i think "sword of body and mind" could help on token making for those couple of creatures that dont make tokens. just a suggestion. other wise great deck love the title card.
awsome deck i have a friend named corey who is using the same card as his edh main card
yes play the bushwaker first you will still hit for a totel of 21
this is a very good interesting deck one that i would play great job
verdant catacombs insteed of the misty rain forest
sarkhan vol thats what your missing
somthing that in the catagory of making the Armament Master indestructible but other wise good, its all on taste like if you want more aeronut and less skyfisher or more hookmaster
how does this deck work, i mean i know you lose alot of life for the death shadow but is there more to it
thats a pretty combo i love it
oh sorry i forgot add more swamps you wont be able to get anything out and wont have alot of mana for the consume spirt and tendrils of corruption
4 gatekeepers and only 2 bloodchiefs only because the chief is a legand its not like you can have two out at the same time
like it just need to wait for world wake to come out to know the other cards
very intersting, maybe if you had jace belren, just a suggestion but if not thats fine
ok it is defrent i can say
yes jaky-bake it does but still the deck is ok just get rid og the acttive volcano
it is good i like it alot i have a a deck like it but trools plz read and rate
remove bituminous blast for Abyssal Specter
it is desent definetly one you wouldnt see much but maybe try to replace Brooding Saurian with somthing else but other wise good job
insteed of the helion twincast the meteor for 26 damage
still very good
61-80 of 87 items