if u want mill add tome scour
like the deck been meaning to make a turboland my self
i personally like sorin as a possibility. and maybe a litle more lands
like the deck
yup but still fun and pshh who plays memoricide, pithing needles are so overated
clever combos great work
i agree definetly playable and easy cheap
awsome idea so many ways to convert it. could have great potential
drop birds (even though birds is awsome) and add noble hierarch or however its spelled it fits the format and deck better.
plz comment
yeah the myr thats indestructible is ur best option. just watch out for the nihil spellbomb it will screw ur game up bad
ornithpthor was my flying chump blocker if needed that i could bring back with the titan but then i realized what control was all about in the first place and decided to change it. im still under budget so cant afford day of judgment with the titan. in fact i had to take out the fortress' to make up for them. and thats also why i am playing the sun instead of frost titan. i mean come on frost is way better right. thanks for comments
like deck. id personally play Contagion Engine instead of clasp. it may cost more but you get to double proliferate.
like the deck verry out there. one question wat is your general card.
plz comment (remember im on a budget so no playsets of jace or really expensive cards. im lucky i can get sun titan in there)
very play-able would use if i had the money for cards
mirri the cursed. both the first card ive got from a draft and ever in my time playing magic sisters of stone death. first card i got from a trade both are the same to me in sentimental value
ajfuhrer7 MTG for life
looks like you just took the duel deck for tezzeret and swaped out a couple cards. but thats fine i did the same thing.
like this deck. been looken for a good red deck
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