists.
Added stones back in.
Thrumming stone was in there why is it gone now. And the doors are kinda expensive for this deck and lower my rat count.
Well this one is also only legal in Legacy.
I'd maindeck the orbs and sideboard the shushers because not everyone plays counters.
Take out 4 jaws of stone and 4 burn trails, put in 4 dead // gone and 4 mogg fanatics. Other that that it looks pretty decent.
Yes add 3x Test of endurance and take out 1 boon reflection and 2 patrol signalers.
I'd kil off the river's grasps and add 2 more counterspells in for starters. Other than that I'd just try to see what 2 of's you have and cut some not so good ones to make a better one a 4 of.
I believe I have improved your deck with my T2 version of it, check it out.
Rats are what the deck is built around. Darkness is an early game card to hold off your opponent til you can get your rats fielded. Extripate helps against, Burn, or Rune Snags, or just any annoying utility card that people run 4x of. Midnight Charm can tap a creature or give me 1 life and make a weenie die, It is just in there for the sake of surviving to turn 3.
41-58 of 58 items