
9 Decks, 58 Comments, 0 Reputation

Okay, not to be rude but this deck is going to get ran over so quickly it won't even be funny.

You have good mana accel I give you that but 9 times out of 10 the towers are useless. I have seen Tower of Murmers and Eons been put to good use but Champions and Fortunes are rarely any count.

Also you have nothing to fight against Red or White weenies. Red will burn the crap out of your accelerators while swinging away at your life and white will just kill them in a head on fight.

Posted 01 September 2008 at 23:56 as a comment on


This is my version of Rock in T2 with elves. All the elves in this deck sync really well together and the 8 removal spells are just dandy. Any Suggestions?

Posted 01 September 2008 at 19:50 as a comment on Dont Rock the Boat


THis deck is kind of slow, I see RDW and Kithkins running it over.

Posted 01 September 2008 at 01:27 as a comment on burning lands


I am already running shock, So I guess you just didn't see it, and I will consider the Fiery Temper but seeing as it goes non-T2 in a month it wont be in for long.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 15:49 as a comment on BurnoMatic V1


I have been considering 4 rats for 4 darkness and probably will change that but I don't think I'll be running the druid, It's green mana and I have to pay life for it which doesn't feel right to me.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 15:31 as a comment on Relentless Rats t2


Splendid Deck. (And by Splendid I mean expensive as fuck.)

It is a very solid Rouge deck and I think It will do exceptionally well at FNM or just in casual play.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 15:29 as a comment on Rogues redux


Then take out the Oblivion rings and the Bannerett for 3 Unmakes. Very nice removal.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 15:26 as a comment on lifelink weenie kithkin


Like Truck26 said, Stalwart and Knight of Meadowgrain are the bread and butter of kithkin decks. They are very cheap and very powerful. Unless you're wanting to play something like Battletide Alchemist, the Banneret is just taking up a useless slot.

Suture Spirit isn't even a Kithkin and Mosquito Guard isn't any good in my opinion,

Here's what I would do take out the Suture Spirits and Mosquito Guards and add in 4 Stalwarts and Knights of Meadowgrain.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 15:26 as a comment on lifelink weenie kithkin


How about unmake? 3 white mana for a remove any creature from the game. THere are no limits to what type of creature it can remove, it doesn't go to their yard so you don't have to worry about Recursion, And it doesn't destroy them so it can RFG Indestructibles and Regenerators.

I find Unmake better than Oblivion ring in a monocolored deck because if Oblivion Ring gets destroyed you're shit out of luck but the worst thing that could happen to Unmake is a counter.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 15:22 as a comment on Glorious Prison


I'd take out 1 Liege and 1 Cavalier and put in 2 Tolsmir Wolfblood. A little expensive at 6 mana but if you can drop him in the late game with a deck like this it's pretty much GG.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 15:18 as a comment on Swarm


I'd definitely 4x the counterspells and if your not using this for any specific format how about 3x mystic snake, A counter and a Body is always nice.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 15:15 as a comment on The Drakes


Hmm I really didn't know I missed the Auntie must of been a misclick, I'm definately making room for 3 aunties.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 15:12 as a comment on Goblin Go Boom


You may consider Browbeat, 3 mana is cheap potatoes for 5 damage to an opponent or 3 cards for you.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 05:36 as a comment on UR Milled


Hmm interesting deck idea but it's like what I did with my AggroMill deck, you're using 2 themes that just do not synch together. I thought 2 ways to hurt your opponent was good but if you can't make either way work then your deck is crap. That's why nowadays I usually focus my decks around one strategy and one strategy alone.

I'd try to make your deck a control/counter deck while working to pull off your combo and just cut the elves off.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 05:34 as a comment on Changeling and Elves Alliance


/sues Gruul overlord

I'm not a thallid expert but from what I see here it looks pretty awesome.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 05:31 as a comment on Sock Drawer


So why not make Oblivion ring 3x and make unmake 4x? They both cost 3 mana and Oblivion Ring's removal is less stable.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 05:13 as a comment on


Seen this deck so many times it get's boring after a while. Really no suggestions seeing as it's a pretty solid deck.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 02:56 as a comment on Token Elf


If he added lightning bolts it would make his deck be out of extended.

The only thing I could see helping is Tattermunge Witch because for 2 mana you can +1/+0 your creatures and give them trample. If you want to run Witches I'd say Replacing Blades of Velis Vel would be your best option.

Other that that I like your deck and it is nicely done.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 02:35 as a comment on Speed Kill


Just for the sake of consistency, I suggest taking out the wirefly hive's and adding in 2 more Mogg Assassin's and Take out the Crazed Firecats and make your land count 20 mountains.

Also take out the Impulsive Maneuvers, It's most likely going to hurt you more than help you in this deck.

If you do those changes it should give you a more consistent deck and get you down to 60 cards.

Posted 31 August 2008 at 00:29 as a comment on Bring your horseshoe


I like the colors but I really cant find any strategy in your deck, tell me how it's meant to work and I'll do my best to help ya out.

Posted 30 August 2008 at 23:11 as a comment on Changeling and Elves Alliance


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